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Army Thread 4th June 2009

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    Army Thread 4th June 2009

    Ahhh, this is nice. Back starting the thread again
    The last few days have been soooooo special. I am determined to go back again before the year is out. I love Dublin and the people in it.

    Well today is my interview with the addiction agency. I haven't really had time to think about it or be nervous so I am just going to go along and see where it takes me.

    Cannot remember if I said this yesterday or not but....Meeting Mario, Draggy, Boozy, Oney and Limey will go down as one of the all time great memories in my life. They are all very special people.

    Zenny, I so hope you can get your PC working and YES get a Mac if you can....

    Have a wonderful day everyone. :l
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

    Army Thread 4th June 2009

    Good morning!! Starters I guess it's an interview for a job (I'm a bit outa the loop) - you really would be an asset as an addiction councellor (sp?) Pity you can't use us as referees!!
    Morning Zenny - yes, Macs are the way to much better than PCs



      Army Thread 4th June 2009

      good morning starting over its lovely to have you back,i hope all goes well today for you today, i am of soon to my group forum,lost another 3lb this week,it must be that special bike i have.maybe you all put a spell on it,catch you later

      :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

      Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
      I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

      This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


        Army Thread 4th June 2009

        Morning all, Starty I am glad your enjoyed your time here so much. Best of luck on your interview today I know you will do really well because its something you so want and care about. Zenny as a long term MAC head let me echo the sentiments of the Starty and Angel, they rock. Hi mario and all to come, hope you have a nice day, off for a swim now.
        Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


          Army Thread 4th June 2009

          Hello everyone I always have to be the odd one out doh! I like PC's, I can upgrade my PC, my PC is easy to use & I can use it for anything I want xxxx I like spreadsheets, I need spreadsheets for my partners business x must admit I know nothing about Macs though, so can you do spreadsheets on Macs? am I a complete stick in de mud :H


            Army Thread 4th June 2009

            Good morning folks,
            Wishing you the best for your interview Starty. I'm really happy that you all had such a great time in Dublin.
            You're doing well shedding the pounds Mario.
            I've not a lot on today. A pair of shorts and a tee-shirt....No! Sorry! I meant I've not a lot to do. I'm getting my interview shirt washed and ironed for tomorrow and then heading down to the library for some reading matter. I've another couple of numbers to call for work aswell. That's 9 o'clock. I'll do that now.
            It's a lot cooler than of late here so no lazing about in the sun for me. I'll just laze about in the house.


              Army Thread 4th June 2009

              Morning Oney.
              I just got a phone call. I start work at 2 this afternoon. Back shift today and tomorrow. I don't know how it will pan out but I'm going to sign off now and hopefully they'll keep the work coming.
              I've got another interview tomorrow for a more secure job which I'll be able to attend, so I'll see what happens.
              I'll catch up with you later.


                Army Thread 4th June 2009

                one2many;627137 wrote: WHOOHOOO Well Done Pops! I am delighted for you hon!!!
                Me Too.
                Thanks Oney!
                Gotta go now.
                Busy, busy, busy.


                  Army Thread 4th June 2009

                  Good luck with the interview Popeye everything is crossed for you :H


                    Army Thread 4th June 2009

                    good morning all,never seen any pics yet,starts if you keep your fabulous nature about you youll do fine,tuff career,if i offend anyone of late i do apoligise,going thro a lot of changes,


                      Army Thread 4th June 2009

                      thnx onester,got to go do a bit of shopping seeing i can still drive,


                        Army Thread 4th June 2009

                        later all


                          Army Thread 4th June 2009

                          Pops, what terrific news!!!

                          Thanks everyone for the encouragement, it really does mean a lot. I have been trying to psyche myself up this morning. I usually suffer from quite low self esteem or should I say USED to. Now I need to put that behind me and believe in myself.
                          So spent the morning kicking myself up the a*rse and now think I am ready to do this!!!
                          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                            Army Thread 4th June 2009

                            Morning all.
                            GOOD LUCK STARTS! Ill be thinking of you, but im sure you will be fine. I think those of us who are addicts and recover are perfect for the job. Like footballers who retire make great commentators.
                            To Infinity And Beyond!!


                              Army Thread 4th June 2009

                              Im not bad zenny. Am asking myself some serious questions after last weeks slip. 1 day in 4 months isnt the end of the world I know, but its the reasons behind my drinking. We do have complex thoughts us alkies!!
                              To Infinity And Beyond!!

