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June 30 2009. My Last Drink! Anyone Want To Join Me?

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    June 30 2009. My Last Drink! Anyone Want To Join Me?

    count me in

    Am 45, and 25 yrs have started to take their toll, predictably. Was told 15 yrs ago that "life would become unmanageable" --- blah -blah -blah --- You'll be in legal trouble --- blah -blah -blah --- your family would be angry and unable to understand --- blah -blah -blah --- you'll have trouble with employment -- blah -blah -blah --- ....
    Well, I didn't stop drinking earlier. Know it affects women earlier than men, but good for you for getting hold of it before the brink. Because all that has happened rapidly in the last 3 yrs,

    So: gotta do it NOW! let do it. Although I plan to start a little earlier, but still would like to have some buddies this June. Have a good holiday.
    Woman takes a drink, drink takes a drink, drink takes a woman.


      June 30 2009. My Last Drink! Anyone Want To Join Me?

      I am 37 as well; and have been trying off and on since I started here. I did very well in 2007 - I had 8 months of sobriety.... In 2008 I had more AF days than drinking days.

      So far, in 2009, it has been up and down but I am still not drinking as much as I did before joining. I kind of let go; especially in May. That was a bad month. I drank way too many evenings than I would have liked to.

      I was so disgusted in myself by the end of May - I decided THAT WAS IT! I love the feeling of being AF. I love my sleep, my even-keeled moods, freedom, my healthy skin, slender body, etc... etc... my energy skyrockets. There are so many benefits of not drinking.

      Although my first day of Sobriety this time around (and hopefully the last) was on May 31. I will be here to cheer you on, however. Having a memorable start date is a great way to get prepared.

      Good for you.

      Welcome to you PuddyTat. Love the name and your avatar. And hey, don't worry. There is life after getting into trouble with the law, losing employment, friends, and disappointing family and especially yourself. If you quit drinking, your life will change completely. Please feel free to PM me for support, or just to chat off of the board; please feel free to do so. I have been through complete hell and back; but just know we all can get through anything with love, support and understanding. Don't let alcohol steal anymore of your life.


        June 30 2009. My Last Drink! Anyone Want To Join Me?

        Hi Time!

        I would rate my number one "tool" this website and the program in the book. I followed it to the best of my ability for the 6 weeks (some of it longer .. you can then pick what works for you)

        Secondly - not becoming obsessed with being in "recovery" ... but moving on as a NON drinker. A few books helped me to do that ... Rational Recovery; The Easy Way to Stop Drinking; Sober for Life to name my favorites.

        Then ... Eating right. As drinkers we tend to "drink" our calories and the body suffers long before you "feel" it. By the time to feel the damage ... it is very hard to play catch up ... so start now eating right.

        I am 18 months AF and still feel like a baby on this journey ... but growing everyday! Thanks for your kind words!
        AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

        Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

        (from the Movie "Once")


          June 30 2009. My Last Drink! Anyone Want To Join Me?

          Thanks for the reach-out, Accountable. Hope your first week AF is going well for you.
          Woman takes a drink, drink takes a drink, drink takes a woman.


            June 30 2009. My Last Drink! Anyone Want To Join Me?

            Hi Dragonfly.

            It would be great to have you join me.

            I'm actually having my last drink on your birthday. I'll be sure to celebrate. My first day af will be July 1.

            I was over in your beautiful country nearly 2 years ago. I must say, the Guiness definitely tastes better over there. :-)

            Keep up the great work with the tapering down.


            Alcohol Free Since July 1 2009.

            My Sobriety Blog
            (From Then Till Now).


              June 30 2009. My Last Drink! Anyone Want To Join Me?

              Livingfree, glad to see you back!


                June 30 2009. My Last Drink! Anyone Want To Join Me?

                Hey Puddytat.

                You know you can beat this. Please feel free to pm at anytime if you need to chat.

                Thanks for your kind words. I definitely have to put and end to this. Got through 2 bottles yesterday. Not proud of it either. My wife and family went to a local YMCA gym yesterday looking to sign up on July 1. I can't wait. My new life awaits.

                Good luck with your efforts.

                Warm Regards

                Alcohol Free Since July 1 2009.

                My Sobriety Blog
                (From Then Till Now).


                  June 30 2009. My Last Drink! Anyone Want To Join Me?

                  Hi Accountable.

                  37 as well hey? The big 40 before we know it hey!

                  I really want to have a very different life by the age of 40. My goal is to get really fit. Fitter than I've ever been. I'd then like to go on and become a personal trainer. The long term goal is to have a one stop personal development shop. Eg personal trainers, Personal development coaches, massage, dieticians etc. I would really love to get to the end and say wow, I really did make a difference. First though, I have to become the best that I can be before I can inspire others to do the same.

                  Enough about me. :-)

                  I pleased to hear that you are on the right track now. I hope your first week af has gone well for you.

                  You are right. There are so many benefits of not drinking. I can't compare the two. It really is like night and day for me.

                  Keep up the great work.

                  Alcohol Free Since July 1 2009.

                  My Sobriety Blog
                  (From Then Till Now).


                    June 30 2009. My Last Drink! Anyone Want To Join Me?

                    Hi again livingfree.

                    Thanks so much for taking the time to post again.

                    I will take on board your suggestions about the books. It really is great to see how other people have successfully eliminated al from their lives.

                    I'm with you. I want to focus on what I want to become, not what I was and no longer want to be. I originally considered AA, but didn't think I wanted to continually tell others and myself that I am an alcoholic for the rest of my life. Don't get me wrong, I have great respect for AA, it is just not for me. Whatever works for you. Whatever can help you move forward.

                    Totally agree with you about diet. I'm a big believer that a clean diet really helps. Initially for me I will keep the carbs high then slowly taper to counteract the withdrawal. I sincerely believe that Candida plays a big part in alcohol addiction. I know that when I gave up last year the further I got away from al, the clearer my tongue became (thrush/candida) the lesser my cravings were.

                    I eat pretty well during the week. I take a salad with lean meat every day for lunch. Unfortunately I undo most, if not all of the benefit by the amount of wine I pour down my gullet at night. Not for much longer though. :-)

                    Thanks again for taking the time.

                    I sincerely appreciate it.

                    Keep up the amazing work you are doing.

                    I'd love to put a book together of the success stories of people like yourself who have managed to successfully give up al and turn their life around.

                    You should be so proud of your achievement.

                    Kind Regards

                    Alcohol Free Since July 1 2009.

                    My Sobriety Blog
                    (From Then Till Now).


                      June 30 2009. My Last Drink! Anyone Want To Join Me?

                      This past Thursday was my last day drinking for good. I hope I can make it.

                      This would be my first AF free weekend in a long time. I tried it last weekend but Sunday night I had some beers.
                      I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

                      Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

                      Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


                        June 30 2009. My Last Drink! Anyone Want To Join Me?

                        Hi Drifty.

                        Stay strong. Be positive.

                        I agree. If you can give up smoking, you can do this. It took me at least 10 attempts to quit smoking, but eventually I got there. If you want to do something badly enough, you will do it.

                        Kind Regards

                        Alcohol Free Since July 1 2009.

                        My Sobriety Blog
                        (From Then Till Now).


                          June 30 2009. My Last Drink! Anyone Want To Join Me?

                          I'll join you and good luck to everyone. Mine began today after another week long binge on wine and cider. Its saturday 6th of june i've had enough of it the hangovers weight can crappy skin bad sleep. The longest i was off was 5 months back on 07. Since then its been a few weeks or days here and there. If i can quit smoking fof over a year cold turkey then i can do this one day at a time. Lets keep posting and support one another. Glad you enjoyed Ireland L.


                            June 30 2009. My Last Drink! Anyone Want To Join Me?

                            Hey Firefox.

                            Hey this thing is starting to build momentum. We are starting to build a real group here :-)

                            I'm with you. Giving up the ciggies was tough. If you can do that, you can do anything. I think that because alcohol is so deeply ingrained in society, that's what make it so difficult. Nearly everyone you know drinks.

                            I think that will really start to turn around in the years to come. It is becoming such a big problem in society. In my opinion, health will become the new wealth. Like smoking, I truly believe that alcohol will be looked down upon. This will not happen over night I know, but I believe it will eventually happen.

                            Yes I loved Ireland. It is truly a beautiful place.

                            As for the accent........ That's even better.

                            We love the Irish here in Australia. I think there are more Irish Pubs here than Irish people. :-)

                            Stay strong.

                            Alcohol Free Since July 1 2009.

                            My Sobriety Blog
                            (From Then Till Now).


                              June 30 2009. My Last Drink! Anyone Want To Join Me?

                              I am definitely making the right decision about giving up.

                              I have never felt so controlled by alcohol like I do now. I got up this morning and actually felt like I needed a drink. Not because of a hangover, purely to help curb the physical pain of withdrawal.

                              Both mine and my wife's alcohol consumption has increased dramatically over recent weeks and months. My wife never was a real big drinker, but I think she now realizes how easy it is to succumb to the demon drink. I'm lucky though, my wife is very supportive of my decision. She will pretty much not drink at all. She has much better control than me though. She can stop at one or two.

                              I am so over alcohol. I'm gonna try and ease off dramatically in the next few weeks. I don't think I'll be having many when we go away either. I can't keep going like this. My body can't keep going like this. I am really looking forward to my new life.

                              Sorry for the rant.

                              I just like to be upfront.

                              Alcohol Free Since July 1 2009.

                              My Sobriety Blog
                              (From Then Till Now).


                                June 30 2009. My Last Drink! Anyone Want To Join Me?

                                sorry timey for not responding earlier but cp on the blink all weekend.
                                going out for my birthday dinner without a glass of wine somehow does'nt feel right:lol3:
                                glad you liked ireland.
                                i'm actually dutch but living in galway for the last 24 years.
                                life is simple its just not easy

