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Working alcoholics

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    Working alcoholics

    Hi all,

    I am curious, how can one be a working alcoholic? I mean people who drink every day, but still manage to go to work etc. How do you cope with withdrawals at work? Does it mean that you don?t drink that much, so you don?t have withdrawals? So, does it mean that you really control your drinking? I never drank every day, probably one or two days a week, but when I drank I drank until I passed out. I was born an alcoholic LOL; I never was able to stop once I started. After the binge, there is no way I would be able to go to work, so how can you working alcoholics still function?

    We are your friends. You don't need to be alone again. So come along.

    Working alcoholics

    Hiya Netty, how are you going these days?
    I think most working alcoholics simply 'top up', either during work, or after work, or before work. Alcohol stays in our system, typically for 24 hours. Note i said 'top up', not get smashed, so many seem to be able to function at a level that enables them to get by, and never really allowing the body enough time for withdrawal. That's a basic, explanation, which also generalises.
    Hope you are well..............G.

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      Working alcoholics

      Net, i am working alcoholic. I dont get withdrawls its as simple as that. i drink until i pass out to but i can get up the next day and not drink. I still have the problem which is that it has caused many problems in my life (was facing a DUI)


        Working alcoholics

        Hi Guitarist, Oney!
        I'm good. I'm off antabuse now and doing ok, but i am going to europe for a holiday soon and that might be very, very difficult! Well, i will try my best.

        We are your friends. You don't need to be alone again. So come along.


          Working alcoholics

          Hi Cacky,
          how come you don't get withdrawals? I want to know what are you drinking!!! hehe
          We are your friends. You don't need to be alone again. So come along.


            Working alcoholics

            Netty, Europe will be a lot more fun sober! Up to you.........Safe travel's my friend.

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              Working alcoholics

              Net, i dont know. I never got physical withdrawls. my drinking was never a physical addiction but a mental one. im still fighting it even today. i can mentally talk myself out of drinking for certain situations (kids, driving, AA meetings) but i drink almost every night when i dont have to do any of those things. My hubby had the kids last night so i drank.


                Working alcoholics

                I was a working alcoholic ... one that would have a pick-me-up first thing in the morning to get rid of the shakes and a "top up" during work so that withdrawal didn't begin to set in.... similar to what Guitarista said above. I never got drunk, not even in the evenings. I just sipped all day long, spaced out ... and it added up to a fifth of rum or vodka per day.

                Happy to say that I have been sober for two weeks. Not completely AF, but no hard liquor - only a light beer or two here and there. What a difference in quality of life, even this early on.
                AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                  Working alcoholics

                  I was a drunk in the evenings only, for what it's worth. I never could stomach anything early in the day. But when 4-5 in the afternoon came around, look out! Beer until bedtime. Hangover was a standard when I was working a few days a week.

                  Guess I was not a binge drinker so to speak. I never drank at work nor missed any days due to drinking. Hangover, yes, but able to do my work.

                  Going for 60 day AF and have about 2 weeks left.



                    Working alcoholics

                    Hi ya Netty, I have missed you MUCH~LY !!!
                    I was a working ......somewhat functional alcoholic. Most of my years I was a binge drinker and since I own the business there was no one to fire me.....During the very last part of my drinking, it was daily and I could hardly work. I would basically hide and let Hubby run the show. That wasn't a good thing cause it let me go UNACCOUNTABLE at a time when someone should have been holding a mirror up to my face. I needed Meds to get off and stay off AL. I am leaving for Europe soon and I am gonna go back on Topa and Baclofen before I leave cause I know that I will be spending time in the PUBS (that's were the sacred site groupies hang) over there. It is not a safe place for me so........... I need to do what ever it takes to keep my sobriety. That comes FIRST to me!!!!! Before anything or anyone........absolutle FIRST in my life!!! As long as I don't loss site of that then I think I will be OK. I suggest the same for you ???
                    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                      Working alcoholics

                      Hi Netty,
                      I was a functional alcoholic - for many years I drank every evening till pass out stage - got up the next morning to go to work and repeated the same story. But alcoholism is progressive - and I've slid down to where I would drink for a whole weekend - deliberately to get drunk and fall asleep and sleep most of the weekend. It is really scaring me. I want to go AF.
                      make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


                        Working alcoholics


                        My story is a lot like urs. I am a functional alcoholic. I don't drink before work, I usually start out my day with red eyes (visine please) and a headache. I have never been cheerful in early am anyway. Most weekends Joe and I drink all day once we finish our necessary running around. I've even started missing work due to a combination of being bored out of my skull at work and wanting to stay home and drink all day.

                        In fact, my boss just talked to me about needing me hear on Mondays. He came to my office and I don't think he suspects it's due to booze. As I said, I've never drank at work, but I don't want to give him cause to speculate, so I'm not missing anymore Mondays unless somebody dies.

                        Maybe we can support each other Jessie.


                          Working alcoholics

                          I drank all nigh long until I passed out, I drank to forget! Woke up the next day feeling like shit but made it through so I could drink again the next night. Never during the day because that is what alcoholics do (Gotta Love the Denial) unless it was a weekend. Its a cycle. Withdrawal never really played into things until the end.

                          Never had a problem for 6 years. 6-10 years starting getting tough. Eventually it catches up and becomes harder and harder. Age may be a factor. I decided to take responsibility for my actions. Almost like growing up. I knew if I would keep going, I would lose everything.

                          I have been functioning like a non alcoholic for some time now. Occasional drink on vacation or on a weekend... never during the week. I keep a handle on it because I know where I have been, where I am, and where I can go back too. Scary.
                          Starting over again 09/06/11

                          "When its good its good its so good until it goes bad" Pink,Sober



                            Working alcoholics

                            network;637761 wrote: Hi all,

                            I am curious, how can one be a working alcoholic? I mean people who drink every day, but still manage to go to work etc. How do you cope with withdrawals at work? Does it mean that you don?t drink that much, so you don?t have withdrawals? So, does it mean that you really control your drinking? I never drank every day, probably one or two days a week, but when I drank I drank until I passed out. I was born an alcoholic LOL; I never was able to stop once I started. After the binge, there is no way I would be able to go to work, so how can you working alcoholics still function?

                            What concerns me is the airline industry! Pilots drinking inbetween flights. That scares the living $h*t out of moi. Functional is?

                            An Improved Ripple. :monalisa:


                              Working alcoholics

                              I don't kow if I could be labelled a "working alcoholic" but I work and I think I'm an alcoholic. I try not to drink during the week so I can feel good for work the next morning as I HATE feeling crappy. I like to feel productive for work and have a workout at lunch break.

                              I succeed most of the time but when I'm in a very good mood I like to have a few pops. If the weather is nice and I'm just so happy to be leaving the office and get home and see my family, I like to have some beers or vodkas with club soda. I would not have any more than 6 or so though, so have managed to go to work on these mornings, but still would not feel 100% when doing so. A bit foggy and maybe a headache. I have never ever had a drink at work though. Now some Mondays can be particularly hard on me and have stayed home and missed work on some occasions...never more than maybe 6 days a year though. Mondays are hard after usually spending the weekend at the cottage and imbibing with neighbours, hubby and friends. I try to be good but sometimes it's hard.....especially in the summer months!

                              Been AF so far this week and plan to continue to do so until the week.

