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The Next Day Thread, Sat 6th June

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    The Next Day Thread, Sat 6th June

    Hi everyone,
    Well I have just got back from taking my middle son soccer practice and I am still trying to get my feet warm!!!
    Hubby has woken up with the hump and has gone off doing something or other
    So once again I am here with the kids, but I am quite please as this mean I can clean the house in peace while the kids play.
    But apart from that I am feeling really good, I am looking forward to tonight as we are having a movie night at home tonight and we are going to watch air buddies so that should be fun.
    Well I hope you all have a lovely Saturday
    Love ronnie xx
    :dancin: enguin:
    starting over

    The Next Day Thread, Sat 6th June

    Cool Ronnie, I'll be over in a few
    Give a man a beer, he'll waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, he'll waste a lifetime.


      The Next Day Thread, Sat 6th June

      Hi Ronnie & Colbe!

      I have quite a busy weekend - have to FINALLY unpack the boxes left over from our move a year ago, my Dad and Stepmum arrive on Tuesday for a month, so Teen one gets bumped to the 'box' room that is literally full of boxes. It's also the room that has the birds nest in the wall, and the babies are tweeting away. Teen 1 is so delighted.....not.

      I seem to be moderating ok, I had 4 drinks over 6 hours last night, and to be honest the last one was one too many, I woke up really dehydrated. I have no 'rules', because as soon as I set them my rebelious streak needs to break them - I just find I don't really think about AL so much.

      Where are all the other next day people??

      Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



        The Next Day Thread, Sat 6th June

        Hi Ronnie, Colby and Betty,

        It's a grey drizzly Saturday arvo and I'm going a bit stir-crazy. Too many drizzly days in a row and not enough rain to make a significant difference - just enough to be an embuggerance. Might just have to be a head-in-book day.

        Betty - I'll trade your birds nest for my possum nest - ok? Teen would LOVE that ... not.


          The Next Day Thread, Sat 6th June

          It's raining here too and I'm going stir crazy. Haven't been out in 2 days. I'm back to day 1 agn. today, so it's hard being stuck in the house. I need to be outside biking or walking to relieve my anxiety. Let the sun shine soon. Have a good weekend all.
          Starting over again


            The Next Day Thread, Sat 6th June

            Hi, all
            Last call, have you got an umbrella? even if you go for a 10 min walk it might help you.
            Betty, my 30 days are up on Tuesday and I to have'nt got a plan or any rules as just like you I will want to break them, I think I will go down the trial and error route!!! and see how I go, but I am going to make sure that I am good!!
            Tawny its quite nice here today, I have just cleaned my kitchen which is only half done!!! and now I am thinking of cutting the grass outside, thats if the ground is dry enough.
            Colby - I dont know if you would like the film, as it is a kiddy's film, but hey you are always more than welcome to join me, but it might be alot cheaper just to go to the movies:H
            Well I will try and check in later
            Love ronnie xx
            :dancin: enguin:
            starting over


              The Next Day Thread, Sat 6th June

              Hi Ronnie, Sweaty, Colbe, Last Call, Tawny

              Checking in guys as I haven't had time for past 48 hrs. On day 6 over here in Nthn NSW. Out of withdrawals. Last night was a challenge - Friday night usually signifying 'getting on' with a nice bottle or two of wine, movie, nachos ... Weird evening ... husb on his lap-top, Kids on Nintendos and computers, and not having eaten all day (big mistake - used to starving myself and just drinking) I went into major tantrum-mode ...
              Took myself off to an AA meeting in the day for extra support. Clear about why I was going - as I mentioned in another thread - trying to find some way of marrying all this stuff, and hooking up with people in similar situations - who are working on the whole quit/control drinking thing ...

              Anyway, just back from a great walk to the park with the family ... now I need to shop and god forbid, I may go to the evening meeting here in town. Today is also hard - Saturday I usually shop early, bring back the Sydney Morning Herald, lots of wine and spend the afternoon in the sun on the back deck, reading, chatting, drinking, drinking, drinking ... always easy to justify kicking off at 12 noon on these days. So have broken the pattern today and I know that's what it takes.

              Thinking of you all and hoping you have a terrific w/e of either terrific moderation, or total sobriety!

              Current attitude towards addiction: Why ask why? Just accept that it is, and go from there ...


                The Next Day Thread, Sat 6th June

                Hi Kayla
                You seem to be doing really well "YOU GO GIRL" Day 6 I bet you are feeling good!!!
                Love ronnie xx
                :dancin: enguin:
                starting over


                  The Next Day Thread, Sat 6th June

                  Evening all,
                  Nice and chilled here after a busy week. And............I love being sober!
                  Have a safe, sober night everyone........

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                    The Next Day Thread, Sat 6th June

                    Hey guys, all sounds good here?
                    Great stuff on day 6 Kayla. Early days of habit changing are tough, but before long, it will become second nature to you. Keep going.
                    Anyone seen Pando?
                    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                      The Next Day Thread, Sat 6th June

                      Hey everyone :-)

                      Big binge last night, almost 3 bottles of red wine...

                      So day one again for me...

                      I've decided to go to an AA meeting on Monday, discovered there is one across the road from me at a hall, adjoining a no excuse!

                      Feel a bit anxious about attending...Talking to a room full of strangers, admitting my problems etc

                      I'm a different person when I'm not drinking, so much happier and confident, why do I do it to myself?

                      I must be barking mad :-P

                      Hope everyone is well x
                      What you perceive is what you believe, so make sure you look at things the right way....


                        The Next Day Thread, Sat 6th June

                        Hey Starts and Mr G...
                        What you perceive is what you believe, so make sure you look at things the right way....


                          The Next Day Thread, Sat 6th June

                          Hey Wavey!!
                          i think AA is a great idea. Actually talking about it is a great first step in getting that much needed support.
                          I think everyone is happier sober. Just that sometimes we think we can get even more happier from that damn bottle :-)
                          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                            The Next Day Thread, Sat 6th June

                            Evening Waves!
                            AA is worth a look, i reckon. And i don't think you have to speak, or share your story if you don't want to. Are you aware of the AA thread on here? That's worth a read/post if you have questions.

                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                              The Next Day Thread, Sat 6th June

                              Will check the AA thread, Cheers Mr G :-)

                              Has anyone here tried AA?

                              I'm not particularly Religious but am sure I could take what I wanted and leave the rest..

                              And, it's good here, so would surely be better with people face to face..
                              What you perceive is what you believe, so make sure you look at things the right way....

