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Working alcoholics

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    Working alcoholics

    My Uncle runs on beer. It is amazing.

    He can run a marathon! One of the fortunate few!

    I guess he cancels out the AL with productivity!
    Starting over again 09/06/11

    "When its good its good its so good until it goes bad" Pink,Sober



      Working alcoholics

      Your Uncle drinks beer and runs marathons? Wow!

      My husband drinks beer and plays a fiece game of ice hockey! He is very fit for a guy who enjoys his beer belly on my lad!


        Working alcoholics

        I guess I'm a "working alcoholic" as well. I, like some above have mentioned, get a kick off in the am before work, top it back off at lunch, top it off again after work, maintenance dosages every hour till bed, then start again tomorow. The hang over thing, In my opinion, is because we have all "climatized" ourselves or built up a tolerance to the stuff. I started out with a half pint of Vodka and have worked myself up to a fifth/day. I do have issues when trying to stop. (Panic, no sleep, stomache trouble, etc.) I have just always kept a buzz during the day and then finish the evening with a slow road to unconsciousness. I wasn't always this way, and I don't want to be like this any more.
        Rehab is for quitters!


          Working alcoholics

          I refuse to divulge my proprietary techniques, for fear someone might use them!

          The problem is; there's no end to it. You just keep needing more and more. It starts with a nip in the night, and then in the morning, and maybe something at lunch, or leaving a bit early. Coming home and grabbing a glass before my tie is off. Going through 4-5 units before dinner. And no matter how much you try, your body and your brain need more and more. It's like "Little Shop of Horrors" FEED ME SEYMOUR!

          IMO the only way out is to stop the train. Change tracks. Get completely out of the rut. Carve a new path and leave the old one behind.


            Working alcoholics

            "Feed me Seymour!" LMAO!

            I love Steve Martin as the dentist -- "Open wide, here I come!"

