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Sense of a Goose!

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    Sense of a Goose!

    Hi guys!

    I have made reference to this before but thought I'd put it in it's own post! It's not specifically related to AL but it somes up MWOF well...

    1) By flying in a 'v' formation, the whole flock adds at least 71% greater flying range than if each bird flew alone.
    Pepole who share a common direction and community can get where they're going faster on the thrust of another

    2) When a goose falls out of formation, it suddenly feels the drag and resistance of trying to go it alone and quickly gets back in formation to take advantage of the bird in front.
    If we have as much sense of a goose, we will stay in formation with those people who are headed in the same direction

    3) Geese honk from behind to encourage those up front to keep up their speed.
    What messages do we give when we honk from behind?

    4)When a goose is sick or wounded and falls out of formation, two other geese fall out too and follow it to lend help and protection.
    If we have the sense of a goose we will stand by each other like that

    This was from a chicken soup for the soul by Canfield and Hansen.

    Communities such as MWOF are difficult to find, I count myself lucky to be a part of it.
    Love to you all Manisha xoxo :l
    To see a world in a grain of sand
    And a heaven in a wildflower.
    Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
    And eternity in an hour.

    Sense of a Goose!

    Lovely post, thanks. And food for thought, if you will pardon the pun.
    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


      Sense of a Goose!

      Hey Lost, you were on chat last night. I remember you. Nice to talk to you even from a far. Those hills are green aren't they. I've heard it is true. These words so too inspire me. I feel your inspiration by these words. Here is a link to the one that will make you really absorb. I cannot forward, the site does not let me. Someone sent it to me a long time ago. It is unforgettable, I want to share it at chat to let the others see it too. After all this time I still cannot view it without getting tears in my eyes, please look. Lesson from the Geese


        Sense of a Goose!

        A beautiful post Manisha and so true.
        Thank you.
        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


          Sense of a Goose!

          what a wonderful post!
          "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


            Sense of a Goose!

            good post relate to that:thanks: before i think i could relate to an ostrich

            :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

            Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
            I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

            This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


              Sense of a Goose!

              :H :H Nice one Mario, me too.
              Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                Sense of a Goose!

                I have always known that animals are smarter than people......MOST of the time.
                Thanks for the post lost
                Finally Free


                  Sense of a Goose!

                  What a beautiful post from one of my all time favorite books.....Thanks for posting !!!
                  sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                    Sense of a Goose!

                    Thank-you for sharing this.
                    Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                      Sense of a Goose!


                      What a wonderful metaphore Lost Soul.

                      That's yet another reason why I love this forum. All the support and inspiration I get from all of you amazing ppl.

                      Place big fat HuGGable here . . . :l


                        Sense of a Goose!

                        We have much to learn from nature- and some stuff to unlearn!


                          Hi all,
                          I have 'come home' to MWOF again, just over 2 months ago :happy2: Although some people have moved on & there are 'new' people to get to know, this wonderful community is still the same safe supportive place x
                          Thankyou all & so very grateful to be here x
                          Wishing all a safe & sober Monday
                          To see a world in a grain of sand
                          And a heaven in a wildflower.
                          Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
                          And eternity in an hour.

