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Day 4 of tapering .. kinda bloggy

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    Day 4 of tapering .. kinda bloggy

    Bump for Tiptronic
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      Day 4 of tapering .. kinda bloggy

      Thanks, startingover - I'll go through it (so demotivated at work that I guess I have the time)
      I'll do whatever it takes
      AF 21/08/2009


        Day 4 of tapering .. kinda bloggy

        I have just re-read the thread. Cat's story is so inspiring. After what I did to myself last night after having tapered so well on Friday and Saturday, it has just made it clear to me how SICK AND TIRED I am of living like this.

        Thanks again, cat, and to start who originally "bumped" this thread for me.
        I'll do whatever it takes
        AF 21/08/2009


          Day 4 of tapering .. kinda bloggy

          Cat, I am so happy that your strategy worked, and glad to hear how you did it since I am a week or two behind you. You have a will of iron! I know I could not have done it without my campies.
          - Tulipe
          Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
          AF since May 6, 2010


            Day 4 of tapering .. kinda bloggy

            Thank you so much. Three weeks ago tomorrow was Day 1 of my tapering that I wrote about originally. Seems like forever ago!

            Tip, I'm glad the thread has helped you some. Keep on fighting .. You're gonna make it!
            AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


              Day 4 of tapering .. kinda bloggy

              This is great Cat. Keep going. I am at the same level of consumption as you were, and the WD scare me to death. I am tapering now also. Went 20 hours before having two at lunch. (Couldn't stand the shakes anymore). It is nice to find kindred souls here.
              Rehab is for quitters!


                Day 4 of tapering .. kinda bloggy

                Goodboy .. 20 hours is a great accomplishment. When I got to 18 hours, I was so happy with myself - as it had been a looooooong time since I've done 18, or 12 even. Nice job. Yep, those withdrawals suck .. what a process, huh?! But it's great once it's over.

                Tomorrow, I'm going to get my bloodwork done (the bloodwork I've been putting off for months - follow-up from prevous bloodwork that showed high liver enzymes, which will include additional liver function tests) ... I've only been sober (including a couple of beers though) for just over two weeks. Dr. appointment next week. I'll report back. *crossing fingers* for a good report.

                Thanks again, everyone, for the support.
                AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                  Day 4 of tapering .. kinda bloggy


                  Please let us know how you are doing with the tapering. I am at my all time high with vodka consumption starting at, sometimes 9am and ending when I pass out at 9:30 pm or so.....going thru some hard divorce issues (no excuse) but I am beginning to feel the panic....wanting to be totally isolated from everyone, including, unfortuneatly this sitte:upset::upset:.....also started on balc recently and trying that too but I think I need to get rid of my demon.....VODKA......if I go to beer, I know I will slow down as I do not like the taste at all. Let me know how it is going please.
                  Finally Free


                    Day 4 of tapering .. kinda bloggy

                    Hi, beautiful red. I was in panic mode, too .. I knew I was drinking way too much for a body to take for very long .. I felt so controlled and trapped and ashamed and all of the other feelings.

                    After tapering down for a few days (at the beginning of this thread), I was finally able to stop the morning drinks and the daily drinks. I was taking supplements, vitamins, etc. They seem to really help. And lots of water. When I began this thread on Day 4 of tapering, it was my plan to go AF from that day, but I didn't (if you read through, I decided to continue with a beer or two .. I was a bit worried I had gone too quickly and was afraid of further withdrawals).

                    Anyway ... I still allow myself a beer. But under strict conditions - after 9:00 in the evening (I go to bed at 10:00 anyway, so can't do any damage there), and only if I feel it's OK (ie., never when I'm upset or bored). In the beginning, I was afraid that I wouldn't know what to do with myself if I wasn't drinking .. would I be bored? unhappy? nervous? etc. But after a few days, it's worked itself out nicely. I've added "new" things, such as a daily walk, and have made sure I have other things on the go throughout the day and evening.... even little things like doing the newspaper crossword and having a chamomile tea with lemon (my new favourite, plus it's relaxing).

                    This weekend, I bought a new bathing suit and plan to go to aquafit 3 evenings a week. Babysteps to habit change... just adding little things here and there. I'm still pretty new to this.. and still kind of amazed that I'm not drinking. I guess I was just "ready". On that note, don't stop trying to figure out how to change your life to one that you want.... If you're interested, I talked about finally being "ready" in a thread the other day:

                    Unlike you, I wasn't going through any difficult issues ... I do hope things ease up for you in that regard. ((hugs)) ... Hang in there and keep on fighting for your life.
                    AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                      Day 4 of tapering .. kinda bloggy

                      Someone requested I bump my thread ... so ... *bump* ... and hope it helps!
                      AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                        Day 4 of tapering .. kinda bloggy

                        A "bump" for a member trying to taper.

                        42Cat did an amazing thing by tapering down the way she did.

                        Here is proof it can be done.

                        AF April 9, 2016


                          Day 4 of tapering .. kinda bloggy

                          IMO, tapering is the very best way to go unless you are in a treatment center. Way to go!
                          I've been walking, a long and crooked path. Come my restoration, wash my body clean...


                            Day 4 of tapering .. kinda bloggy

                            42cat!!! WOW i never realised how well you had done ..........


                            This was really interesting to read ............ thanks for sharing.

                            Love & Hugs,BB xx


                              Day 4 of tapering .. kinda bloggy

                              wow. cat you have given me so much hope and can relate to all you wrote.. I am at the start of taking the first day step, you have given me so much hope, I was so frightened of what would happen to stop suddenly, I was drinking the same amount as you..I can relate so much to what you wrote and has given me hope, I have had the seizures and scared the shit out of me... my older son found me on the floor convulsing badly, it scared me so much as I had stopped drinking and that was the result, I didn't understand or know that was the reaction to stopping cold turkey, so I went out at 6am and bought a bottle of vodka, drank the lot, after taking my son to school but was passed out on the sofa and didn't pick him up from school, so social services were called and they took my baby boy away

                              you have given me hope, much more than condisending doctors that say well if you want to live stop drinking....!!!



                                Day 4 of tapering .. kinda bloggy

                                Oh Cat, well done!!
                                Am going to try tapering down to my bday, when my present to self will be sobriety...and probably real life...! How is it for you?

