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The Drinker's Hour

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    The Drinker's Hour

    Hi y'all. I was reading a thread in Holistic Healing on body changes since going AF. There was a lot of talk about waking up at 3am and how commonly we find ourselves scratching the ceiling at this hour.

    Here's a reference from Bonfire of the Vanities by Tom Wolfe:

    Chapter 14 - I don't know how to lie

    "Sherman woke up from a dream he couldn't remember, with his heart flailing away in his chest wall. It was the drinker's hour, that hour in the dead of the night in which drinkers and insomniacs suddenly wake up and know it's all over, this sleep dodge. He resisited the urge to look at the illuminated clock on the radio on the table beside the bed. He didn't want to know how many hours he would have to lie here fighting with this stranger, his heart, which was desperate to escape to some far far far far far far far far far far Canada.
    The windows were open on the Park and on the side street. Between the sills and the bottom of the shades was a band of purplish gloom. ...
    How very odd ... in the dead of the night. His wife slept, fifteen inches away, on the other side of the Berlin Wall, breathing regularly ... oblivious ... She was turned away from him, on her side, her knees bent. How nice it would be to roll toward her and tuck his knees in behind hers and press his chest against her back. Once they were able ... once when they were so close... they could do that without waking each other up. .. in the dead of the night."

    Or course there is also a song by Vaughan Rhea. You can find it on utube, but it's not really to my taste.

    - Tulipe
    Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
    AF since May 6, 2010