It worked great for me for a while. Fell off, and am struggling to get back on. lack motivation I guess.
My therapist suggests AA, "the only proven way for people to recover from alcoholism". I told her about this site but she thinks it lacks a lot of support, mainly that I must log in when I am willing... and not really being accountable to anyone unless I feel like it. No one really knows me in real life.
So, I am wondering... should I hop on the AA bandwagon? I am so afraid. I don't want to be an "AA" member. ...the "i can never drink again" alcoholic.... but I guess that is my addiction talking. I also can see that the MYO program in a way lures people here by making you believe you CAN moderate. yes I know some people can but most CAN NOT. That for a true alcoholic is a hard one to swallow.
That is why I am here. I want to moderate. I love my wine. I want to drink my wine in moderation. I want to be normal. I want to keep my wine and drink it like normal people do.
is that a normal thought process? do NORMAL people feel that way about wine? probably not. Maybe I should give AA a try, your thoughts? I am scared.