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stomach pain

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    stomach pain

    Not in Pain just feel quite sick..We got a workman tileing the bathroom so the loo is out of bounds at the moment..Par for the course latley..
    I am really looking forward to Thursday i am so fed up of feeling like this every morning..Why i'd ever want to drink again is beyond me.
    I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
    One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


      stomach pain

      Macks, I am so wishing you the best...for you, for Lisa and the children. You can do this!
      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


        stomach pain


        Sending you so many good wishes. Rehab will be a big help.

        You are almost there.

        Try to slow it down, okay? The less withdrawal period you have at rehab, the more quality time you have to learn.

        I know about the tummy pain. Drank right through it myself.

        Take care. :l

        Soon this will all be past you and you will be back with your family a much healthier and happy daddy.

        AF April 9, 2016


          stomach pain

          There is NO rewind button..I cannot slow down..If i dont drink enough i sweat, sick, shake, turn into the most horrible bastard you can imagine.. When i do drink i'm the same without the sweat and sick.. It's a no win..

          I got no idea why anyone would want to do this.. As of rehab i know for a FACT i will never drink again..

          1. Family suffers
          2. Sick all the time
          3. Loss of any normal life
          4. housebound
          5. Cant sleep
          6. Dread each day
          7. Runny nose and sweating 24/7
          8. horrible stromach pains
          9. cost a fucking fortune
          10. self respect....(should have proberly been number 2 )
          11. Speaking of number 2 MY ARSE feels like i been raped by a silverback
          12. Missed kids plays and sports day and parents evening in the last week.
          13. My poor Lisa... I love her so much..She has to do everything..Shes fast asleep now and absolutly knackered while im sat here drinking trying to get enough to knock myself out..

          In less than a week i have to leave her for 3 weeks, to get better... I have not one thing in my body telling me i'm gonna fail... Most people are lucky enough to get sober with help...Its the staying sober thats been my downfall..

          Nice rant Macks... I'm gonna go give my Lisa a cuddle, BUT thankyou very much to all...This is'nt the oscars...Now i know i'm pissed...Gnight:l:l:l
          I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
          One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


            stomach pain

            Macks I hope you are feeling a little better today. I feel for you, it is obvious that you are hurting so much and in so many ways right now.
            Can you try starting later, finishing earlier, slowing down on the speed of drinking or try mixing them a bit weaker? Not preaching to you just a few suggestions.
            All I can do if offer my support and ask you to hold on till thursday it is getting closer. Sending you strength.
            Keep safe
            Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


              stomach pain

              Mack .. hope you're doing OK today. One day closer to rehab, yey. I agree, if you can slow it down just a little a bit before rehab, even by a drink or two per day, it can only help... I do know the shakes, sick, bathroom, etc., really suck and are so scary. I was a morning-to-night drinker .. needed to stop the shakes the moment I got up. It's frightening when your body is out of control like that.

              Do you think you're drinking a little more right now because you know the "end" (rehab) is coming fast? .. I only ask because that's something I would do, and have done .. not with regard to rehab, but when I knew I had to go away for a week and there wouldn't be much booze (last summer). I think I was subconsciously trying to "get it all in" before I left.

              Hang in there. If you can't drink less, maybe consider having a water in between drinks.. your body will thank you for the water and it won't ruin your buzz. Or maybe exchange a few hard drinks with beer throughout the day.

              You don't want to end up in Emergency before your rehab day comes... Only 5 more sleeps.

              Wishing you a happy weekend. ((hugs))
              AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                stomach pain

                I'm thinking of you and Lisa, Macks. You're right that getting sober isn't that hard, it's staying sober that is. I'm glad you are feeling optimistic about rehab, and I hope that they help you to build a strong arsenal of weapons for when you get back out.

                Love you lots, honey...:l :l
                AF as of August 5th, 2012


                  stomach pain

                  You will make it ... us Northerners are strong stuff .... not long now ... just hang in there ok ....
                  ?We are one another's angels?
                  Sober since 29/04/2007


                    stomach pain


                    just checking in...We had my mum and dad down all weekend. So not been able to come in.I think they got quite a shock..I had the pleasure of throwing up in front of them the last 2 mornings.... Plus my little sister..

                    They took 2 of our boys today to help Lisa with the burden..Dylan and Kai 10 and 6..They come back Sunday but i go on Thursday so i'm not gonna see them 2 for a month now.... A Month... I was in tears watching em drive off but waited till they couldnt see me... 10 and 6..

                    I am drinking water and today is the most i have ate for ages... A meat pie and a peice of quiche...Still drank 2 bottles of vodka though..I cant slow down...If i stop the vomiting just comes back straight away and i cant eat..

                    I have had a problem for a long time...maybe 10 years where i have had to drink...The last 6 monthes i have declined so rapidly its scarey.. It has come so bad so fast... Lisa had to give me a skinhead today because she cant cut hair and i cant go out..I have always taken a lot of pride in my appearance..But that has gone..It has got so bad so fast... The stomach pain is the being sick and being on the loo constantly..its bound to..

                    No food no real sleep no energy..Not long to go...I know i dont talk about much else but there is nothing else at the moment... I got no life..
                    I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                    One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                      stomach pain

                      No you don't have a life now, but YOU WILL HAVE A LIFE !!!!!!! You have 3 more days and your life will be coming back to you and your family. I am praying for you all everyday.
                      You want to hear a funny story Mack, when I first came here ..a couple years ago now, I picked the little devil avatar you have! He pretty much fit how I felt. I felt like a devil, I was drunk all the time, felt like I was in hell. One of the other old timers at the time told me I couldnt have the avatar cause you had I changed it, but you always stuck in my mind since then. You will get out of this hell!!!! And one month is no time at all because you will have many happy, sober years with your family. So, don't think of the time you will miss , think of the time you will have when you return...ok.
                      Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                        stomach pain


                        I will be glad when you get into rehab. I wish I had as much sympathy as the others, but coming on here & getting sympathy & enabling for your drinking has been going on for years. It is so not becoming to a man. I hope you get your shit together. I have no idea why Lisa has put up with you.

                        Two bottles of vodka a day. Give me a fuckin' break. What is the "real" deal here? You trying to kill yourself?

                        And I mean posting, as if it is nothing, about vomiting in front of your in-laws.

                        Sorry. Wish I was like the others, but I'm not.


                          stomach pain

                          I do hope you get your life back Mack. You remind me of some of my uncles & my family. Guess it left scars. I hope you do it.

                          I know I do not know how to get out of your situtation. But I doubt that you will remember anything anyone has said here. I hope your brain is not totally fried.

                          I hope you get in & stay in AA when you get out & stop coming on this site for all that good, warm, fuzzy support from all the women here...unlesss it is to report you are being a man & beating it.

                          Personally, I think you need your ass kicked by another man. I hope you get what you need in a real rehab. Just my admittedly biased opinion.


                            stomach pain

                            Mack, while i know you are getting help soon..i dont understand why you wont go to the hospital now. Reading your afraid you are going irreversably injure yourself. It almost sounds like you are playing russian rullet. Its very scary.


                              stomach pain

                              Cyrysa, I can assure you that it is not only women who are trying to offer help and support to someone who is in a bad place in their life right now. I just hope you never find yourself in the same situation.
                              Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                                stomach pain

                                I'm pretty shocked to read that this morning... I dont come here for supportfrom women, for warm fuzzy comments i come on here because its a support network..
                                I am disgusted with myself about being sick in front of my parents along with many other things but i tell it how it is. somebody might read that and other stuff and think i'm not going to let myself get like that.
                                I could go to hospital but i'd proberly be back on the drink when i come out.When i go on Thursday it's a week detox and 2 weeks relapse prevention and thats what i really need.
                                I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                                One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009

