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Having a Tough Time!!

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    Having a Tough Time!!

    A new routine...that's the truth! I feel like I have been bumping into walls cuz this is so new to me. Tomorrow will be Day 7 AF for me (AF, I learned on this site is :Alcohol Free", just incase you didn't know).

    I know the water advise was a huge help for me so I hope you can do the same. Don't get me wrong, DT's still sucks big time...I am still struggling. I hope to hear how you are doing tomorrow. We will all look for you and stick close if you need anything. I love the advise and the support from the people I have found here in this past week!

    Hang in there Jmacboi!
    Give a man a beer, he'll waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, he'll waste a lifetime.


      Having a Tough Time!!

      I sure appreciate what is being said by everyone. Not doing real well tonight, because I haven't quit. Not what I would call drunk, I don't get drunk too often. I don't think they manufacture enough to get me to be happy drunk I used to get way back when. I think I'd die first. Can't get enough into me anymore, so that's how severe I am. I can drink a Six-Pack of 16 Oz Beers (Ice House) in the morning just to get the body going. Not a good thing and I know it. I just seem to have to keep putting it into me, so I don't go through the bad stuff that scares me. I know I'm too old for this, and that bothers me too. Not ready to push up daisies, but it probably will happen if I don't stop this.


        Having a Tough Time!!

        Welcome Jmacboi,

        You have already received a lot of good advice!
        Please download and read the MWO book. It will help you make sense of everything, then you can make your plan.
        We are all here for you, please stay in touch.

        All the best to you.
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Having a Tough Time!!

          Thanks for all the input. Still working on it on this end. Not drinking as much, just working on getting off it all together. I'm cutting back each hour and hopefully I don't go through really bad DT's, not sure I can handle that. I'm hoping to be AF within a couple days as I decrease the intake. I just can't stand the coming apart at the seams feeling that comes over me. Not good at all. I tried drinking water and then I couldn't keep it down very well. Hope I'm doing the right thing by not doing the cold turkey, but quitting a little at a time.


            Having a Tough Time!!

            Hey, Jmacboi. Just checking in on you and praying you are ok. Please, please give it your best effort about cutting down. So many people fool themselves into thinking they are cutting back, but sure enough the weekends rolls around and it's a total binge. It will creep up on you when you least expect it.

            I know you don't want to go thru the bad stuff, but hell it's not easy. There is no easy way. We got to buck up and face the demon. The bad stuff will pass. Don't let your mind play tricks on you were you end up convincing yourself it's ok to drink. Seek medical help again if need be to clean out your system, but don't fool yourself. I'm just very concerned.

            Your in my prayers. Remember, you deserve the good life!

            Love, Me
            Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.

