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    desperate now didnt manage day 2 :upset: got pulled over for a routine check was over limit on a large wine dont know what to do feeling so very low.....


    I am sorry that this happened. Everything happens for a reason - maybe it took this to get a reality check and realize that something needs to change. This could have been me years ago - but after I had kids I will not drive even if I have had one sip. In my youth I drove hammered all the time and only by the Grace of God did I not kill someone or myself. Please drink some water, calm down and just get a clear head before doing anything. Please no more wine and DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE ANY MORE! Again, I am so sorry that this happened, but this might be your wake up call - we all get one in one form or another. Please be well and get a clear head before doing anything. You have friends here.



      Tara1 your not alone here, we are all here for you, just keep reading the posts and of course keep posting, we all support each other, so any advice or help just post and there will someone who can help you, just dust yourself down and start day 1 again, you can do this.
      Love ronnie xx
      :dancin: enguin:
      starting over



        Hi Tara. I'm glad you posted again. There isn't much you can do, I'm afraid, as far as being booked, except accept it and be grateful you didn't hurt anyone. This is a message to you to stop drinking now.

        What you can do, is pick yourself up and start again. It sometimes takes a few times to get going. Just keep trying. You did Day 1, so you can do it again. Just tell yourself you can have a drink tomorrow if you don't have one today. Tell yourself that the next day and so on and before you know it you will have reached 7 Days AF (alcohol free) and you will be thinking much more clearly and feel so much better.

        So sorry you are feeling so down now. Understandable, but don't bury it in alcohol.
        Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
        AF May 23 09 to July 09
        AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.



          Hey tara1,
          I'm sorry that you're upset.
          Put it behind you. What's done is done, just make sure it doesn't happen again.
          You can be that person you want to be. You just have to make it happen and don't let booze or anything else get in your way.
          We've all effed up and that's why we're here, to make sure that drink is not the reason we mess up in future.
          Take care.




            Sounds like you did get your loud & clear wake up call - listen to it!
            Put a stop to the drinking now!
            It's your decision, it can be done. Thank God that you are Ok, no one was hurt.
            Do whatever you have to do to take control, it's your life. Spend the rest of the weekend focused on yourself. Rest, drink plenty of water & tea, eat good food, stay away people & situations that usually involve drinking, etc.
            Nothing will change until you make the commitment to change.

            Do it, you won't be sorry.
            Check in often, we'll be here for you.
            Wishing you the best.
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:



              Tara...been right where you are and worse. You can turn it around. I know it feels like you can't, but you can. Stop drinking.....get some rest so you can start thinking clearly. You can do this. I dont know where you live, so I dont know what your laws are. You need to get legal advise. I would advise you to ge some help. Even if you dont agree with the AA philosphy it will look good for you when you go to court. Take from it what helps and leave the rest there. You dont have the buy the whole program hook line and sinker. I dont agree with everything I read here...I take what is valuable to me and leave what isnt....I wish you the best. I know you are scared and emotional right now. It can get better.
              Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear



                There you are Tara. I only started on Day Three today...wanna hang with me, maybe we can stick together. I am going to the country today...about an hour away. We ALWAYS drink and drive. Not today though. It will be for sure a boing ride while I am cranky and so not in the modd to even leave this bed right now. But I will get up because I know I need to and I need to quit feeling sorry for myself. Your story of the other night helps me remember why I am not going to stop for a case before we leave. I gambled all these years and one DUI was amazing for all the times I really did drive. Hope you are doing well today.
                Give a man a beer, he'll waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, he'll waste a lifetime.



                  Not feeling much better not touched a drop though going to get an early night ,coz didnt sleep much at all last night......would be nice if you could hang around with me a little while I find my feet:thanks:



                    Will do tara.
                    I'll be here for a little while.
                    You'll feel better soon, just give it a chance.



                      Have youself a good long bath when you've got half an hour to spare before bed. It never fails to make me feel better. I have one most nights. I just lie there and soak.....



                        Tara, get some rest and come back to the boards when you need to. we will be here.




                          Tara, I am so sorry to hear about your troubles. I am facing a DUI hearing next week. It was from a DUI a year ago April. It kept getting postponed. I have been driving every since (sober) and havent had an instance. I do have an atty hoping that it goes well. Anyway the more time that goes by..the better you will feel. I promise



                            Best of luck with your hearing cacky. My first/only/last DUI was last Sat and I'm hoping I don't have to wait a year to wrap up things and have it well behind me. Good for you for not going there again!:goodjob:



                              Tara, sorry to hear about your trouble, I also think these things happen for a reason, it could have been worse, nobody was injured. I feel I had a wakeup call a few days ago, I was horrified at what I did, but I haven't had a drink since. Just hoping I keep feeling like I do now.

