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    morning all another lovely day here,and i had the pleasure of meeting,startingover,one2many,limers,boozehag,and dragonfly.we had a grand time together and yes they are as mad in the flesh as they are here,i don't know were they came in the race but they were all very tired last nite.have good day everybody

    :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

    Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

    This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


    Good morning Mario.
    I'm glad you all had such a great day yesterday.
    I'm still high on the news that my daughter's going to have another baby in March, though how she's going to manage with three kids under three and a half, I have no idea.
    Also I'm thinking about poor Rusty576 who lost her son.
    What a truely terrible thing to happen.
    I hope everyone has a peaceful and sober day.



      Well done Girls for completing the race you have all done really well (hope you are not aching to much!!!!)
      Love ronnie xxxx
      :dancin: enguin:
      starting over


        ARMY THREAD 2nd JUNE

        hi all,mario how did you make out,how long was the race,congatulations,did you get a word in at all hahahah,


          ARMY THREAD 2nd JUNE

          Greetings all!
          Thanks for the update Mario. It must have been a huge experience, and what a great achievement by one and all. Bravo!

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            ARMY THREAD 2nd JUNE

            Hi all and well done Mario and Co.

            Woke up pretty late after not sleeping too well in the heat, but off to work in a bit. Very saddening news lately re Rusty's son and that plane crash on the news yesterday.
            Spooky how a plane can just 'disappear'

            Anyway, a random bit of a laugh, this is possibly the best anagram site Ive ever seen. Have made all sorts of amusing words out of people's names.

            Internet Anagram Server / I, Rearrangement Servant : anagram, anagram, software, anagramme, anagrama, wordplay, word play, anagram creator, anagram solver, anagram finder, anagram generator, anagram maker, anagram unscrambler, anagram machine, crossw


              ARMY THREAD 2nd JUNE

              mario;625957 wrote: morning all another lovely day here,and i had the pleasure of meeting,startingover,one2many,limers,boozehag,and dragonfly.we had a grand time together and yes they are as mad in the flesh as they are here,i don't know were they came in the race but they were all very tired last nite.have good day everybody
              "They" were very tired? Mario, don't tell me YOU weren't after being around that lot! :H
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                ARMY THREAD 2nd JUNE

                Morning Troops, Hold on there Kitty.........let me have my first cup of coffee before I try tackling that one, me eyes don't seem to be quit of YET ....LOL
                It was such fun to meet Krigs. What a lovely lady she is. Beautiful inside and out. Next time she WILL stay longer and bring Hubby along........That's SURE to be a great time !!!
                It's a beautiful dry, sunny day and I only have to endure one more day of this abscess before another delightful root canal. I am really looking forward to that (as much as one can look forward to a dental procedure) and then on to Disney's animal Kingdom the next day with the grandkids. Life is wonderful, sobriety is wonderful, you all are wonderful ........especially the brave Dubliner's' who ran their proud little camel toes (and Mario's $@&%#?) OFF .........LOL
                You all did us PROUD !!!!!!!!!!!!!
                sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                  ARMY THREAD 2nd JUNE

                  Good Morning Army
                  Well done on the race Dubliners!! Wishing you well with the Dentist today Evie. I hate going to the dentisit. I am still trying to get my broken tooth fixed. Ugh. Very difficult to find someone when you have no insurance or money. Hope everyone has a great day.
                  "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                    ARMY THREAD 2nd JUNE

                    Sea, do they have dental schools around where you might get a deal? They have a tech college here where they do inexpensive cleanings. Humm... that might not work without one actually having a license for real work. Do they practice on cadavers? Or fake teeth? Maybe they split up cadavers.

                    optometrist - eyes
                    neruologist - brain
                    otologist - inner ear
                    dentist - teeth
                    plastic surgeon - nose
                    necropheliac - CT
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      ARMY THREAD 2nd JUNE

                      Hi Zen.
                      The only thing I'm complaining about is that it's to cool down tomorrow.


                        ARMY THREAD 2nd JUNE

                        thats a couple of miles thnx zen,at least they dont over do it like i did,moderation in everything,use to run up to 60 miles a week maybe thats why the body is in such a disarray,hahaha,chronic excessive,o well,i hope there all well,this thread is slow with out all the talkers hahaha,need to see some pics,later gyco


                          ARMY THREAD 2nd JUNE

                          Hi all. Had a great day in the sun today, and am feeling much better. Wonderfull weather these last couple of days. Looking forward to the run reports and pics of oney's tasstles!!!!
                          To Infinity And Beyond!!


                            ARMY THREAD 2nd JUNE

                            Zenstyle;626138 wrote: LOL Pops, as long as you get the Brit "weather-moan" in there somewhere!!! :H:H

                            Gykes, that's a lot of running. I'll bet that did cause some wear and tear. I stopped jogging on the treadmill and switched to the elliptical machine...
                            I've got little else to moan about Zen.
                            I'm feeling great. My mood thingy would read Mellow, Cool, No Worries, Optimistic, Relaxed, Sober, Learning, Inspired, Happy, Breezy, Healthy and Yeehaw all at once if I could get it to do that.


                              ARMY THREAD 2nd JUNE

                              Hello All
                              For once I am on the same time as you lot. Still in Dublin - just me and Starts left in the hotel. Oney and Limers left just a little while ago. Starts is having a little nana nap and then we are going to the movies and then the pub to pick up men. We had a ball with the girls and we all agreed that we never would have imagined any of us could have had a girls weekend away without alcohol. We had sooo much fun. We never even thought about it - it was great.

