I hope all are bright and breezy today?
I need to get myself into a new routine, I have been feeling a little lost lately. I know I have the possibility of the voluntary work and a new career there, but it seems to be taking so long to get going. I havent worked since January and I am afraid of getting myself into a rut. Yesterday I felt quite low about stuff, and I need to make sure I dont let that get out of control. I know coming off the prozac is making me "feel" more but I mustnt let that become negative.
Soooo, what to do? In simple terms, I think I need to move about more. Sitting for hours and hours in front of a pc is not good for me. But its so easy to do. And as soon as I see anyone on here I just love to have a chat

Sorry for going on so long, but sometimes writing stuff down helps to either motivate and/or clarify where I am with things.
Any way, here's to a happy, productive positve day all!!
PS, Gyco. I really hope you are feeling better sweetie. Its horrible to feel so depressed isnt it? :l Did you call?
