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Army Thread 12th June

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    Army Thread 12th June

    Good Morning Troopers.

    I hope all are bright and breezy today?

    I need to get myself into a new routine, I have been feeling a little lost lately. I know I have the possibility of the voluntary work and a new career there, but it seems to be taking so long to get going. I havent worked since January and I am afraid of getting myself into a rut. Yesterday I felt quite low about stuff, and I need to make sure I dont let that get out of control. I know coming off the prozac is making me "feel" more but I mustnt let that become negative.
    Soooo, what to do? In simple terms, I think I need to move about more. Sitting for hours and hours in front of a pc is not good for me. But its so easy to do. And as soon as I see anyone on here I just love to have a chat I am going to try and go for a short run today. Anything like that has been impossible for the last week or so because I have felt so unwell. Then I am going to try and do some stretching. I ache all over, and am not sure if that is from coming of the Prozac or what. But maybe some gentle stretching will ease it. I also want to start a weights programme.
    Sorry for going on so long, but sometimes writing stuff down helps to either motivate and/or clarify where I am with things.

    Any way, here's to a happy, productive positve day all!!

    PS, Gyco. I really hope you are feeling better sweetie. Its horrible to feel so depressed isnt it? :l Did you call?
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

    Army Thread 12th June

    Morning Starts.
    Damn you're up early!!
    I was just thinking, have you tried yoga?
    It would help with the old injury and depression
    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


      Army Thread 12th June

      Morning Starts and DeeBee.
      It's so easy to sit here for too long Starty. I've done it myself. I sit down, say 'hello' and before I know it half the day's away. Sometimes you do need to get moving jsut to perk yourself up.
      Yoga is a great idea. I've read so many books and checked it out on here. I do a little most days. Now that I've got a little spare cash I'm going to see about classes.


        Army Thread 12th June

        hows your boil now?
        could you not ring them and see how your application is going? Hanging in the air is no good,and I think dee bees yoga class idea is a great one, you could make a few new friends as well.


          Army Thread 12th June

          Oh guys, thanks! Great idea about the yoga, I have a book here and I could do some this morning.
          I have just picked myself up off the floor laughing at your comment Limey
          "you could make a few new friends as well."
          Made me chuckle my friend :-)
          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


            Army Thread 12th June

            yes, a few 'real life ' ones...anyhoo , what was so Gawd damn funny??!


              Army Thread 12th June

              right , you can all feck off, im off to school with my heart shaped! They must think to themselves, heres your one with thouse feckin heart shaped cakes again!!lol!


                Army Thread 12th June

                Pops, coffe is on you later seen as your pockets are full today!!lol!


                  Army Thread 12th June

                  limers;633449 wrote: Pops, coffe is on you later seen as your pockets are full today!!lol!
                  You're on


                    Army Thread 12th June

                    Morning Pops and Limers!!

                    Starts, may I suggest that you find a yoga class to join. Doing it from a book is just not the same. Also the deep relaxation which is done at the end of the session is wonderfully theraputic and works much better for me when i am guided through it.
                    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                      Army Thread 12th June

                      Morning all- it's gonna be VERY hot here today, so I am out with the d0ggies while we still can...only mad dogs and Englishmen and all that!

                      I used to go to Yoga classes too- and I enjoyed them, I had to give them up as my working hours got in the way, and I agree it isn't the same from a book or a DVD- we used to have the relaxation at the end of the class too, and half the time I would just fall asleep- most embarrassing- everyone else was getting up to leave and I was still lying there.

                      Can you not call these people at the centre Starts? If they havent got a place they could maybe let you know then you could start thinking about plan B- I think as drinkers we tend to isolate ourselves in order to continue our habits in peace and that part of getting better is to unisolate ourselves again, I used to be very social and now I just seem to spend all my time alone- of my own doing I might add.


                        Army Thread 12th June

                        morning starts,debees,popeye,limers 1,2,many & marbella,starts, yoga would be great for you,one of my supports is learning to be a yoga instructor,& he swears by it,marbella i wish i was there love the sun,hope to get to the algarve in july cant wait,limers cakes are very fattening,whats wrong with boiled carrots

                        :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                        Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                        I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                        This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                          Army Thread 12th June

                          pc is much better,the hippo had a word with it,but as i no you are all very worried i am still very tired and havent gone out cycling in 2 days,might try a little one soon,dont like being cooked in

                          :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                          Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                          I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                          This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                            Army Thread 12th June

                            ok friends i am of,chk in later,i wont be long,actually i will be still the same height when i get back

                            :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                            Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                            I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                            This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                              Army Thread 12th June

                              A very good morning to you all. I agree that once your on here, sometimes it can be difficult to get off. You lead more a virtual pc life than you do a normal life. Its easier in alot of ways, and those problems of life and self can be forgotton when im cymru. Its alot of why I havent been on here so much. I need to be out there facing and dealing with my demons, and living a 'normal' life to this alcoholic is quite a new experience! getting up early, getting the paper, picking Erin up and enjoying time in the garden. Little things that others take for granted is a real pleasure to me.
                              Anyways, have a great day peeps. My love to all.
                              To Infinity And Beyond!!

