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NEXT DAY THREAD Saturday 13th

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    NEXT DAY THREAD Saturday 13th

    What are you lot like ....getting the new girl to start the thread......lazy buggers....out of bed.....
    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
    Rejoined life 20/5/19

    NEXT DAY THREAD Saturday 13th

    Thank dog for that. I've been tip-toeing around here for four hours so as not to wake you buggers up!

    Geeesh. Some people. Just because it's Saturday ...


      NEXT DAY THREAD Saturday 13th

      Hi Bridget
      Im up, I have to take my middle boy soccer practise in a minute and its freezing outside!!! on with the furry boots I think for me!!!
      Well on a more serious note, I tried Modding my drink on Thursday and I blew it!!! I feel as if I have let all my good work just fly out of the window. But I am picking myself up and I am going to let this be a lesson to myself that I have got to have more control with myself. So I am not giving up with modding but I think I will leave the drinking alone for a while. They always say you learn by your own mistakes and Thursday was a big one!!!! Well I feel alot better for sharing that, god the guilt was getting bad. But as a whole im am feeling really good today, I must admit its alot better being sobar.
      Well id better gee my boys up and I will check in again when I get back
      Love ronnie xx
      :dancin: enguin:
      starting over


        NEXT DAY THREAD Saturday 13th

        Hi tawney
        :dancin: enguin:
        starting over


          NEXT DAY THREAD Saturday 13th

          Holy Shite.. the 13th. i must work. thats okay, i like work.
          hope for me a good one, manager is not happy.
          i am always happy, i hope he is 2.
          Thread me some good vibes~

          An Improved Ripple. :monalisa:


            NEXT DAY THREAD Saturday 13th

            That's BETTER !!!!!!
            Waves is obviously still popping out Zzzzz's, and falling down on his thread-ly duties.
            How's the form ?
            Morning Tawney ! Just don't tiptoe mate, stomp.Rattle the billy. If thev've been on the turps last night it serves them right. What ecological miracle are you performing today ?
            Hi Ronnie.
            Bugger the guilt. Learn the lesson, and off you go again love. We're all a bit like spoilt brats when it comes to alcohol aren't we ? Like little kids with a bag of mixed lollies who push the whole lot down their gullets and then feel sick as a dog. God what an analogy ! I'm getting bizzarre mental images now......' I'll have $200 worth of mixed lollies please ':H
            I tell you what all the noise at that soccer match today, you'll be glad you stayed off it last night !
            Hi Irene.
            I owe, I owe...
            So off to work I go....
            Sending positive vibesssssss....................................... ...NOW..........
            If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
            Rejoined life 20/5/19


              NEXT DAY THREAD Saturday 13th

              Thanks for that Bridget, my god you sound very chirpy today, can I have some of what you have got please???????
              Well im back from soccer and my toes are numb, and thats with my furry boots. I have just got to go through the whole thing again tomorrow but thats for 3 hours, oh I love kids sports time NOT!!!!!
              Well hubby is at work today and I really dont know what to do with myself today, I think I might hang around here for a while, then I might head upto Bunnings to get some plants, but then that means that I will have to bring my 3 boys with me and you know sometimes its just not worth all the hassel that comes with taking kids out of the house when they dont want to go with you!!!! I just want a nice and calm weekend this weekend do MIRACLES really happen???????
              :dancin: enguin:
              starting over


                NEXT DAY THREAD Saturday 13th

                Back from soccer love ? I'm always chirpy Ronnie. I know I'll be fine (better) without my Vodka. I very rarely hit the deck.
                Take the boys to Bunnings. Stick them into the play area and tell em to shut up. When I was a kid I had to drag 'round everywhere with my parents. You just did it without argument. Now they'd rather spend the day with a screen in their face.
                It's more important for you to structure your day. Otherwise this arvo you'll be sitting in the sun thinking......Hhmmm do you know what would be nice right now ?.......and away we go again !
                If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                Rejoined life 20/5/19


                  NEXT DAY THREAD Saturday 13th

                  Oh and by the way.....yes miracles DO happen.
                  If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                  Rejoined life 20/5/19


                    NEXT DAY THREAD Saturday 13th

                    There's no way I would be sitting in the sun Bridge its too bloody cold here for that and as for the drink OH NO NO NO I am off that for quite a while now, I did'nt like that feeling I had on Thursday and I am not going there again it was a horrible place.
                    I make you right, im sure the kids can do without the Wii game for an hour!!
                    :dancin: enguin:
                    starting over


                      NEXT DAY THREAD Saturday 13th

                      My eleven years old's grounded for a month. He called someone at after school care a 'retarded f-wit !!!!!!'
                      Little shit he is. He's got a big mouth like his mother. Now he's got to drag around with me everywhere. Who's punishment IS this, I wonder to myself.
                      Honestly Ronnie, don't you feel disgusting after a session like that ? And wondering if you've said or done anything offensive (more offensive than the sober stuff anyway!!!) It's really bad for your self esteem, this crap.
                      If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                      Rejoined life 20/5/19


                        NEXT DAY THREAD Saturday 13th

                        It was'nt a major session on Thursday and I know that I behaved myself as hubby would of been on my back big time!! It was the feeling of no energy the next day that got me, I was tired for the whole day and I did'nt go to bed late on Thursday either.
                        Oh you poor thing having a eleven year old around you where ever you go, I think you got the punishment not him, you should make him clean the house for a week instead
                        :dancin: enguin:
                        starting over


                          NEXT DAY THREAD Saturday 13th

                          Is anyone in Oz having any luck tracking down Kudzu and 'All One' ?
                          I suppose I could buy them online from here, but I don't LOVE the online thing. Over the counter would be better. Where is a good place with a decent range of Vitamins ?
                          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                          Rejoined life 20/5/19


                            NEXT DAY THREAD Saturday 13th

                            Good afternoon all you chaps and chapesses on the other side.
                            All sound bright and beautiful here today...good one!
                            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                              NEXT DAY THREAD Saturday 13th

                              Hi Starts
                              I was reading yesterdays army thread and congratulations on your new job, i bet you are well pleased, well done girly!!!!
                              :dancin: enguin:
                              starting over

