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Still alive and`s butt!!! lol

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    Still alive and`s butt!!! lol

    Phewwww!!......Where to begin?.......can`t say I really know, so, I`ll start with the booze, shall I ?

    Well, I`m still sober and happy to be so. I am now 22 mnths sober, save for a slip at the 5 month mark. I am no longer in the least tempted to drink......I feel confident that I have this thing `licked`, but not that confident that I would ever allow myself to have `just the one` at a wedding or such like.........after all, we all know the full horror of what `just the one` is likely to bring any of us. I am what I now like to term a recovered alcoholic, i.e., I no longer have an active dependency, but I will forevermore have alcoholic tendencies and so I can never drink again.........not ever.

    I have just begun my 7th month as a non-smoker. This has not been plain sailing either.........I remain addicted to nicotine.........I am one crabbit girl if I have no nicotine gum, but I feel confident that I can eventually wean myself off of it.........I said EVENTUALLY!!!! lol One thing is certain..........I will not go back on the fags.........I would have to be crazy, given my success to date.

    As many of you will know, I more or less disappeared from cyber world a few months back, but I needed time away, to take stock of my life........I simply needed to be on my has been a very difficult few months and I am working hard to learn how to just appreciate that I`m alive.

    I have always believed that the real hard work comes after we quit drinking and I have yet much work to do. So saying, I think I have learned a great deal along the way, much of it from some of yourselves..........I thank each and every one of you who offered me much help, advice and support in my darkest hours, of which there were many!!!! lol

    My head just hasn`t been in the right place to be here this past while, mainly due to my failing`s pretty ironic and rather sad to think that now that my body is no longer subjected to all the toxins in booze and fags, that I am so unwell. I`d like to stress that I do not have cancer, but my consultant wants me to go on a chemo drug.........naturally, I have grave concerns over such a drug.........I have to decide soon and am having difficulty weighing up the pros and`s a tough one.

    All in all, I`m picking myself up now............there are so very many people worse off than myself. I am sober and a non-smoker these doesn`t get much better than that, sure?

    I hope all is good with you all.

    Much love,

    Star xxx
    Formerly known as Starlight Impress.

    Still alive and`s butt!!! lol

    Hi Star!
    Its lovely to hear from you, I was thinking about you the other day.
    You are doing great by all accounts and beating that nicotine addiction will come. I spent a long time on teh gum too (about 18 years lol) but I have managed to come off it now.
    I am really sorry about your health issues, but your positve attitiude will help you so much here.
    Great going Star. You are an inspiration.
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      Still alive and`s butt!!! lol


      Do you ever stay up long enuf to go on chat? :l:l


        Still alive and`s butt!!! lol

        Star, so nice to here about your success. Well done, lady! I completely understand about needing a break from here once in a while.

        I hope your troubles clear up soon. Maybe God decided that you needed to be sober and nic free to make sure you had the strength to get you through your health issues now. That's a good thing! I truly believe things happen for a reason.

        You are in my prayers. Best of luck to you, hun.

        Love, Me
        Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


          Still alive and`s butt!!! lol

          22 months! You are my hero!!!

          Stay strong, eat well and exercise if you can.

          Take care.

          Alcohol Free Since July 1 2009.

          My Sobriety Blog
          (From Then Till Now).


            Still alive and`s butt!!! lol

            Thinking of you Star......xx

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              Still alive and`s butt!!! lol

              Congrats on your AF-ness Star!!
              I hear you about the hard work only beginning after we quit -- but it's so worth while.
              Sending healing thoughts your way.
              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                Still alive and`s butt!!! lol

                Glad to see you're still alive and kicking....


                  Still alive and`s butt!!! lol

                  Well done Star!
                  "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                    Still alive and`s butt!!! lol

                    Just sending love, Star. Lots of love.

                    AF April 9, 2016


                      Still alive and`s butt!!! lol

                      Wow! You are doing great. Hope the treatment goes well for you. Glad you are keeping strong. Love and fond memories being sent your way.
                      Enough is enough


                        Still alive and`s butt!!! lol

                        Good to hear from u Star.....I REALLY admire you for stopping the smokes...wish i could do takes happy for u ..if not a tiny bit envious!!! lol Take care Bella XXX


                          Still alive and`s butt!!! lol

                          Well done for being 22 monts sober and for quitting the fags. I'm them over a year but i'm struggling with the alcohol having too many slipups lately. So its another day one for me. I'm feeling a bit anxious today but thats just part of withdrawel.


                            Still alive and`s butt!!! lol

                            Hi Star. Sorry that I just now saw your post! It's great to see you back. Congratulations on getting Al and Nic - the ugly brothers - out of your life. I'm sorry to hear of your health struggles. I wish you well in making such an important decision about your treatment. Cyber hugs to you.

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.

