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Bravely Bearing my Blog

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    Bravely Bearing my Blog

    Hi, all.

    I want to provide a sneak peek at a 'lil project I've been working on for some time and am pretty excited about. It's my blog and is over here. I'll be promoting it pretty heavily soon but wanted you to see it first. I'll be trying to drum up some sponsors soon so I can continue to provide the message board, website, research, etc, ad-free. This is a fairly standard internet model.

    It'll also allow me to have a little fun. I've read many of your posts green with envy, to be honest--wanting to jump in, but feeling a bit like the schoolmarm, as board administrator. Maybe that's misguided, but for newbies, in particular, I've not wanted to appear flippant when they've finally found a place that offered hope. (But I'm thrilled this has been a playful forum for so many and hope it will continue to be so.)

    The blog feels more like a journal--well, that's what a web log is after all, an online journal--and I'll be able to write in much more of my own voice. To date I've tried to address some of the most pressing questions (e.g. how to find a doc to help you get started, what elements of the program I'm following, etc.). I've included some of my own serious research as well as naughty behavior--sorry, the latter has nothing to do with drinking! I've linked to a fun and funky radio interview I did recently, provided an inventory update, and today, printed up a reading list of what's on my nightstand. I hope you find it interesting.

    I'll continue to monitor this board closely...and respond on the blog to what I read here. But this community has become so rich in membership and self supportive I really feel it's time for me to make this move.

    Would love some feedback--I'm especially hoping there'll be no angst over offering the PDF free there for a while; I'll use this as a promotional tool to attract visitors. For those of you who have recently purchased it, get in touch with me via PM, and I'll make it right.

    Oh, until I'm able to attract corporate underwriting, the ads on the left are a result of a simple Google "AdSense" campaign, so I can't be sure what lands there. It's pretty funny actually. I think I get a few cents for each click, but Google doesn't tell you up front. Eventually, I hope to replace them with official sponsors.

    Thanks in advance for taking a look-see! Feel free to bookmark or add it to your news reader. It's at :-)


    Help keep our forum strong--make a contribution to My Way Out. Or show your support by becoming a Subscriber and enjoy enhanced features, as well!

    Bravely Bearing my Blog

    I love your blog! Great way to keep in touch with the source.

    Although I'm logged in on THIS site, Word Press wouldn't let me log in to post a comment to your blog, so I'd like to comment here.

    Regarding the bookstores, I think your book would fly off the shelves! I have read a BUNCH of other books I've discreetly picked up at B&N. The Easy Way came closest to helping me, but recommends abs forever, so I kept looking for another solution. MWO has been a lifesaver for me. I am just starting my second week, sticking with the supps and Topa, getting into the exercise, and looking forward to starting hypno. (Your blog about the Kudzu explained why my purchase of the Extreme Pack has been delayed, and thanks for the explanation.)

    BTW, I thought it was rather ironic that your advertisers are Barnes & Noble and Borders!

    Thanks, RJ, for still being here. The support on this site is another essential ingredient of the program and I don't think you stress that enough. (You and Brenda supported each other when you started out.) It's what gave me the courage to try it and the desire to really succeed this time. There's something magical about reading the stories of dozens of others who have been in the same miserable situation I was in, all wanting to dig out, cheering each other on, and offering unconditional, nonjudgmental love. An amazing place to heal. Thank you again for giving us this space and continuing to be here for us all.



      Bravely Bearing my Blog

      I agree the blog is great!!

      Thank you for having the heart and soul to share all that you have done and continue to do. There are no words that can express how grateful I am to have found MWO.

      Big hug.


        Bravely Bearing my Blog


        As usual you're working to strengthen the support of MWO! Thanks for your continued personal support.


        I still wish you could've joined us for the New York weekend, we had a great time.

        :h Brandy


          Bravely Bearing my Blog

          Ditto on all above comments! I assume that there will be a place to log in over there, so we can comment soon. You know we can't help ourselves but comment, right?! LOL.
          I'm still working things out "my way" every single day. I agree it is completely empowering to know you have this incredible support, and people going through the same thing as you are. I'm lost without my computer! Brutal, but true. I do much better when I can stay close.
          So until the time comes when I've just got the whole drinking thing solved forever (hmmmmmmmm), I'm sure I'll be here in some capacity!
          Love ya, RJ!


            Bravely Bearing my Blog

            About Bravely Bearing Your Blog!

            Dear RJ,(or whoever you are)

            Congratulations!!!! Fabulous work. Really ... excellent work!!. Since you asked, I feel this level of work and endeavor deserves a serious and comprehensive response. So I will do that in another email.

            For now, my first impression is "excellent presentation" and "excellent marketing tool". And more than that --- excellent way to get the mesage out to those who need help & those in the healthcare who wish to create progress and cure in this area.

            fyi: Tried to access your blog from plain internet & could not get to it -- blocked by some wierd login. Wondering where you will advertise your blog & get it into the search engines, etc. Please let us know.

            As I said, since you asked I will do my best in evaluation, when I have time.

            Meantime..Congrats...Well Done! Well done!

            And I thank you personally!!

            Love, Chrysa


              Bravely Bearing my Blog

              Way Cool, RJ!
              AF as of August 5th, 2012


                Bravely Bearing my Blog

                Just read your blog. First I would like to thank you for this site. Even though I dont post often, I do read often and gain much inspiration. I wish you continued success in this journey. You deserve it.

                Much Respect
                :h Syd


                  Bravely Bearing my Blog

                  I loved the hearing that radio interview again. I actually heard it live when you did it, and it is the reason I found this site.


                    Bravely Bearing my Blog

                    newbie here, WOW! what a great blog RJ but I did just bought the book on sunday and I don't know what you mean by " getting in touch by via PM". Please let me know because this is slow going for me due to money woes.

                    P.S. Just found and listened to your interview with KQRS. I had heard it the day you did your interview and that is how I got started with the reading of all the posting and finally buying the book, which is great so far!

                    Thanks sooo much
                    Patti :happyheart:


                      Bravely Bearing my Blog

                      Hi and thanks. Loved the blog and love you too...thanks...i heard you on the radio (kqrs in mpls/st paul) and now I am on my own road...thanks dear friend for making a difference and thanks for the honest blog. i laughed my ass off on the borders story and the computers. I went to the borders in st paul and did the same thing just for the sisterhood. thanks again.


                        Bravely Bearing my Blog

                        Hi and thanks for the Blog! You have made a difference in my life. I first heard u on the radio (kqrs in st paul/minnesota) and am on my own road now with your help. thanks for everything. I love your site and all the "community". I laughed my ass off with the borders story and the computers and want you to know that i went to the borders in st paul and did the same thing ...just for the sisterhood of it if nothing else. thanks again! Great blog. dont stop.


                          Bravely Bearing my Blog

                          Hi Millie,
                          Patti here aka newbie, glad to find a fellow minnesotan on this site. I heard about this web site on KQRS and I have been enjoying reading all the messages. I'm glad that RJ has made such a difference in your life I hope this can also help me. well I have to get off the net my dog is bugging me to go for a walk. I hope to talk again sometime.
                          Patti :happyheart:


                            Bravely Bearing my Blog


                            Gosh, thanks, all of you, for the wonderful feedback! I'm humbled, can't tell ya.

                            Just posted a fun one on the blog, still need to clean it up a bit--but I'm behind and gotta get off this 'puter. It's about, of all things, taking hoodia for craving.

                            This blog is fun, it lets me share my day with you.

                            Thanks again, everyone.



                            Oh: and PM is free, it mean "private message", which is available to all members once registered here. Simply click on the member's name and you can send them an internal email. It's part of what makes this community great...connecting with others.
                            Help keep our forum strong--make a contribution to My Way Out. Or show your support by becoming a Subscriber and enjoy enhanced features, as well!


                              Bravely Bearing my Blog


                              I like your blog! It keeps us in touch with you, even though you are busy! It will keep us up to date with all your reseach. But please just sometimes just add something here as well.
                              You don't even know me.............but I am so grateful to you!
                              Lots of good thoughts going your way!
                              Just keep on swmming, just keep on swimming!

