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calling my rehab

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    calling my rehab

    I just called the rehab center that I just finished 8 months in. I left a message. I feel like crap. hope they can take me back!!!!! I also want to try baclofen. I feel sooo alone though I know I'm not.

    calling my rehab

    Good for you for calling rainyjane. You are deffinately not alone. I'm glad you are keeping on trying. That is the most important thing you can do and you're doing it!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      calling my rehab

      Rainey, like Greenie says, you are most certainly not alone.
      There is lots of hope and help and the fact there are things you want to try is fantastic. You at least have some kind of a plan and thats a very good start.
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        calling my rehab

        hi rainy your not saying why you feel like,crap,youve come on here cus it makes you comfortable plus you did what you were tot at rehab phone them,congratulations better to feel like crap for a while then the rest of your life,i do wish you well gyco


          calling my rehab

          thank you guy's
          I feel like crap because I was drinking yesterday, and I found out that an old buy friend of mine died of an over dose. I was always trying to "fix" him. Can't be done. I left him because of the drinking, drugs and cheating. He was his own worst enemy. His demons killed him. I found his 17 yr old daughter. she told me what had happened. It makes me sooo sad, but it also scares me because I'm not doing that well staying sober myself!


            calling my rehab

            your doin great sweetie,theres lapse and relapse remember,one is longer then the other,youve been the long road obviously,you dont want to go back,i am going thro the same afriend died 10 years ago,and his 28 year old son died the other day,i cant do nothing about that,out of my hands,but no reason to destroy myself over it,youve done well by phon ing the rehab,again congrats,and i no it hurts cry go for a walk something, and be happy your alive gyco


              calling my rehab

              thanks gyco. I think I'll go walk my dogs. I need some fresh air! I reallyyyyyy hate this shit. Why is addiction so hard to break? I never would wish this on anyone. Well most anyone.hahahah


                calling my rehab

                That's what "addiction" means I guess. I too have lost some old friends. I think about them a lot. Funny thing is, as time goes by, I only remember the good stuff about them. I have drowned my sorrows in drink for a long while I guess. Quitting is easy, I do it every time I pass out. hang in there. Stay busy. Do something good for you and keep in touch.
                Rehab is for quitters!


                  calling my rehab

                  I wish you luck with the rehab RJ. It may be just the thing you need right now. Please let us know how it goes.
                  "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                    calling my rehab

                    Good luck RJ I too hope that you can get the help you need, you are making the right decision by calling. Be proud of that decision.
                    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                      calling my rehab

                      Your not alone. I am leaving for a baseball game later. I feel like I can do it without drinking. I know that I can do this. I just want to have a couple of pops or so and have a good time.
                      I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

                      Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

                      Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


                        calling my rehab

                        Good luck Rainey. I wish you well and hope this all works out. In the meantime, keep posting here and keep us updated. :l


                          calling my rehab

                          Rainey, that's great that you would call your rehab. You are a great example to all of us that we shouldn't avoid this issue. Congrats


                            calling my rehab

                            Well they did not call back. I will call again tomorrow. I told my husband, ( we are seperated) and he is very supportive. thank you all for your reply"s It is very helpful.


                              calling my rehab

                              Rainey, im separated from my husband too. Keep in touch and send me a PM if you want to chat. You are doing the right thing

