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The Next Day Thread, Thurs. 4th June

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    The Next Day Thread, Thurs. 4th June

    Hi everyone,
    Well I have already done quite a bit today, I have been out and done my food shopping with two kids tagging along (not easy!!) middle boy off school at moment!!!
    Then I had to pick up a teddy bears outfit from the hire shop for my eldest boy to wear at this school assembly tomorrow, I cant wait to see that, he should look so cute!!
    Then I went into officeworks and got a load of stationery for hubby, plus a few extra things for me. I saw this great thing, its glass and square shaped and you can put it on the wall or just keep it on your kitchen workbench or anywhere really and it like a memo board. I got it as I have never seen a glass memo board before and it looks alot better than your normal white one's. Sorry I just thought I would share that, borring I know, just like my life at the moment :H
    Well its raining here today, but apart from that all is fine here, infact I am in quite a jolly mood. I just hope its raining at 5pm then my son's soccer practise will be cancelled and I wont have to stand out in the cold for an hour!!!!
    I hope I dont get lonely on here today!!, Please come and keep me company someone
    Love Ronnie xx
    :dancin: enguin:
    starting over

    The Next Day Thread, Thurs. 4th June

    Hey Ronnie ... couldn't resist your 'come join me' voice. Note that you're in Australia, like me, only a LONG WAY from this side of the country - Far North Coast NSW. It's a big, damn place.
    What's the next day thread all about then? My day is day 4 of - never taking it for granted - a renewed shot at sobriety. How about you?

    Current attitude towards addiction: Why ask why? Just accept that it is, and go from there ...


      The Next Day Thread, Thurs. 4th June

      Hi Ronnie,
      Hmmm I may go to Officeworks and see if I can find a memocube. What do you use to write on it?Sounds like something from Dr. Who. Raining here on the east coast too.
      Gee, where's everyone else to-day?
      Haven't been on the threads for a few weeks as I've been up in Qld for a bit of a holiday!! Washed out beaches, floods, trees across roads, police roadblocks... the usual stuff you look forward to on holiday!


        The Next Day Thread, Thurs. 4th June

        Hi Ronnie and welcome Kayla.

        This thread is where us down unders get to chat in our time zone. Hard night last night with my youngest son, seems to have had a personality change since he split his forehead open. But he is trying his hardest to be a good boy today. So cold today I have the fire going. I am with you Ronnie on cold winter sports, I don't like playing outside in the dark and cold.

        Edited to say Hi Rags and welcome back.


          The Next Day Thread, Thurs. 4th June

          Hi Ronnie, Kayla, Rags and Ezz ... can't stay right now, just wanted to say 'G'day' from Central Vic.


            The Next Day Thread, Thurs. 4th June


            Hi Ronnie & Kayla,
            Have been doing research on beclfen (sp?) all day so have been on the boards much. Do you know what? For the first time in a Looong time I have hope and am feeling so much more positive about life.
            Bring it on
            Love Shas
            Just keep on swmming, just keep on swimming!


              The Next Day Thread, Thurs. 4th June

              Hi Kayla,
              The next day thread is for ANZ's as we are 12 hours ahead of everyone else, so we know the future before the Brits and Canadians and Yanks!!


                The Next Day Thread, Thurs. 4th June

                Hi Tawn, Ez & Rags,
                We must have all posted nearly at the same time. Not too cold here but don't like how it gets dark so early...
                Just keep on swmming, just keep on swimming!


                  The Next Day Thread, Thurs. 4th June

                  My God, I only went away for a few minutes and everyone has joined me HORRAY, I do have some friends after all :H
                  Hi everyone, we all sound chirpy today which is great
                  Ezz I have PM you
                  Shas, I hate the dark nights to, give me summer any day!!! glad your feeling strong, keep it up.
                  Rags - you write with a wipe off pen, one actually comes with the glass board, its well cool!!
                  Hi/Bye tawney
                  Kayla - well done on day 4 you are doing great, I am on day 25 days and my goal is 30 days A/F then I am hoping to mod after that.
                  And a big hello to anyone that I have forgotten
                  Love ronnie xx
                  its soooo great to see people using this thread, its been very quite for ages.
                  :dancin: enguin:
                  starting over


                    The Next Day Thread, Thurs. 4th June

                    Hey Guys, Good Evening to you all!!!
                    Back from the Emerald Isle and had the most wonderful time.
                    Legs are still killing me from the run, but its a good pain if there is any such thing :-)
                    Its brilliant meeting people and finding they are exactly the same in real life as they are on here.
                    You all sound like you are doing great! Brilliant to hear!
                    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                      The Next Day Thread, Thurs. 4th June

                      Hi Starts
                      Well done on completing the race, glad you had a great time, have you got any photo's you can email me????
                      Its only afternoon here in W.A
                      The best thing to cure your pain in your legs is more exercise, its true.
                      Love ronnie xx
                      :dancin: enguin:
                      starting over


                        The Next Day Thread, Thurs. 4th June

                        Will send you photos later Ronnie.
                        I know if I went for a run I would feel better, hope to go later or tomorrow.....
                        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                          The Next Day Thread, Thurs. 4th June

                          Hi everyone,
                          Starting I thought of you guys all on great you all got to meet. I feel like I was part of it a bit as Boozy & I have met, so she could pass on a bit of 'me in person' to you guys!!!
                          Hi everyone else & welcome to Kayla - Northern NSW is my 'dream place'...I'd move there in a heartbeat if we could get jobs...
                          Shas, I know Zenstyle has been taking baclofen also...think I'll do some research also.



                            The Next Day Thread, Thurs. 4th June

                            Hey Kayla,
                            How did you go with that low pressure system that wiped out Currumbin and Lismore... And elsewhere? I was at Mudgeeraba and Southport supposedly on holiday when it blew through and wiped out all the beaches.


                              The Next Day Thread, Thurs. 4th June

                              Evening all!
                              You are sounding really positive Shas, and knowledge is power. Great going Ronnie!...and it helps to have a plan/vision, non?
                              Welcome back Starter's!
                              Have a safe and sober evening everyone...............G-Force inc.

                              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

