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Are you prepared?

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    Are you prepared?

    I got quite the scare and so glad I was sober. My son called yesterday and told me about all the smoke and the fire trucks that he had seen and heard. I wasn't too concerned as this is fire season. But as I drove home I noticed how much smoke and where it was coming from....very close to where I live. I started to get nervous. I stopped by the store and got a bottle of wine (I'm still tapering off, down to 2-3 glasses) and when I got home I realized how close the fire was. They said they had it under control but it was windy so I wasn't taking chances. Besides, who could sleep wondering where the fire was. I packed baby pics, pets and son and left. Stayed with a friend, had a couple glasses of wine and slept feeling safe and sober.
    Which got me to thinking, what if I was drunk and they had asked us to evacuate? What if just one time there is an emergency and I'm too wasted to do the right thing. What if my sons life depended on me? How could I possible live with that? Just too scary to even think about. Luckily the fire was put out and noone was hurt. I found out about a product called Thermo-Gel I'm going to get. You basically spray down your house with it using a hose and your house will be protected. I'm also making sure I have other emergecy stuff ready.

    Just thought I would share something that could have been so much worse had I not been sober. Kind of makes ya think huh?
    Anyone else have a moment scary or not, that they were glad they were sober?

    :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.

    Are you prepared?

    Good Point AKGirl . . . what if . . .

    Hi AKGirl . . . Great Job that you were sober . . . and your family is safe!

    What if the fire had not happened at all . . . would you still have thought about the what if's. Sounds like the fire was a good thing in some ways, made you think, thus you placed this thread which will make others think as well. THANX for sharing.

    Best of the best to you . . .


      Are you prepared?

      It is a frightening thought.

      You wouldn't believe how many people/children/pets have died due to the adults being drunk or even passed out. Housefires, forest fires, car accidents, you name it - it could very well happen.

      Your post is a good reminder of what can happen if one is drunk. How do you respond in a life or death emergency? Or even an emergency of a lesser degree?

      Great food for thought.


        Are you prepared?

        I guess we think like that because we have spent most of out time drinking rather than sober, including mornings when it is still in your system. How crazy is this...yesterday I tried to go for a (Pathetic) run when I saw a police car approaching. I instinctivly panic. WHy? because I am usually driving...with a beer. Then I realized that I wasn't drinking...then I realized I wasn't even driving! Really having to re-train the brain!!!
        Give a man a beer, he'll waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, he'll waste a lifetime.


          Are you prepared?

          Oh, isn't that the worse feeling, Colbe? I still panic when I see a cop car. I no longer drink and drive and haven't since 2003. Yet, I still panic! Driving bone sober!


            Are you prepared?

            Accountable for Me;628399 wrote: Oh, isn't that the worse feeling, Colbe? I still panic when I see a cop car. I no longer drink and drive and haven't since 2003. Yet, I still panic! Driving bone sober!
            Yea, crazy isn't it?! SO great, you mean I will still panic years from now! Well, hell...all the more reason to keep going AF!
            Give a man a beer, he'll waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, he'll waste a lifetime.


              Are you prepared?

              LMAO! I hope you don't panic years from now. I do think the panic sticks around for quite sometime though. It is in our nature to be paranoid after doing shit like that.


                Are you prepared?

                When my Mama was dying of cancer I used to think about this constantly....scared me sober for 8 straight months. I had to be God...if she fell ill and I was passed out..could you see Brit having to call the ambulance. OMG...what a horrid daughter and mother I would have been.
                Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                  Are you prepared?

                  Thinking back,it happened once when my son fell off his 4-wheeler last summer. Was glad to be sober, and glad he was okay.
                  Lord only knows there have been times when I could have not been so lucky. Don't think I want to temp fate anymore.

                  :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                    Are you prepared?

                    Lost Moments

                    I got to thinking more about this and ya know, it's not just the scary times we should want to be sober for. What about all the good times and little moments lost to drunkeness. All the happy and fun things we put off and don't do because we would rather drink. I have declined many invitations because I had started drinking and did not want to leave. I have told my son "maybe later" and just plain missed out on some of the things we could have done.

                    I will not lose any more of my life to AL....I'm taking it back and going to try to enjoy every moment!

                    :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.

