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Where do I begin.....

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    Where do I begin.....

    No, I mean that literally.....where DO I begin ?
    OK. I can see you lot know what you're talking about ! I was wondering if you could give me a bit of a leg-up ?
    I am at day three at the moment. I have done this before, and manage to have alcohol free days on a fairly regular basis. Mostly I don't suffer withdrawal symptoms. But today I have a kind of 'constricted' feeling in my throat, and I could murder a family sized bar of chocolate. I may have had this before and simply not made the connection until perusing this site.
    The children were good enough to have a bilateral meltdown last night.....right on the 48 hour mark......perfect......just when I'm getting the last of this crap out of my system.
    I can see that RJ has a point....I need to have a plan.
    So...get to the point Bridge.....
    Any advice greatfully accepted (well...within reason ! )
    Has anyone else experienced this constricted throat thing ?
    Is this going to get any worse, or have I just been 'lucky' ?
    What was your starting point in terms of acquiring Topamax in that most baffling of systems, our health portfolio ? Is it even available here ? I'd order it online.....but let's face it....customs would just nick it. I'm not HEAVILY into a starring role in 'Border Watch' this week either.
    Have you any tips and pointers for tracking down the supplements mentioned in the book ?
    PM's welcome as well, of course.

    Thanks all.
    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
    Rejoined life 20/5/19

    Where do I begin.....

    Hiya BB,
    Huge congrats on Day 3!
    I havent had the constricted throat, but maybe its a bit of nervous tension?
    Also, the needing the choccie is your bodys way of craving the sugar alcohol was giving you. Try Lglutamine, its marvellous for cravings and balancing blood sugar levels. Make sure you are eating regularly too, that helps.
    There are loads of Aussies about, you will find quite a few of them on The Next Day Thread :-)
    Re Topa, I havent tried it myself, but there is loads of info on the meds forum. Check it out or start a thread yourself I am sure you will get loads of advice.
    Supplements mentioned in the book can be bought from this site (see health store) or ordered elsewhere on the net. Let me know if you are struggling to find.
    Oh and check out the Toolbox Thread in monthly abstinence forum, that will help you with a plan.
    Good luck you can do this!!!
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      Where do I begin.....

      Hi Bridget,

      I used to and sometimes still get a tightness in my throat which I attribute to anxiety. Close your eyes, breathe in, breathe out -- for a couple of minutes to help relax and calm the mind.

      As for where to begin, everyone is different but for me the supps were a great help.
      I used to take the Milk Thistle, L-Glut, Kudzu, Omega 3-6-9 (or Evening Primrose Oil) and a good multi vitamin.

      Stay strong:-)
      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


        Where do I begin.....

        Welcome BB Bridge . . .

        Hi Starts, hi DBee and all to come . . .

        :welcome: BB Bridge . .

        Looks like you have found the beginning, reading the book and coming here to MWO are an excellent starting place. There is a major source of support, guidance, inspiration and compassion to be had here from the fine people from all walks of life all round the world.

        I find soothing music whilst 'Breathing' techniques helps . . . as well as trying to keep my mind occupied with anything other than AL. Even just picking up the phone to call a friend or relative, PMing or chatting here in MWO is a useful tool to keep busy and does take my mind off of AL.

        Glad you joined in . . . things can and will get better.


          Where do I begin.....

          Hi All,
          Thanks Starting over. I found the 'next day' thread, and there they all were ! Taa.
          Hi DeeBee and polarized. You were both right about the deep breathing technique. I used to use hypnosis and deep breathing years ago. Might be time to dust off the CD's ?
          Hope you're all feeling great today/tonight.
          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
          Rejoined life 20/5/19


            Where do I begin.....

            Back at ya . . .

            I dusted off my CD's just after finding MWO and the Great ppl. here.

            My new Cd which is a couple years old or so, is "I Can Do It" by Louise Hay. She is right and I Can and so can Anyone who Wants to beat this AL addiction.

            Be well everyone . . . :l


              Where do I begin.....

              I can see you are on your way to learning the ropes, and welcome!

              I just wanted to tell you that I love Brigid Jones, and perhaps you will serve as a model for when Brigid finally develops "inner poise". I wish you all the best as you begin your work. MWO is great, so just work it!
              AF as of August 5th, 2012


                Where do I begin.....

                Yep Polarized , I dusted off my relaxation CD today. It was full of screeching whales and twittering birds.Thank God the 90's are over, say I.
                Hiya Young at Heart. When the Bridget Jones movie came out, I literally got phone calls to tell me that my biography was out on film. As for the poised version....well, we'll see. If anything can nuture our inner poise, it's not getting pissed and falling over ourselves.

                Hope you're having a cracker of a day all.
                If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                Rejoined life 20/5/19


                  Where do I begin.....

                  Hi Bridge & welcome my dear.
                  Constricted throat?? No idea
                  Topa in Oz?? No idea
                  Plan = very good thing
                  As you can see I'm not very helpful but I did wish to extend the welcome gumleaf to you.
                  I look forward to getting to know you.



                    Where do I begin.....

                    Gumleaf received and appreciated Angelcakes....
                    We'll sort the rest out another day
                    Cheers love.
                    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                    Rejoined life 20/5/19

