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June 30 2009. My Last Drink! Anyone Want To Join Me?

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    June 30 2009. My Last Drink! Anyone Want To Join Me?

    Hey Dragonfly.

    No worries at all my friend.

    Alcohol Free Since July 1 2009.

    My Sobriety Blog
    (From Then Till Now).


      June 30 2009. My Last Drink! Anyone Want To Join Me?

      Hey Liver Lover,
      Just mentioned you on the next day thread, so you may get a few more takers.
      Hey.... personal trainer.... that is a great goal.
      Have fun in Qld. I was up there during all the rain and hurricanes a couple of weeks ago so not a fun holiday. Went to Sanctuary Cove boat show amongst other things, then back home via Tenterfield (couldn't find the saddler's shop), by the banks of the Condamine, and New England Highway.


        June 30 2009. My Last Drink! Anyone Want To Join Me?

        Hey Rags.

        Thanks for that. Really appreciate it.

        Yes a personal trainer. I'm a long way from it at the moment, but it feels right. I just need something to keep me busy and away from the booze. I'm gonna use the time that I'd normally be drinking to get fit. My wife is actually keen too. That certainly helps!!!

        2 weeks to go. Can't wait. I love QLD. Hopefully we wont get that crappy weather that you copped. Can't be much worse than the weather down south at the moment. It's bloody freezing!

        Stay well my friend.

        Thanks again for the mention.


        Alcohol Free Since July 1 2009.

        My Sobriety Blog
        (From Then Till Now).


          June 30 2009. My Last Drink! Anyone Want To Join Me?

          Ah, yes........ the big 40 is a mere 3 years away! **Cringe**

          However, we all have the rest of our lives to live happily, healthy, and have the chance to fulfill our dreams!

          Brett, you sound so excited about your upcoming quit date. Fantastic! Being a personal trainer is a great goal!

          My first week was great. After the initial night of sweating, irritability, and no sleep it has been like I didn't come off a binge at all. I have been outdoors for most of the evenings and the weekend; jogging along side of my little one while she is building confidence in riding her big girl bike. Honestly, getting back into physical activity, eating and sleeping right, taking my supplements and vitamins, etc.. has made the suffering from coming off of AL a lot easier this time. I have also acquired a prescription for Antabuse in which I started last night as a safeguard. (I need it for a while to get going..... I cave into peer pressure and boredom pretty easily these days, it seems).

          Day 8 is about to end and everything is A-OK!

          Have a great night everyone!


            June 30 2009. My Last Drink! Anyone Want To Join Me?

            Hi Brett, I got Raggsies message on TND thread so here I am.
            I think we have a lot in common...I'm 37 also and my drinking needs to get under control.
            I've just moved back to Sydney from NZ so have been a bit displaced lately, my family & I are staying with my folks until our stuff arrives and family is a HUGE trigger for me.
            We will be into our place on about 28th June so the timing is also prefect for me..get settled and do some AF time.



              June 30 2009. My Last Drink! Anyone Want To Join Me?

              Hi Accountable.

              You sound great. So positive and full of life. That is just great. I'm so happy for you.

              You must feel so great spending that precious time sober with your little girl. I love my kids so much. I can't wait to give them more of the real me again.

              Thanks for your kind words. I am excited. It's my new life. My healthy new life. A chance to help myself so that I can help others. I've always struggled with deciding on the right career for myself. I knew that I wanted to help others in some way, I just wasn't sure how.

              I was speaking to a guy recently and was telling him that I'm giving up the booze. To my astonishment, this guy tells me that he used to be an alcoholic and weighed close on 300lb. It turns out that he stopped drinking, lost weight and became a PT. The penny dropped. What a great idea I thought. That's what I want to do.

              I have found that actually knowing what I want to do has really motivated me into action. Hopefully it will go to plan.

              Congratulations on your 8 days af. You should be extremely proud of yourself.

              Keep up the great work.


              P.S. How are you finding the Antabuse?
              Alcohol Free Since July 1 2009.

              My Sobriety Blog
              (From Then Till Now).


                June 30 2009. My Last Drink! Anyone Want To Join Me?

                What do I do about NO DOUBT CONCERT? I do not want to go.
                An Improved Ripple. :monalisa:


                  June 30 2009. My Last Drink! Anyone Want To Join Me?

                  Hey Angelcakes.

                  Great to hear from you.

                  It would be great to have you on board. The more the merrier I say!!!

                  So another 37 year old hey. My God what's going on :-)

                  So family does it for you as well hey? I married into a family of very big drinkers. Unfortunately this has been to my detriment. Mind you, I find that I can cope better with one of my inlaws better if I've had a few. Obnoxious bastard that he is!

                  Anyway, I'm trying to stay positive going forward. I'll be away from the the 20th till the 27th then I'll be tapering.

                  Hope all goes well with the move and family.

                  Alcohol Free Since July 1 2009.

                  My Sobriety Blog
                  (From Then Till Now).


                    June 30 2009. My Last Drink! Anyone Want To Join Me?

                    Hey Irene.

                    I suggest "Don't Speak". :H Sorry just kidding. That's one of their songs isn't it.

                    Simple. Don't go. If you really don't want to go don't. That's unless it's with a really good friend or family member who means a lot to you and will be really upset if you don't. Sometimes you gotta do things you really don't want to for those that you love.

                    Good Luck.


                    ~iirene~;630989 wrote: What do I do about NO DOUBT CONCERT? I do not want to go.
                    Alcohol Free Since July 1 2009.

                    My Sobriety Blog
                    (From Then Till Now).


                      June 30 2009. My Last Drink! Anyone Want To Join Me?

                      Hi Brett !
                      Well....what do you know........I'll be on the Goldy in QLD from 25th June to 30th.
                      Then I'm planning to kick some serious booze arse 1st July.
                      As of now I am ...... well.... buggerising around really......just trying to drink as little as I can until I go, knowing that it's stupid to start full on until then.
                      Anyway.....I'm in for the 1st year or not KRudd !!
                      PS: I can't believe this timing for SO MANY people...can you ???
                      If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                      Rejoined life 20/5/19


                        June 30 2009. My Last Drink! Anyone Want To Join Me?

                        Hi Bridge.

                        Qld is a good place to be this time of year especially if you're from down south.

                        It's bloody freezing here in Melb!!!!!!! :upset:

                        I don't know what got into me last night but I only had 2 beers. Pretty good for me I must say. I think being a long weekend, I'd done more than enough damage!!!

                        Hope you enjoy the Gold Coast. We're off to Mooloolabah. (is that how you spell it?)

                        Can't wait....

                        I look forward to kicking als arse wth you come July 1.

                        Cheers Bridge.

                        Alcohol Free Since July 1 2009.

                        My Sobriety Blog
                        (From Then Till Now).


                          June 30 2009. My Last Drink! Anyone Want To Join Me?

                          Woohoo!! 1st July here we come.



                            June 30 2009. My Last Drink! Anyone Want To Join Me?

                            Good morning from Dublin, Ireland. Just having a coffee while reading the posts here. Day 5 for me and so far so good except a bit headachy and up to yesterday had the anxious feeling that goes with withdrawel but no strong cravings yet. Alcohol was ruining my health and relationships though got to quit. Been to two AA meetings so far and trying to keep busy. I know its not going to be easy but got to be strong. Have a good wednesday wherever you are on the globe. :thumbs::sun:


                              June 30 2009. My Last Drink! Anyone Want To Join Me?

                              Hey Angel.

                              Great to hear you are so fired up about July 1. New life here we come!!!!!

                              Who would of thought we'd be actually looking forward to not drinking hey?????

                              I can certainly relate to your Sig. My life is 100% different when I'm off the booze.

                              Stay Well.
                              Alcohol Free Since July 1 2009.

                              My Sobriety Blog
                              (From Then Till Now).


                                June 30 2009. My Last Drink! Anyone Want To Join Me?

                                Hey Firefox.

                                Sounds like you are kicking some serious butt over there. What a great job you've done!! :goodjob:

                                How did you go with AA? I have considered it, purely to have others to share the journey with.

                                I'm really proud of you. I hope the headaches start to ease.

                                Take care.
                                Alcohol Free Since July 1 2009.

                                My Sobriety Blog
                                (From Then Till Now).

