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Day 4 of tapering .. kinda bloggy

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    Day 4 of tapering .. kinda bloggy

    I've had seizures before. Scary but in of themselves not harmful. Just stay safe. In bed.
    Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


      Day 4 of tapering .. kinda bloggy

      I don't think that the medical profession can do what we must do ourselves. They are not interested in a cure but in "treatment" and prescription drugs. All a matter of their business/stocks.
      Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


        Day 4 of tapering .. kinda bloggy

        I am in awe!! How are you doing now, a year later?
        Go before that fire there, at the altar of your heart
        That fire of who you really are and be consumed by it fully
        Surrender everything into the fire of that love until you are one with that love. You ARE that love.
        Tilak Pyle Altar of the Heart


          Day 4 of tapering .. kinda bloggy


          Wonderful to hear what you are doing. I am on my day 1 and hit beers 4 pints in the night. (my usual is 6 doubles of whiskey every night). I am already sweating and not getting any sleep, I guess 4 pints is something my system does not recognize as alcohol at all. Will be following your thread for motivation.




            Day 4 of tapering .. kinda bloggy

            I am alo doing the tapering off method and I am on day 2 and it pretty much sucks, but I know it would be much worse if I did it cold turkey. I typically drink a 5th of vodka in a day. 1st day of taper off was 4 ounces of wine every two hours. Day two is 4 ounces every 4 hours equaling 5 drinks total today. I'm still shakey but not as bad as yesterday, but did sweat up a storm and had severe anxiety all night. I hope that I can make it AF just like you did. Take care


              Day 4 of tapering .. kinda bloggy

              Wow, this thread takes me back .... Good luck to you, Kindnesss. Sounds like you are really tackling things! Hope all is still going according to plan.

              I am happy to say that I have been sober 1.5 years (18 months) as of January 9.

              Keep up the good fight ... and remember to focus on positives, and be proud of yourself. Every day on the road to sobriety means the past is another day past .. and before you know it the sober days will take over and the drunk ones will begin to fade farther and farther away. Sobriety is a wonderful thing!
              AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                Day 4 of tapering .. kinda bloggy


                It is great to see your post!! I haven't "seen" you in a long time.

                Thank you for checking in and giving an update on your sobriety.

                :goodjob:, btw, on staying sober. You rock.

                AF April 9, 2016


                  Day 4 of tapering .. kinda bloggy

                  This is SOOOOOOO inspiring to me.....
                  I am impressed and amazed and so happy for your sobriety
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    Day 4 of tapering .. kinda bloggy

                    Thank you! I lurk around from time to time .. MYO is an awesome place.
                    Btw, you all rock too!
                    AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                      Day 4 of tapering .. kinda bloggy

                      Let me squeeze in a quick hug as well :l:l:l

                      You were one of the 1st people I got to know on MWO and very welcoming.
                      I'll do whatever it takes
                      AF 21/08/2009


                        Day 4 of tapering .. kinda bloggy

                        Hugs to you, Tip! I remember when you were a newbie .. now you're an oldbie!! Nice!!
                        AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                          Day 4 of tapering .. kinda bloggy

                          So you quit one year after this first post, cat? I'm just trying to work it out, lol. :goodjob: How's your son?

                          "I like people too much or not at all."
                          Sylvia Plath


                            Day 4 of tapering .. kinda bloggy

                            Thank you!


                            I just wanted to say thank you! Vodka mixed with water was my poison. A little more than 1/2 a 1.75 bottle a day.
                            It nearly destroyed my career and has possibly destroyed my marriage.

                            I am on day 3, only one beer this morning. Day 1 was 1/2 the bottle, Day 2 was a quarter of the bottle. Today Day 3 at 5 am my heart was racing just at 100 beats a minute so I drank a 1/4 of a beer slowly. That helped. Then around 10AM it was coming back with stronger shakes so I finished the beer. It is now 12AM, I have not had anything to drink since this morning and the only symptom I have is the crawling skin and that I am still awake...I am going to slowly drink a beer so I can sleep without worrying I went too fast.

                            One tip I might be able offer others new to the process: during t night 1 and night 2, I was miserable. The typical symptoms, insomnia, shakes, sweats, racing heart...but in addition I was hearing music that not playing anywhere. So I figured if I am hearing music I might as well listen to it. ( music helped me thru labor) so I listened to my hear buds and it seemed to help calm me and distract me from obsessing over what I was going thru. I would also eventually stop fighting the lack of sleep and watch a movie.

                            Once again thank you so much! This was my only would have potentially caused me to lose my family. I am hoping tomorrow is going to be my first real AF day. And the first day to begin repairing the damage my drinking has done to me and my family.


                              Day 4 of tapering .. kinda bloggy

                              Good job. It is tough to taper. I did it for a few weeks and once I got to half my volume of alcohol I went to the Doctors and he put me on Lorazapam for withdrawal and I quit completely a few days later. Today is day 14 and I'm starting to feel my normal pre-alcohol self. Hang in there you'll make it.


                                Day 4 of tapering .. kinda bloggy

                                sohappy;1451283 wrote: ...but in addition I was hearing music that not playing anywhere. So I figured if I am hearing music I might as well listen to it. ( music helped me thru labor) so I listened to my hear buds and it seemed to help calm me and distract me from obsessing over what I was going thru.

                                What you were experiencing is called auditory hallucinations. I have had them with the visual ones when withdrawing.

                                I have had to turn on music to sleep to drown out the noise in my head. For some reason mine were not always music but for some weird reason, I kept hearing Glenn Beck the first time.

                                It was very irritating. :H

                                It must have been from some memories of hearing him on the news. I also heard music, etc.

                                The first time this happened to me, I would get up and walk around the house looking for the tv or radio that was still on. Then I found out it was in my head.

                                Glad you are getting through all of that. Keep an eye on your blood pressure and heart rate until you are a few days out completely af. Those are good harbingers of how well you are doing with the withdrawals. If the BP gets very high, either drink another bit of beer or, even better, go to the doctor and get some meds to help with the rest of the withdrawal such as iknowicandoit did.

                                AF April 9, 2016

