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Anxiety reduction - de-stress - mindfulness

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    Anxiety reduction - de-stress - mindfulness

    I've recently decided that much of my dependence on AL was because it was a quick way to escape stress and anxiety. Tough day? A couple drinks fixed that. I've been very discontented with other fixes like SSRI's (I took Zoloft) which get rid of depression at the expense of getting rid of happiness.

    My current work is on using CBT and Mindfulness to produce a physical reduction of anxiety. This article seemed very timely to me:

    Mindfulness training busts stress -

    Anxiety reduction - de-stress - mindfulness

    Thanks boss man, I'm sure that I am dependent on al because of anxiety. I have had one session of cbt. Just hoping it works. I will look at the mindful training.


      Anxiety reduction - de-stress - mindfulness,

      This reminds me - about 5 years ago, I took in my 14 year old great-nephew (for 1 year) while his military parents were deployed. He was a nice kid but had many difficulties due to ADDHD. The military docs fed him Ritalin, starting at age 2 but did nothing else to help him.
      When he arrived, I saw an intelligent, undernourished young man that couldn't keep his eyes open during school hours who wanted more out of life. I asked him if he would like to discontinue the Ritalin (which we carefully stopped) and started him on a Japanese Psychology program called Mindfullness-Attention from the This program uses Naikan & Morita therapies to improve attention & concentration, etc. It worked wonderfully for him. He left here a much changed, happier young man.
      This program would probably do wonders for a lot of people here at MWO!
      Worth looking into...................
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Anxiety reduction - de-stress - mindfulness

        boss man, A very useful article...thank
        Finally Free


          Anxiety reduction - de-stress - mindfulness

          Interesting article -- this is something I have been actively working on for the last couple of months.

          I have been attending classes which discuss the new Eckhart Tolle book "A New Earth" in detail and it is all based on the same lines -- being present in the moment.

          Lavande, I am perusing that website as we speak -- my daughter is ADD and been on Ritalin for the last 10 years and we are keen to find an alternative method to help her concentrate -- thanks for the link.
          "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


            Anxiety reduction - de-stress - mindfulness

            I've done some mindfulness courses in the past and am going to try and add that to my abstinence arsenal.
            Don't know if you've heard of this book, but it utilises mindfulness specifically to deal with addictions. Highly recommend it.

            MINDFUL RECOVERY: A Spiritual Path to Healing from Addiction Thomas & Beverley Bien

            Current attitude towards addiction: Why ask why? Just accept that it is, and go from there ...


              Anxiety reduction - de-stress - mindfulness

              I find attention to mindfulness a very powerful tool in my struggle.
              I've researched it a lot, and practice as much as I can. It can be applied to every part of your day as a sort of meditation. Focussing on 'the moment' if you like, takes you away from worries about the past and anxieties over the future and plants you directly in the only place that is real. The moment.


                Anxiety reduction - de-stress - mindfulness

                hi boss,i to was put on meds,you name it i was on it,but at the time how else do you treat a patient,out of control, in my case i had to be put in touch with reality, the drug did that,i found when i was on the meds i had to make a decision whether i wanted to get better or be a zombie all my life,but was i not also doing that with my addiction,a zombie,it wasn't just the weekend thing anymore,it became every day,like meds,a job, exercise, i dont beleive society has advanced enough yet to comprehend what the merry go round ride, we get on,eventually we come to an understanding enough is enough,there are many methods out here to battle stress,we have to choose the rite path or we get lost in the mess, thnx boss,good thread,gyco


                  Anxiety reduction - de-stress - mindfulness

                  Yes I agree this is a great method and learning about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy has helped me immensely.
                  "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                    Anxiety reduction - de-stress - mindfulness

                    Thanks, Boss. I am finding a tiny book very helpful in this regard, Peace is Every Step by Thich Nhat Hanh . It seems sweet and light at first glance but transforming as one returns to it. I read that Nhat Hanh is "a cross between a cloud, a snail, and piece of heavy machinery." Love, Ladybird.
                    may we be well


                      Anxiety reduction - de-stress - mindfulness

                      Ah - i hear you.

                      Recently through work i have been to a psychologist and through discussion i think i have learnt that my mother has a boarderline personality, however over the last 38 years of my life i have put up with her behaviour and adjusted my behaviour accordingly - so now when i get stressed i turn to drinking.

                      Thankfully i have a nice psychologist who is helping me through all of this to. And i want to change my behaviour for me, my husband and my daughter

