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Some Pretty Good Things Happening

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    Some Pretty Good Things Happening

    I haven't written for awhile as I needed to draw back a bit and absorb all the change that was going on in my life and struggle through it. I had to get in touch with how unhappy I've been and I still don't know entirely why but I do know that alot of it is/was self-imposed messages. What a vicious rut the excessive drinking is: overdoing it to drown out feelings (but of course enjoying it) and then waking up hating yourself for feeling so bad. Thankfully, I've been able to feel so much more loving and patient towards myself, but it's very hard work. I've been on the supplements and AllOne for about a month and a half and the Topa for five weeks. I just hit 75 mg. yesterday. I have to go slowly as my body is very sensitive. I got really serious with the program about a week ago and started seeing some real success - content with a glass or two of red wine (switched to that because I tend to drink white wine like soda). I did slip last night and had about 3/4 of a bottle and the feeling today is NO FUN AT ALL. Anways, I was so amazed at how good I could feel when I didn't drink more than a glass, exercised, ate well and had good supps. I was singing to my horse out on a trail ride - genuinely happy. And, this is a big one - called my 90 year old mother-in-law, who I've had a protective sheild around myself against (so she won't hurt me emotionally) for umpteen years and asked her if she wanted to go for a ride in my son's Jeep (the one who left for Iraq) and go get an icecream. I told her we'd just go be wild women. We laughed and had a really fun time. And she got in and out of the Wrangler and didn't even need the stool I brought. It was so freeing. And I felt close to my son bouncing along in his Jeep.
    I don't know if anyone reads Pema Chodron but I'd been reading her that morning about being grateful to everyone. As I read on, I knew that if I'm going to heal and really love myself, I have to learn to forgive the people who've hurt me. I also have to trust people. I finally let a friend in on my drinking secret today.
    I do hope the desire to drink goes away. I can't believe how tenacious it is. Wine is truly delicious and relaxing and something I enjoy. I just want to be able to stop at two. It kinda scared me last night. I seem to be quite short on the willpower.
    I'm hoping that other people are having continued success. We need to remember to celebrate each step with each other as we do on the drinks per week thread. Cheers!
    P.S. How does everyone get such a nice picture with their threads. I tried to figure it out but am not much of a computer person. Grateful Em

    Some Pretty Good Things Happening

    Hey Grateful...glad to hear things are working better. It can all be such a stress.

    If you want a picture, it's called an avatar, so you click on the "USER CP" link, then click the edit AVATAR link, go through and select the picture that you want and add it.

    It will show up right away!:l


      Some Pretty Good Things Happening

      Hi Em!

      Hey Em!

      What a great post! I'm so glad that things are feeling better for you, and what a terrific story about your MIL!!! I'm glad that your jeep trek brought feelings of your son close:heart:.

      Thanks for sharing, and, by the way, I love your avatar! Foxy lady!!


      AF as of August 5th, 2012


        Some Pretty Good Things Happening

        /'/Thanks Em for sharing your story with us. You are so right that we all need to celebrate with each other, each step that we accomplish. It's a struggle for all of us or we probably wouldn't be here. Encouragement and support is what we are all here for. Can't be easy for you having a son in Iraq. You need all the encouragment we can give you and more. Glad you're back with us. God be with you and your son.
        :heart: Eliziby :heart:


          Some Pretty Good Things Happening

          Hi Em,

          I so happy to see you doing so well. I know how hard it is with your son so far away.

          And took your mother-in-law for a ride!! Wow.....I'm sure she enjoyed the attention. I hope somebody take me for a ride like that when I'm 90!

          Keep hanging in and keep us posted of any news from Iraq.

          "Be still and know"..

          Love, Nancy:l
          "Be still and know that I am God"

          Psalm 46:10


            Some Pretty Good Things Happening

            Oh, Em!! I have been thinking of you! School started for me 2 weeks ago, but I am here in the South, and I know you are up north, so it may be later for you has been wonderful going to teach clearheaded...okay--one day..Not-Clearheaded-ugh!...but..I'm sound absolutey like a changed person..HEY---but baby steps for us--right...this is NOT an overnight took us a long time to get us where we are right now...I love your healing story with your mother in law...that took some big...well..some..big..BALLS...proud of you! And so proud you SHOULD BE OF YOUR YOUR SON! I'm proud of your son!!! as he honors me as an American!! Let me know when you go back to school...You are dear to me!!
            soccer Mom--Mary


              Some Pretty Good Things Happening

              I am grateful for your post! We would all be inspired to hear more from you -- I too love the story about taking your MIL out in your son's jeep -- I can feel the "new" you that is fresh without the grog! Wish I could have come along in the back seat!!

              Tell us more!
              What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....

