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The Next Day Thread, Sat 30th May

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    The Next Day Thread, Sat 30th May

    Morning everyone
    I cant believe this thread hasn't already been started!! you must all be having a sleep in.
    Well its a lovely day here today, im not sure what I am going to do today, as there is lots to get done and I don't know where to start.
    But for now I am just taking it easy with a nice cup of tea.
    Hope you all have a great Saturday
    Love ronnie xx :whee:
    :dancin: enguin:
    starting over

    The Next Day Thread, Sat 30th May

    Well I have decided to do some weeding and mow the lawn if I get ever get my arse into gear!!!!It has taken me 2 hours and 3 cups of coffee later just to get dressed and put my shoes on!!!
    Its funny how just one little thing can put you into a bad mood. I am waiting for an email from my eldest son's soccer coach to let me know what time and where he has to play tomorrow, I have already complained to him that he does not give enough notice on match games as I have two other sons which play in different teams at different times and I do like to be organised. It does'nt help that I have to rely on someone else to take my eldest son to his match tomorrow as hubby has got to work as I am taking my two other sons to their match. I just think that it is really bad that you have a huge soccer organisation (one of the biggest in W.A, so they say!) and they cant arrange a piss up in a brewery (pardon the pun)
    Well I have had my rant hopefully for today, I suppose id better get some work done
    Chat later
    Love ronnie xx
    :dancin: enguin:
    starting over


      The Next Day Thread, Sat 30th May

      Hi Ronnie. I can't believe nobody has been on today, 'cept you.
      Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
      AF May 23 09 to July 09
      AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


        The Next Day Thread, Sat 30th May

        Hi Ronnie and Pan.

        I know how you feel about the sport. My friend rang this morning to tell me that hockey was cancelled. For some reason I am not receiving emails from them. Had a bad night last night with my son, it has been 3 days since he split his head open but his nights are getting more disturbed.


          The Next Day Thread, Sat 30th May

          Hi Pan & Ezz,
          how are you both going? Your poor little boy, is he ok in himself though?
          :dancin: enguin:
          starting over


            The Next Day Thread, Sat 30th May

            Hi Ez. I wasted the whole morning waiting for a friend to turn up who didn't. He said late morning, so I waited around till 1.30 and took the dogs to the beach. Still no message on the phone when I returned. Email going out to him soon.

            How did your son split his head open Ez? Head injuries are really painful for weeks. I know.
            Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
            AF May 23 09 to July 09
            AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


              The Next Day Thread, Sat 30th May

              Pan, dont you just hate it when other people just waste your time, I hate that!!!!
              :dancin: enguin:
              starting over


                The Next Day Thread, Sat 30th May

                Yeah and this bloke is usually so reliable too.
                Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                AF May 23 09 to July 09
                AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                  The Next Day Thread, Sat 30th May

                  Hi Pan

                  it was an accident, he was shoved into a wall at school. we have had a lot of crap happen this week but still sober. almost 28 days now.

                  sorry to hear about your wasted morning.


                    The Next Day Thread, Sat 30th May

                    Wow Ezz 28 days thats great news have you set yourself a goal or are you just going to see how it goes?
                    :dancin: enguin:
                    starting over


                      The Next Day Thread, Sat 30th May

                      It wasn't actually wasted. I got stuck into the housework. Today is Day 8 again, for me. Well done on 28. You must feel fantastic!
                      Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                      AF May 23 09 to July 09
                      AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                        The Next Day Thread, Sat 30th May

                        you know I don't really think about drink anymore. I haven't set any time limits, I am basically just living my life at the moment AF.


                          The Next Day Thread, Sat 30th May

                          Pan - well done to you as well for day 8 - hows it going?
                          :dancin: enguin:
                          starting over


                            The Next Day Thread, Sat 30th May

                            Ez, I didn't think about drink anymore after 30 days or so. I was a bit scared to mod actually. Now I know why. Won't do that again.

                            Going good ronnie, but I took up the smokes again, just so I do the whole thing like last time. I gave up the smokes nine days after going AF, so I'm doing it the same again. Tomorrow is last smoke day.
                            Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                            AF May 23 09 to July 09
                            AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                              The Next Day Thread, Sat 30th May

                              My god pan - I dont think I could ever give up my smokes and if I did I would'nt give them up the same time as booze, you must have some will power and a half YOU GO GIRL
                              :dancin: enguin:
                              starting over

