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Day 4 of tapering .. kinda bloggy

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    Day 4 of tapering .. kinda bloggy

    Today will be my 1st AF day in a LONG time. (Later Edit: I actually chose to taper down a bit more, just in case I was taking it too quickly.) I wanted to share my tapering-off-to-AF, divided into Days 1 - 4, in case it relates to anyone else who's tapering down before going AF. I had more withdrawal symptoms than I expected, but feeling super great today. I was/am being careful to listen to my body at all times.

    History: Rum and coke (or vodka) for quite awhile now - up to 750 ml (5th) a day - morning to night, but never getting drunk. Used to feel good to have a buzz, never got a hangover ... but my body has been "needing" alcohol lately to function - and that's a scary thing.

    So, here's my week:

    Day 0 (Mon.) - Drank the usual amount, drawn out from morning to night. Body angry in the a.m. and overnight: gagging, shakes, anxiety... needing that morning drink to calm down. I didn't even care about feeling buzzed anymore. I just wanted OUT, and I felt I was definitely at a turning point.
    -- 14 drinks today.

    Day 1 (Tue.) - The plan: Take the morning drink, and then simply try to make it as long as I could until my body got too uncomfortable and needed calming. Careful to stop sipping a drink each time I started to feel calmer. Drank lots of water.
    -- 11 drinks today.

    My body must have felt the 3 less drinks in it, because overnight was pretty uncomfortable, and the next morning. I felt quite ill and out of control of my body overnight, and I was ready to tell my husband about it if I got bad. I was getting pretty scared.

    Day 2 (Wed.) - This was the worst day. Felt sick and was so upset at myself for getting myself to the point where I was so addicted. Agitated, nervous, uneasy as each drink wore off -- but I was angry with myself enough to keep fighting off the symptoms as long as I could. Mixing drinks more weakly. Felt like a bad flu. Much of this day was minute-by-minute.
    -- 9 drinks today.

    ... Switching to beer
    for the rest of this journey. Sick of that toxic rum and coke taste. My husband usually has some beer in the fridge and I could have some of those, but he doesn't drink much and I'd need extra for this journey and would probably have to purchase extra and hide it in my spot for a couple of days as I used them. I hated that, but I guess I've been lying (about the extent of my drinking) for years now ... what's a couple more days?

    Day 3 (Yesterday)
    - Wet, again, from sweating overnight, but my mind felt a bit more at ease today. It turned out to be a pretty good day. I was expecting more of the same as yesterday, but it was only about 50% as bad. Shakes there but not so noticeable. I have a stock of beer, if needed, and felt more in control. I did have a morning beer, and decided it would be my last morning drink, ever. Went for several brisk walks, cleaned my house too.
    -- 7 drinks today .... and went to bed SOBER for the 1st time in years!

    ... I also went out and picked up a load of vitamins and supplements at my health store .. L-glut, Milk Thistle, a multi-vitamin, Vit. C, B vitamins, and even St. John's Wort... as well as lemon for water, green tea, fresh fruit, etc. May as well attack this from all sides, I figure.

    Day 4 (Today)
    - Feeling great. Wow! Sweated like a pig last night - the worst sweat-session yet. Completely soaked. But, I was happy about it, as I knew my body was detoxing and that's a good thing. I hardly slept, but am not tired at all today. No shakes last night; none at all this morning.

    -- No drinks today (it's almost noon, so still have some time to go). I feel great and know I can get through today . No anxiety. Feeling proud.

    I realize there could be more withdrawal symptoms on their way, and I'll deal with them if they happen. As someone said in another post, I will tell myself: "I will handle it."

    Thanks for listening. I think I'm on my way for good this time.

    AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.

    Day 4 of tapering .. kinda bloggy

    OMG, I am sooo proud of you, you are doing so well, and you should be so proud of yourself too, Day 4 A/F Well done YOU GO GIRL, AND KEEP GOING YOU ARE DOING GREAT
    Love Ronnie xxx
    :dancin: enguin:
    starting over


      Day 4 of tapering .. kinda bloggy

      Many of us have been right where you are and can relate to the withdrawal pains. I hope you are not alone? Is someone with you in case you need medical help?
      Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


        Day 4 of tapering .. kinda bloggy


        Ron, It's only going to be a Day 1 "actually" AF, but I'm on my way.

        Brit, thanks for asking. Yes, my husband is home in the evenings, and my daughters both drive. I think (hope) I'm through the worst of it.

        Thanks again everyone for the encouragement!
        AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


          Day 4 of tapering .. kinda bloggy

          I do think you are through the worst of the DT's. I had horrible Dt's before too. They can be horribly painful. You are going to feel so much better. You will be so proud you made this step.
          Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


            Day 4 of tapering .. kinda bloggy


            I am extremely proud of you and think you are doing fantastic.

            Keep listening to your body. You will know if you need a drink or just want one. You do not want to seize.

            You must understand, there are very few people on this planet who can do what you are doing, tapering off. It takes guts and grit and you obviously have them in spades.

            Let us know how you are doing so we don't worry but keep up the good work.

            We will see you on the other side and you will have done something incredible.

            AF April 9, 2016


              Day 4 of tapering .. kinda bloggy

              42cat. I'm on day 1 again too. I did 28 days in Feb. then went off. Stopped for a couple days here and there since. I hope I can do better this time. Best of luck to you. Love your avatar. And watch out for those seizures. I've had them. There no fun. I had stopped completely for 3 days bc I had to go to court. On the 3rd or 4th day they kicked in. 20 in a row and then a gran mal. Not to scare you, but if you think you need a drink have one. It's better to taper off. You use beer like the hospitals use librium. I've done it quite a few times. Have a great day.
              Starting over again


                Day 4 of tapering .. kinda bloggy

                Thanks again everyone!

                Question: Do seizures feel like spazms or jolts of energy? I had a bunch of those for a couple of days. None lately.

                AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                  Day 4 of tapering .. kinda bloggy

                  Wow, what a story 42!
                  You seem to be in control finally and with a plan in place to help you too.
                  Please keep logging your progress. its great to read. Go for it!

                  Oh, I am not sure but I would imagine that seizures are much longer drawn out episodes rather than single jolts. I know I used to get jolts just as I was going to sleep sometimes. I dont get them any more.
                  Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                  Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                    Day 4 of tapering .. kinda bloggy

                    Your whole body shakes. Mine only lasted about 30 seconds each. When the gran mal hit I passed out on the floor shaking that's when 911 was called. I've had spazms too, but nothing ever became of them. Good that you're not having anymore. It's your body having a reaction to the reduction of AL I would surmise. Hang in there. Maggie
                    Starting over again


                      Day 4 of tapering .. kinda bloggy


                      Well done! I tapered in almost exactly the same way you did, with all of the same reactions. Today I am 61 days almost AF-had 2 glasses of wine one Saturday night when at a very nice restaurant, knowing deep within me that that was my limit, not only for the night, but for weeks to come.

                      Tapering doesn't work for everyone, but it did for me, in the sense it gave me some emotional security (I was scared of getting really sick), and I think it might have saved me from worse reactions. I wasn't drinking quite as much as you were, but very very close.

                      You will probably find a whole variety of w/d reactions in the next few days, but they sure get easier, and that helps to reinforce what you are doing! Pat yourself on the back for getting through the worst! And I STILL have sweaty nights, due, I think, to sleeping very deeply with lots and lots of intense dreams. I am not completely soaked like I was during week one, but still kinda gross. Small price to pay, though, for good sleep and good waking.

                      Keep at it, and keep posting! PM me any time.

                      Oh, and I had a complete physical. No organ damage, which is "you know what-ing " amazing! Believe me, this is worth it, if only to dispell THAT anxiety!



                        Day 4 of tapering .. kinda bloggy

                        Thank you.

                        Wow, seizures sound horrible. I wonder if I should have a beer or two for a couple more days ... rather than go to nothing just yet.

                        Can you feel a seizure coming on, and is there any way to prevent one? I must do some googling. Yikes!
                        AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                          Day 4 of tapering .. kinda bloggy

                          Crazy, great to hear your story too. Congrats on your 61 days! Very inspiring. I, too, know deep down that this time is "it". It has to be. I feel I have no choice, or my body is going to fall apart.

                          Glad to hear you have no organ damage. My liver enzymes were high'ish a few months ago, and I still have my paperwork to get checked again .. just afraid to do so. Maybe after a week or two AF.

                          Thanks for your support.
                          AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                            Day 4 of tapering .. kinda bloggy

                            Being as chicken as I am, I waited to get my bloodwork done until Day 52. I was really, really scared. I have some other issues to deal with (high blood calcium) and I was terrified THAT was due to alcohol. It's not. I have lived in fear for too long that my body was going to fall apart, and I'm sure 60 days ago, it was. I couldn't get through more than a few hours without wine. Not a good feeling, not a good reality, not the way to live.

                            The liver heals itself in most cases. I don't know as much about the other organs, but the body can only improve with no alcohol and lots of water, and other good things. Exercise has helped me a great deal, and just focusing on positive things, when possible. Going AF doesn't cure all, but it sure helps you cope better with what is.



                              Day 4 of tapering .. kinda bloggy

                              Here is link to a scoring system that is used in the hospital to rate the degree of withdrawal. I'd have another beer if I scored more than 10. You are right to be concerned. Hope this is more helpful than scary. PM me if you have any questions. Sorry I don't know how to "link" it but cut and paste works right? Best of luck keep us posted.


                              You are very strong to take this approach on. :goodjob:
                              Drinking has been my hobby for several years now. It's time to get a new hobby

