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Give yourself a pat on the back weekend

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    Give yourself a pat on the back weekend

    Coming off of Gabby's Vent Day Thead, which is very excellent by the way, I thought since we get a lot of new folks and old folks coming back to the site on the weekend, we could tell them some of the good stuff we have been able to accomplish while on the MWO program. Now this can be great hugh stuff like Becca's feat or the fact that Mackeral can now change diapers without drinking or it can be other hugh feats like I had 2 ab days last week, or I drank a 3rd less or maybe I was the designated driver last night. That kind of stuff.

    I'll start.
    Since I started MWO the 1st of July, I have not been drunk or hungover. I have also lost 5 pounds.
    Humor is just another defense against the universe!

    Give yourself a pat on the back weekend

    yay what a great idea for a thread!! THANKS! Since coming here, I have met great friends, have cut my drinking drastically- and last night - after a week from you-know-where-I got home at4pm (early day - couldnt believe it) - and still managed to be mod- for me,for a Friday night- would never have happened before this program - ESPECIALLY AFTER THE WEEK I HAD- WE ARE DOING THIS!!!! HUGS ALL!
    PS - it was effortless -the topa, and the supps are a miracle!
    Over 4 months AF :h


      Give yourself a pat on the back weekend

      I know I'm not giving the baclofen the chance it deserves. I feel like I will be letting some down by switching to Topa. I really think, if given the chance, the baclofen may do the trick, but I really need to loose 20 pounds and I would like the added side effect that the topa provides. I realize not everyone looses weight with the topa but the baclofen does nothing to help with my appetite.

      Since coming here I've told my husband that I have a problem and I am working every way I know how to get where I need to be. I'm not there yet, but I've made some really positive steps in the right direction.

      I want to take this opportunity to thank EVERYONE for their posts. Each one of them I read gives me another perspective that I may never have had.

      I wouldn't have made any of these changes without you ALL!

      :l :l :l :l
      :h :h :h :h


        Give yourself a pat on the back weekend

        My husband is in love with me again and I have gained back respect from my children...

        I have made incredible friends here, and can hardly believe a year ago this time that I thought I was the only 37 year-old female in the USA with this problem...

        I have gotten back into a consistent exercise routine and lost nine pounds....

        Did I mention my hubby calls me "sexy thing" now....

        I have laughed harder than I have in years...

        I have dealt with issues in my life that I used to bury...

        I have learned to throw around acronyms in the chat room like LMAO, LOL and BRB... (they dont stand for LAME-O, Lots of love and Barbara)

        I have learned how to moderate my drinking and the "slip-ups" are the exception not the rule....

        Thanks to everyone here for helping me be where I am today.

        What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


          Give yourself a pat on the back weekend

          Kick'in this back to the top, because I know you have more great things to say about yourselves.

          Humor is just another defense against the universe!


            Give yourself a pat on the back weekend

            I have finally admitted to my husband that there MIGHT be a teeny problem. I went and bought a book today about addiction and recovery and he didn't give me a hard time about it. He usually teases me about everything but I think he knew to back off and respect this revelation of mine.

            Even though I drank some beer today, I feel better about myself than I have in a long time because I realize I'm finally on my way.
            "I'm not afraid of storms, for I'm learning to sail my ship." ~ Louisa May Alcott


              Give yourself a pat on the back weekend

              pat on the back

              welll for me since finding his progam i have experiencd the following:

              1.i am an alcoholic i rationalized this condition for years because im a binge drinker so i can go 2 or 3 weks without a drop but when the urges and cravings appear they are extremely intense and thru this great site i am now very aware of what the cravings are and that i can do something about them.

              2.this is an awesome place with awesome people and you have all helped countless numbers of people with your openness and honesty--- i bow to all of you.

              3.i was abstinnce for 2 months------i have never done that before WOW

              4.the amount of learning ive had here is tremendous,soooo much i did not know and what i have learned is a life saver and not for just me but anybody i come into contact with.

              5.the awareness that im not alone and that so many of us are not going to put up with the demon drink in our lives anymore.

              YOU HAVE TO KEEP ON SWIMMING what else will solve it?


                Give yourself a pat on the back weekend

                These are all such great things to read. But can I say - Allie- you just made me smile and I felt so happy for you! Nothing less than Inspirational! I have not been reading for several days but glad I read this today.

                What I've learned.
                There is a lot of support out there and people who truly understand and that can keep me going
                Mornings are my new best friend!! - Who knew how nice it could be hangover free??!
                Working out is something I need to do just for me - and I can when I'm not worn out from over imbibing



                  Give yourself a pat on the back weekend

                  Kicking it back to the top...will edit and post mine later, must hit the office.


                    Give yourself a pat on the back weekend

                    Pats on the back

                    I love this thread so I am re-kicking this back to the top....keep it going guys!
                    Over 4 months AF :h


                      Give yourself a pat on the back weekend

                      since starting this program almost four weeks,I have felt great,I drink moderately no more than two drinks and I've had frequent AF days which I have been unable to do in five years.I feel really transformed and I get so much support just from reading this website.I thank you all.My kids and my husband notice the difference in me and I feel like at least I'm being a better example of tackling your problems and being a moderate drinker.


                        Give yourself a pat on the back weekend

                        Oh this is a good one!
                        Since I have started this program I can give myself a pat on the back for:
                        Being AF for 83 days now
                        I sure like myself lots more
                        Hearin the Lord's voice chattin with me more now
                        A direct result of as of today a weight loss of....drum roll please...25lbs!
                        Huge reality check with myself in what seems like to many areas to list
                        Feel like I have a clearer direction of where I am goin from here in life
                        Have a better handle on the kids (well maybe)
                        I think I could go on and on but that a good general big pat on the back.
                        Thanks Frmca!
                        Gabby :flower:


                          Give yourself a pat on the back weekend

                          Oh RJ, turn this one into a permenant one too. and with all the ruckus I forgot to thank you for havin the rant be permenant too. So a big Thanks!
                          :thanks: Gabby
                          Gabby :flower:

