Inspired by the true story of a real life "extreme interventionist," Bratt stars as William "The Cleaner" Banks who, after hitting rock-bottom from his own addictions after the birth of his daughter, strikes a tentative deal with God. In exchange for a second chance, he vows to kick his addictions and dedicate his life to helping others. Now, along with his unconventional team, he helps people get clean from their own addictions by any means necessary.
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A E The Cleaner
A E The Cleaner
Did anyone see the show on A&E last night called "The Cleaner". If you missed it and want to catch it is is being replayed several times in the next few days. Here is a description of the show:
Inspired by the true story of a real life "extreme interventionist," Bratt stars as William "The Cleaner" Banks who, after hitting rock-bottom from his own addictions after the birth of his daughter, strikes a tentative deal with God. In exchange for a second chance, he vows to kick his addictions and dedicate his life to helping others. Now, along with his unconventional team, he helps people get clean from their own addictions by any means necessary.Tags: None
A E The Cleaner
"Obsessed" is about people with OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder); each of them goes through a 12-week treatment process.
I am a bit of a reluctant viewer of "Intervention." It seems a little predictable, rosy endings, hugs and tears -- though not all of them are successful.
Get yourself a TV back -- at least to watch Oprah!
A E The Cleaner
You know the "Murphy's Law" rule, about programs you never watch but maybe have caught twice -- and it's the same episode? I think that's how it went with Celeb Rehab. The one I saw (twice) had Jeff Conaway, some blond porn star, and I don't know who else. Probably Brigitte Nielsen.
A E The Cleaner
Oh, God, isn't that the truth! I cannot stand Jeff Conway! AT ALL. When I was watching episodes on a Saturday they were often repeated..... The blond porn star was over the top too. And don't get me started on Brigitte Neilsen! Although she was doing very well at the end. EEEEEEESH!
A E The Cleaner
CS04;644880 wrote: You know the "Murphy's Law" rule, about programs you never watch but maybe have caught twice -- and it's the same episode? I think that's how it went with Celeb Rehab. The one I saw (twice) had Jeff Conaway, some blond porn star, and I don't know who else. Probably Brigitte Nielsen.
Utter trash....
A E The Cleaner
Oh yeah, cause Baldwin up and left and everyone got all upset. Oh well -- I suppose we could go back to the show where 40-something Christopher Knight (aka Peter Brady) marries his 20-something sweetheart. Can't even remember the title of that drivel!
A E The Cleaner
Hahahaha.... oh yeah! Christopher (has been) Knight and the 20 year old. I remember them.
Baldwin was such a baby. What did he expect co-habitating with those loons? Did he really think he would be saved from his addiction? Shit, if I were in that rehab I would start to drink due to going mental from all of the drama!
A E The Cleaner
*My fair Brady* was almost as bad as the newest one KENDRA....omg...her laugh drives me up the bloody wall....
I have to admit my addiction to Jon and Kate plus 8.....and changing the subject completely..sorry...I am loving Nurse Jackie on showtime...I am hoping it will replace the *void* that ER has left in my heart!
A E The Cleaner
Never watched Jon and Kate. My sister said she was a control freak, though -- mopping the kitchen floor 6 times a day? I know kids dirty things up, but I have never washed my floor that often!
Never even heard of Kendra or Nurse Jackie. I will admit my grieving, as well, over the loss of ER! At least I don't have to wake up on Friday mornings anymore, trying to piece together what happened on my favorite show.