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    I guess most of you have heard of it.. but its a miracle for me so far. i havent been doing it qutie sinclair method yet, but it works amazing. in two years i havent had af days ( except taking antabuse) what ive been doing is taking a naltrexone, and it works for three days to relieve cravings a bit, and ifi decide to drink, i still feel pretty happy just not as high and as i need more type of feeling. so id be good with a few beers.. if i say to myself that night, im going to have three beers, i can on naltrexone.. off naltrexone if theres more beer there, forget it. id drink till the end. theres also the sinclair method obviousalyl which i plan on doing. so far so good though, i trul recommend it ! its not expensive if you order it online either. this week i was af tues, had three beers wed, and wasy af thurs. it takes SOME willpower, but nothing like if i wasnt on it. if i wasnt on it id be obsessing about alcohol and af days were the hardest! but not on naltrexone-theyre quite easy...


    Thanks for sharing - good to know there are medications out there that really help.

