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    Heya everyone.. Hope are all well??
    Just a quick question..i have been suffering from bad nusea.. its worse the next day!!(after drinking) Im never actually sick.. but its just a horrible feeling im on the 3rd day and its not so bad today.. was just wondering if anyone else suffers from nusea?? or upset tummy? and have any remedies that help the excess acid? Caused from heavy drinking
    ~I hope I didn't brain my damage~:crazymonkey:


    Browneyez I was constantly nauseous towards the end of my drinking career.
    There is one answer and thats to stop drinking.
    In the meantime, lots of water and good food, look after yourself.
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009



      Thanks babe.. Yeh the sickness is bad.. Its caused by drinking isnt it..??
      I find when am not drinking im like a nervous wreck.. i know that it will pass but right now am a worry wort haha
      ~I hope I didn't brain my damage~:crazymonkey:



        Hi browneyez and yes the upset stomach is definately due to all the drinking or one can assume. You need to stop drinking to figure out if maybe there is something else going on though.

        There are med's for panic disorder that you can take, I have been on them and they really help. Also there are other OTC things you can take like GABA, True Calm etc that are in the health store here.

        Best of luck to you, I hope you start feeling better.
        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."



          It was for me.
          You will have to get through the anxiety, I had that too, its hard but it passes.
          You tried any supplements to help?
          GABA, True Calm, Vit B and Magnesium are all pretty calming.
          Oh and not too much coffee.
          Thats an obvious one I know :-)
          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009



            After a drinking binge, I always have feelings of nausea, paranoia, an inability to sleep. After a really bad one, I could suffer from mental hallucinations, and I couldnt eat a thing. This was usually cause I didnt eat for days when on a binge, and my stomach just couldnt keep anything down.
            After about 3 days I would feel better, but it would take about 5-7 days to get back to 'normal', especially with regards to getting a proper nights sleep. As starts said, the only thing to do is stop drinking, and then you dont have to go through it again and again.
            To Infinity And Beyond!!



              Remember this feeling and know that you never have to experience it again if you choose not to. Within a few days the sickness and anxiety will pass.

              In the meantime, maybe sipping some ginger tea and taking some Andrews or Resolve rehydration drinks.
              Recovery Coaching website

              "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

              Recovery Videos



                Im pumping my body with plenty 'o' water.. milk thistle, multi vit and omega 3-6-9
                I think that soon as the whole drink is out of my system i'll be better
                after all my last shall we say binge, was a big one like i had all my sober days in one session!
                Resolve i shall try that.. i have been having andrews and didnt find it helped..
                Also has anyone experenced.. a funny head after drinking?? almost like dizzy but not.. hard to explian really lol
                ~I hope I didn't brain my damage~:crazymonkey:



                  Do you mean like a big pressure in your head or like when you turn your head too quick? I used to get that.
                  Recovery Coaching website

                  "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

                  Recovery Videos



                    Yeh abit of both.. almost like am still a lil pissed haha
                    ~I hope I didn't brain my damage~:crazymonkey:



                      Hi, Browneyez. Same as what Startingover said goes for me - I was always nauseous toward the end of my drinking career, sometimes with bouts of dizziness and messed up headspace ... and the anxiety when the drinks wore off was horrible.

                      But, for me, after quitting and going through a week or so of withdrawals as my body detoxed, the anxiety let up and the nausea, etc., went away. I haven't felt this "normal" in literally years.

                      Or you could have the flu, too .. sometimes it's hard to tell the difference. A lot of the time, I felt like I had a cold .. sinus things, bit of a sore throat, etc. ... but that went away too when I gave up the fifth of rum/vodka I was drinking every day.

                      Stick with it .. You'll be feeling better in no time.
                      AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.

