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Army Thread 29th May

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    Army Thread 29th May

    Cy, well done on stopping this one after one day.
    Thats better than before?
    What triggered it do you know?
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      Army Thread 29th May

      cy,im here for you,youve had control,remember the 1st days of AA are very hard,its like being on cloud nine,my friend this is a lerning xperience,pls dont put yourself down,that could leed to a worse self distruction,im so proud to call you my freind gyco


        Army Thread 29th May

        ps youll never let me down , to here your stories gave me more modivation in my life then any other time,we never fail till we stop trying,and even then theres no failure


          Army Thread 29th May

          One day IS ONE DAY !!!!!!!!!
          Let it stop there. I have had that happen to me 3 times in the last year but I haven't considered myself a failure ..........I just fell in a pothole on the road to sobriety.
          Don't you DARE use this as an excuse to KEEP DRINKING.......Did you hear me ???
          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


            Army Thread 29th May

            I cert won't be drinking today. The excuse was the footie was on and my mates were out.
            To Infinity And Beyond!!


              Army Thread 29th May

              I wondered if that would trigger you....
              Well, at least now you know and you can move heaven and earth to avoid it next time.
              Even if you have to go sit on the moon for the evening :-)
              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                Army Thread 29th May

                Cym, we're always one drink away from the rest of our problems. I WISH you knew, truly, how my heart feels about you, now and all the time. It's when we begin to feel comfortable in our sobriety that we have to be on our highest guard. Think of it as being one of the elite commando squad members who protect people like the US President, the UK PM, Kings, etc. If every day is calm and uneventful, we begin to take for granted that everyday will be. But we know from the news thats not true. Everyday, we have to be on our highest guard. I could not love you less, as I could not love you more. You are a soldier, a survivor. You will be tested again, and you may slip again, you will be no less a man. You will be, however, in the end, a sober man.
                Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                  Army Thread 29th May

                  Cy, don't beat yourself up. Just get back on the saddle and look ahead.

                  Best of luck!

                  :beach: "You can't go uphill thinking downhill thoughts"
                  AF since 10/11/2008


                    Army Thread 29th May

                    cymru;623847 wrote: Hello everyone. Today I hang my head in shame. I am back to day1 all over again. Don't know why I did it. I am not going to let this disease kill me. Alc won this one battle, but I will win the war. I'm sorry to of let all of you down.
                    Thought so hun when you werent there last night......

                    Hope to see you tomorrow eve. Bizarrely Im on now my 3rd good girl day

                    Been a busy one today, Supermarket, Bought Clothes (Whee!)... didnt make my meeting at 1pm as was too hot - Lame I know but meh and Im getting resentment over a certain person at AA and found ignoring her at yesterday's meeting a bit petty and exhausting lol - Cy, I posted this in yesterdays thread but a certain person texted me Weds night telling me I shouldnt be at meetings if Im still picking up now and then. I was raging but luckily some good people rang me yesterday and stopped me getting pissed all day in a resentful f-ed up mood!!! LOLOL!!

                    Also just heard the news that one of my best friends is having a baby! YAY I am so thrilled

                    Hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine xxx


                      Army Thread 29th May

                      Don't ever feel like you have let US down. I'm glad to see you back with us to start again. The future is yours.....just remember we love you and we're here for you. Love, Krigs
                      "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                        Army Thread 29th May

                        your not letting anyone down Cy, this place is all about us propping each other up.
                        So, turns out your human and have weaknesses, join the club!lol!
                        You are doing great.


                          Army Thread 29th May

                          This is why I love this place...
                          Guys you are all amazing....
                          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                            Army Thread 29th May

                            Cy, I have a friend who has been in AA for years- every now and then he relapses- he emailed me the other day and said he no longer beats himself up about it- he has accepted he is what he is, and that is that.

                            Don't beat yourself up, you have done brilliantly- at least it will have reminded you Al is just an illusion- it does absolutely nothing for us.


                              Army Thread 29th May

                              You are a very special person. So much so, that when I read your post I actually physically gasped aloud because I hurt for you. We ALL know what disappointment we feel in OURSELVES when we slip....I hated to see you in such pain.:l..........but, you did 6 months before so now you know you can do it! You have whipped yourself enough so now put a smile on your face, knowing how many people think highly of you, and hold your head high into the sun.
                              Finally Free


                                Army Thread 29th May

                                Marbella, I just looked at your gallery.....Are ALL those lovely animals yours???????
                                Finally Free

