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has anyone tried doing program without topa?

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    has anyone tried doing program without topa?


    i am new here and i hope that i'm posting my query on the right board. if i am off-base, kindly accept my apology.

    i'm concerned about taking topa for a variety of reasons and i was wondering if anyone has taken a non-topa route. i would be more comfortable with the hypnosis, kudzu root and l-glutamine. in your experience, would this regimen be adequate? i'm sure that there is variance from person to person but i'd really like to avoid the topa if possible.

    thank you to anyone who can share insight with me.

    best, eustacia

    has anyone tried doing program without topa?

    Eustacia, I am trying it without topa. I am finding that with the book, reading the threads, vitamins etc. that so far I am able to control my cravings on my own. It makes me feel so proud when I can do it on my own, so we'll see if it lasts. I'm not sure if everyone needs the topa. I would certainly try using the vitamins, kudza, etc, and possibly the CD's and see how you do. Record your results. If you're not successful, then maybe the topa. Like you, I do not want to do the whole Dr. thing to get topa. Also don't want to be on another med right now. Already taking Zoloft and Xanax (for PMS). How often and when you have trouble with your drinking (nights, weekends)?


      has anyone tried doing program without topa?

      Eustacia, I also am trying it without topa, My reason is that I have glacoma (eye problem) my doctor said no for that reason and I'm on primpo for menopause. I just got done ordering the vitamins and cds. I hope you are successful let us know
      Patti :happyheart:


        has anyone tried doing program without topa?

        I am also trying without Topa because of the other meds I take.

        I am reading and researching, taking the Kudzu, l-Glut and GABA, and also exercising.
        "I'm not afraid of storms, for I'm learning to sail my ship." ~ Louisa May Alcott


          has anyone tried doing program without topa?

          dear janet and patti,

          thanks so much for responding to my question. my underlying health concerns reflect matters mentioned in each of your posts.

          i am perimenopausal and i have been taking prozac for the last several years to help me with my increasingly bad premenstrual symptoms. at this point, i think that i would be dead or in a loony bin without it. i am also taking premarin for severel hot flashes. while the premarin reduces the intensity of my perimenopausal symptoms, it doesn't always reduce them well enough to allow me to get a decent night's sleep. for that reason, i sometimes take valium before i go to bed. you can see that i already have psychotropic substances circulating through my brain. i just don't want to add another one, particularly because prozac is my lifeline and i don't want to risk compromising its usefulness.

          in terms of my drinking, i'm what one might call a "walk by" drinker. my husband is a cardiac patient who has been told to drink two glasses of red wine daily. he buys cheap jug wine and so there is almost always an open bottle in the kitchen. i frequently pour a splash of this wine into a glass when i walk through the kitchen. i feel that my addiction is psychological but not yet physical. once i decided to stop drinking for a month to see if my tolerance would drop and i found it relatively easy to abstain. i don't want to be abstinant in social situations because i am extremely shy. however, i would like to cut my drinking down to two glasses of wine from three or maybe even more, particularly when i am at a party that lasts many hours.

          currently, one of my biggest (unfortunate double entendre) is that I have gained 20 pounds over the last few years. all of my adult life, until my early 50s anyway, my weight was stable at about 110-113 pounds, despite my hearty appetite. maybe i should chalk this one up to old age but i question whether my increased alcohol consumption might play a role in my weight gain. i'm petite and small boned and 20 extra pounds does not look good on me!

          best of luck to each of you and thank you so much for answering my post.



            has anyone tried doing program without topa?


            your regimen is exactly what i am considering, along with self-hypnosis. how is it working for you?



              has anyone tried doing program without topa?

              program with no topa

              Hi Eustacia,

              We met on chat last night. When I first started program, I did want to ask for topa and was leery of using other sources. So, I began my program without the topa - just used supplements and the CDs.

              At first, I was not able to make it for many days without drinking. However, at that point in time, making it one day without wine was an incredible feat. So, I would make it one day - the slip - then get on the abstinence train again. Over time, it was not unusual for me to go 3-4 without. Yet, I knew that it wasn't enough of a break from the booze to really make a difference in my life; I had halved my consumption, but I still liked to drink way too much. Plus, the hangovers were just so bad.

              Once I decided to do a 10 day period, it was not nearly as bad as I thought. Before I knew it, I had 6 weeks of abs under my belt. All without topa. During a long vacation, I ordered some topa and it helped quite a bit - but I elected to stop taking since I was going back to work and did not like stupamax effect. If topa seems right for you, just make sure to go up slowly. I rushed it a bit.

              Anyway, Eustacia - it is quite possible to do the program without topa. Right now, I count my alcohol free days and try to follow some general rules, such as not drinking two days in a row. Given that I have been somewhat sloppy on the no drinking on consecutive nights rule, I know I am ready for another go at a month of abs, at least. So back to old program and the CDs - which are helpful.

              My advice, read the book, start the supplements, come and read the boards frequently - they will really help you when you are struggling with cravings. You can get lots of support here. Also, you may want to join the september abs challenge - if you feel ready to start a period of abs. Some people decide to cut down on their drinking before they do an abs challenge. Either way is fine - whatever you feel ready to do.
              Please remember that if you feel you are not quite ready to do a whole month - the abs board is still a good place to be. You can have slips and get back on the abs train - no judging there!

              Good luck,


                has anyone tried doing program without topa?

                september abs group

                dear pansy,

                thanks so much for your insights!

                i was ready the abs boards and i found them to be interesting and substantive. do you know if it would be ok for me to join september abs knowing that i have no interest at this time in completely abstaining? what i would like to work on is not drinking so compulsively, which for me, i think, is more a behavioral/psychological thing than a physiological addiction. i could use the support but i don't want my less than total abs plan to hinder others who really do want to go cold turkey.

                best, eustacia


                  has anyone tried doing program without topa?

                  Abs or Mods Boards

                  Hi Eustacia,

                  Often, people pick either the abs or mod board as "home." If you are really not wanting to do abs yet, you may find the moderation more helpful to you. Although I consider myself "abs with slips," I often visit the mods board. I have lots of friends on there. Certainly, I would not feel funny posting there. On the moderation board, I think there would be more talk of how to cut down and not be so compulsive.

                  Certainly, your presence would be welcome on the abs board, but I am not sure that is the best place for you right now. You don't have to pick a thread and stick with it - you can decide to go abs in the middle of the month and that is cool. You are always welcome to read the abs board (in fact - great place to be) and always welcome to post. However, if you are still contemplating daily, or almost daily, drinking - I think mods would be your better choice. Either way, they are both great boards.




                    has anyone tried doing program without topa?

                    thanks, pansy

                    hi pansy,

                    i hadn't realized that there was a moderation board. thanks so much for letting me know about it.

                    best, eustacia

