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This is ridiculous

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    This is ridiculous

    My Dad and Stepmom are here visiting, so they are in holiday mode. My AL consumption is way above what I want, but I'm having a lot of 'head chat' as to how to tackle it.

    30 days AF?
    No AL at home?
    A unit limit per week?

    My visitors will support me whatever I decide, so its really up to me.

    Mr Sweats is also a huge trigger, he has me on edge at the min, I feel like I'm refereeing between him, my visitors and the teens.

    I'm not totally despondent, but aware I need to tackle what's going on, and I just wanted to record it here.

    Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:


    This is ridiculous

    You will make the right decision for you, in the end. It's just a matter of taking yoursefl off into a corner and having a little chat. Which I think is what you are doing here.
    Best of luck.
    Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
    If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
    November 2, 2012


      This is ridiculous

      Sweaty, i dont really know what to tell you but it seems to me that alot of folks take the 30 day AF route and it seems to work. Good luck.


        This is ridiculous

        Hi Sweaty,

        "My visitors will support me whatever I decide, so its really up to me."
        There you are, half the problem solved already!
        Now all you need to do is pick one of the three choices and you're set.
        Give yourself a little time to yourself like Wally says.
        You'll be OK, and you'll make the decision that's right for you.
        Me? I'd have a go at no AL at home. Then not go out.


          This is ridiculous

          Hiya Betty
          I have just had Family (from the UK) visit us for a couple of weeks..I was not AF at the time of the visit but had reduced my intake by at least 2/3rds. I gave in and started tanking it down again...I too was under pressure trying to keep the peace and generally dashing round being the *hostess with the mostess*
          They left a couple of weeks ago and I am having a helluva time trying to get back on track again...
          Betty luv, you have come way too far and are doing so well...
          BTW..I am a newbie and and never tried to give advice to anyone here at MWO but because of our similar situation i thought I would try....
          Lotsa Luck xxxx


            This is ridiculous

            What works for me is to substitute like crazy. Lots of fruit juice and different drinks, always a full wine glass, just no wine. For all practical purposes my family thinks I drink more than ever, because I'm never without my glass in my hand. Also being sure I'm eating well, lots of snacks, even while getting ready for family meals. Good luck. It's tough to keep your own path when habit and family custom threaten to undo it.


              This is ridiculous

              30 days always works for me- cleans up the system and is empowering.
              Toughen up!


                This is ridiculous

                Hey Horizons,
                We were all new once, and, your suggestions and advice are most welcome. May be just the advice that a person needs to help them along.


                  This is ridiculous

                  Thank you all so much.

                  I'm going to go for no AL at home, and drive when we go out.

                  I think I feel added pressure as my Dad had a chat with me about Mr Sweats. He remarked on how miserable and unsociable Mr Sweats is, and he's right. He's been this way a while and I've tried all the usual approaches, and while things do improve he reverts back fairly quickly. He loves his job and Sunday morning soccer, it's family life he finds difficult!

                  Hey ho - onwards and upwards!


                  Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                    This is ridiculous

                    Hi Betty, sounds like you have a good plan. Just take many deep breaths and let them out slowly, I know I have found that decreases the anxiety for me.
                    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                      This is ridiculous

                      Betty, good job on making the plan. Looking forward to your update on how things are going!
                      AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                        This is ridiculous

                        Not sure where your are, darlin', but summer has sat its big ass square on the South of the US of A, and its H-O-T!! My pools open, less than 2 days, and full all the time, and AL comes in w/some visitors. Their problem. Lots of kids. Their parents problem. I WILL evict a rowdy visitor, or take down a mouthy kid even if their momma won't. It get tough time!! I used to feel I ran a resort, and it ran me in the ground. No more. I've been asked for a dozen drinks, eats, etc. by 1:00 PM. I tell them to get 'em themselves, or, better still, bring 'em themselves. No more curb service!!!!!!! Makes you feel SO empowered, SO free, SO much more yourself!!!! Also teaches the brats to feed themselves. They won't die, I promise!!
                        Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                        awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                          This is ridiculous

                          Hey Bets,

                          Sounds like your plan is a good one and now it's forward.

                          I like what said about having a glass in your hand with something in it other than wine or alcohol, and plenty of healthy snacks to go with it.

                          Can your father and stepmother go off on their own for awhile; maybe a night or two by themselves?

                          I am sorry things are challenging for you right now with hubby too. Sounds like he's not very happy, but you are not responsible for his happiness.

                          Well teen wants the computer. Hang in there, you're doing great.

                          Free Bird

