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NEXT DAY THREAD, Friday 26th

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    NEXT DAY THREAD, Friday 26th

    Guess everybody's frozen to death. Oh well. So it goes. I will leave this lasting legacy of Aussie cultcha for all our MWO friends living in yesterday land.

    Rural Australian Computer Terminology

    LOG ON: Adding wood to make the barbie hotter.
    LOG OFF: Not adding any more wood to the barbie.
    MONITOR: Keeping an eye on the barbie.
    DOWNLOAD: Getting the firewood off the Ute.
    HARD DRIVE: Making the trip back home without any cold tinnies.
    KEYBOARD: Where you hang the Ute keys.
    WINDOW: What you shut when the weather's cold.
    SCREEN: What you shut in the mozzie season.
    BYTE: What mozzies do.
    MEGABYTE: What Townsville mozzies do.
    CHIP: A bar snack.
    MICROCHIP: What's left in the bag after you've eaten the chips.
    MODEM: What you did to the lawns.
    LAPTOP: Where the cat sleeps.
    SOFTWARE: Plastic knives & forks you get at Red Rooster.
    HARDWARE: Stainless steel knives & forks - from K-Mart.
    MOUSE: The small rodent that eats the grain in the shed.
    MAINFRAME: What holds the shed up.
    WEB: What spiders make.
    WEBSITE: Usually in the shed or under the verandah.
    SEARCH ENGINE: What you do when the Ute won't go.
    CURSOR: What you say when the Ute won't go.
    YAHOO: What you say when the Ute does go.
    UPGRADE: A steep hill.
    SERVER: The person at the pub who brings out the counter lunch.
    MAIL SERVER: The bloke at the pub who brings out the counterlunch.
    USER: The neighbour who keeps borrowing things.
    NETWORK: What you do when you need to repair the fishing net.
    INTERNET: Where you want the fish to go.
    NETSCAPE: What the fish do when they discover a hole in the net.
    ONLINE: Where you hang the washing.
    OFFLINE: Where the washing ends up when the pegs
    aren't strong enough.

    NEXT DAY THREAD, Friday 26th

    OMG I had to read the first three a couple of times to figure out what in the hell you where talking about.

    Now I get it, OZ humor!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    To me Barbie is always a doll, so it took me a few to understand

    Loved it,



      NEXT DAY THREAD, Friday 26th

      Amazingly, I understood every line. Yahoo (and no, my ute didn't go anywhere) but I am excited I am learning Aussie. :-)

      Hi, Tawny.

      AF April 9, 2016


        NEXT DAY THREAD, Friday 26th

        That was great Tawny.
        Morning Cinders, Sammy and all to come.
        have a fabby day everyone.
        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


          NEXT DAY THREAD, Friday 26th

          That was too funny Tawny!! Thanks for the early morning giggle:-)
          "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


            NEXT DAY THREAD, Friday 26th

            Hi Tawny,

            And our other world friends!!! Glad Tawny is educating you lot.

            Well chucked a sickie know what? Don't think I have ever had so many consecutive sickies in years, even when I was drinking LOL!

            Darling daughter and darling stepdaughter have gone shopping

            Yah! I have the house to myself and the computer to myself so can spend abit more time reading some threads.

            You Little Ripper!!
            Just keep on swmming, just keep on swimming!


              NEXT DAY THREAD, Friday 26th

              Thanks Tawny, great way to start the day.
              Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
              AF since May 6, 2010


                NEXT DAY THREAD, Friday 26th

                Tawny, That was a hoot!!
                I'm saving it to my hard drive (is that a 4WD Landcruiser?).


                  NEXT DAY THREAD, Friday 26th

                  Hi all
                  Very funny Tawny
                  Hope you feel better going and enjoy the house all to yourself
                  :dancin: enguin:
                  starting over


                    NEXT DAY THREAD, Friday 26th

                    Ahh Rags ... I reckon a hard drive is the bit between Darwin and Alice.

                    Oh ...and I think I've just invented another one:

                    Spam = Pommy Vegemite


                      NEXT DAY THREAD, Friday 26th

                      Rural Australian Computer Terminology
                      :H :H Now that was both very funny and very clever Tawny thanks :H :H
                      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                        NEXT DAY THREAD, Friday 26th

                        Hello all..

                        In my opinion, anyone who doesn't drive a ute is a girl..

                        Tawny is exempted (She IS a girl)
                        What you perceive is what you believe, so make sure you look at things the right way....


                          NEXT DAY THREAD, Friday 26th

                          I've got your Mexican Moon photo set as my wallpaper, Tawny :-)
                          What you perceive is what you believe, so make sure you look at things the right way....


                            NEXT DAY THREAD, Friday 26th

                            Well Wave,
                            If Holden had had their heads screwed on right in the 1970's or even the early 80's and started producing a 4WD ute, theyd've sold like hot cakes. They missed the boat. So that's why I don't have a ute. And Subaru don't make their beaut little ute any more... it was just big enought for 2 bales of hay and 2 wethers.


                              NEXT DAY THREAD, Friday 26th

                              AF April 9, 2016

