My main worry though will be the 16th when I will be going to a baseball game. A part of me wants to drink and another part of me don't. I dunno what to do. I will probably be here as much as I can that day.
No announcement yet.
Day 5 here and struggiling
Day 5 here and struggiling
I just need to get this off my chest. I have had no drinks since Thursday. And the past two days I have been having cravings like crazy. But going here is so helping me. I want to thank everyone for posting here. I would probably be drinking now if it wasn't for you all and the fact I don't have the money.
My main worry though will be the 16th when I will be going to a baseball game. A part of me wants to drink and another part of me don't. I dunno what to do. I will probably be here as much as I can that day.I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.
Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.
Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.Tags: None
Day 5 here and struggiling
Hey Drifty...or Alison....or both! :welcome:
Good for you on the 5 days, that is great!!!! Are you doing this with supplements or any other parts of the MWO program or just coming here to the boards? Have you gotten RJ's book?
Many of us have found that just willpower alone aren't enough to keep us AF in the longer term, I recommend that you check out the book and see if there are at least parts of the rest of the program that might help you in the longer term to get you more AF time under your belt.
Best of luck to you on the 16th, whatever you decide, coming here often will help you in any case!
Day 5 here and struggiling
Hi Drifty,
Glad you're hanging in there with usThe cravings will start to ease soon, honestly.
Take a moment each day to think of all you have accomplished already. You're doing great!
By the time the 16th and your baseball game rolls around you will probably be feeling a lot stronger and won't want to mess up your quit. Wait & see.
Stay strong.AF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Day 5 here and struggiling
Drifty - Well done on your AF time so far!
Maybe try not to focus on the 16th too much, distract yourself and don't give the date so much power.
It took me a while to get to 30 days, but I can promise you that if you manage to do the 16th without AL you will feel a huge shift in balance of power, you will have more power than the AL, which personally I think is hugely important.
Keep Going!
BetsProud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:
Day 5 here and struggiling
Hey Drifty.
Great job so far.
As Lavande said, you will hopefully start to feel a lot stronger by the 16th.
Worst case have a few sodas. The sugar may help your cravings. Anything is worth a try.
Good luck on the 16th and continued success.
Brett.Alcohol Free Since July 1 2009.
My Sobriety Blog (From Then Till Now).
Day 5 here and struggiling
Hi Drifty, you are doing great!
Those drinking thoughts will come and go, one thing to be aware of is that you will never regret not drinking, but you might regret drinking on the 16th.
Look at it like this, its only a few hours out of your whole life. The more af days you have, the less the cravings will be. If you cave, it kind of feeds those cravings so its harder next time.
Have you tried lglutamine for cravings you are having now? I swear by it.
Good luck and stay strong, its so very worth it.Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009
Day 5 here and struggiling
with the time difference we are about the same so keep it up ,it is a struggle but it will be worse going back keep going ,go do some thing positive today take care Dairebantry never stop trying and when your beaten remember your friends they may not have faces they may not have voices but they are there and they care so get up and try again ,,,never stop:goodjob: