I was just reading someone else's tread about drinking and driving and an accident. The most dangerous thing we do each day is get behind the wheel and drive.I remember waking up when I was drinking and thinking I was lucky i wasn't stopped by the police last night I would have gotten a DWI.What kind of thinking is that, not considering what I could have done to someone else.I was worried about the ramifications of a DWI.That could have been the least of my problems.I can see now how warped my thinking became because of al. The selfishness of our addiction carries over into ever aspect of our lives.My inner core was so effected meaning my decision making and I didn't realize it.Just about everything was planned with the thought of having access to drinking.It wasn't until al was slowly pushed out of my life did I start to realize the total consuming effect it had over me.
Selfishness I now recognize as one of the biggest aspects of being an alcoholic.Al becomes the most important thing in our life's. It jumps up in front of our relationships ,jobs,children,and everything else we thought was the most important parts of our lives.
I now want to add to others happiness. I don't want to be the cause of their sorrows. With al in my life I couldn't step back and think like this. Since becoming sober I no longer have to consider the bad choices that goes along with drinking.When drinking they didn't even seem bad.Now they can't even be considered.It is not just coming out of the fog of al it is returning back to considering others .
Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
AF 5-16-08