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Blasted to the point of not breathing (MJ)

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    Blasted to the point of not breathing (MJ)

    Alcohol abuse, Oxycontin, Demerol, daily injections, body so full of drugs it forgot to breath any more. $400 million in debt, $100k per month rent on the house, plus never trusting anyone for anything. Michael Jackson.

    I spent enough time in alcohol slumber wishing I could just stay in my haze forever and never have the real world again. AL makes your whole world view shrink so only two modes exist; haze and depression, which makes haze a logical choice.

    My doggies would miss me. And the kitty said -I- was being indolent.

    Today I have plans to go out for dinner, Thai food. I got some Knudsen pure blueberry juice the other day, and with some soda it will be my "wine" for tonight. Breakfast tomorrow will be fresh melons, buckwheat blueberry pancakes with some turkey sausage and really good coffee. Can't wait to smell all that cook up. I like this road better than the endless-haze-unil-you-die approach. Scary to think how close I got to it.

    Blasted to the point of not breathing (MJ)

    I must have missed the details on Wacko Jacko. I didn't know he was in debt either. Guess my head has been under a rock, or I've been spending too much time at MWO!

    Your blueberry juice and soda sounds yummy. And what time is breakfast? Mmmm.....

    Enjoy your weekend, BossMan!


      Blasted to the point of not breathing (MJ)

      Thanx Boss.
      Another heart stopingly brutaly honest post.
      Out of all the crap, you turned it around.
      Lead me not into temptation, I can find the way myself!!!


        Blasted to the point of not breathing (MJ)

        Good post Boss man thanks, it is straight to the point. Life is so much better in so many ways and it could have so easily have taken the other path.
        Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


          Blasted to the point of not breathing (MJ)

          Do we know all that for a fact then .... I don't believe everything I read or hear anywhere any more .....
          ?We are one another's angels?
          Sober since 29/04/2007


            Blasted to the point of not breathing (MJ)

            I'm with you,

            He spent his entire life escaping from reality, one way or the other.

            Your menu sounds delicious. I have a bumper crop of raspberries in the yard right now. Just found a recipe for raspberry lemonade - gonna go make some, yum
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Blasted to the point of not breathing (MJ)

              You can make raspberry preserves -- it is really easy. I use the recipe on the back of the Sure-Jell box (I use the low sugar Sure-Jell). My raspberries used to be a bumper crop, but have been pretty thin the last couple years (weeding helps!). Hopefully I'll get more in the fall.


                Blasted to the point of not breathing (MJ)

                Update, this gets scary. We're all pikers compared to the pill popping MJ was doing.

                " In addition to the mind-bending painkiller Demerol that the "King of Pop" took three times a day, he also took 3 milligrams of the overwhelming narcotic Dilaudid as well as Vicodin daily.

                To add to the reality-altering effect of Demerol, Jackson also took a drug called Vistaril, which amplifies the narcotics' effect, experts say.

                Rounding out the staggering pharmacopia, Jackson scarfed down the muscle relaxant Soma, antidepressants Zoloft and Paxil, anti-anxiety drug Xanax and the heartburn medication Prilosec on a daily basis, a source close to the Jackson family told the British paper The Sun.

                The source said the 5-foot-10 Jackson weighed just 125 pounds when he died at age 50 and was eating just one meal a day. "

                JACKO WENT OUT IN A DRUG DAZE - New York Post

                Raspberry Lemonade sounds nice. I'm working on making some decaf iced tea for the afternoon...


                  Blasted to the point of not breathing (MJ)

                  Hey Boss Man I am so impressed, I had no idea you were a part of Michael Jackson's entourage! How else could you know such intimate detail of his alcohol and drug abuse? Wow! Did he leave you anything in his will?

                  On the other hand, maybe you are just reading bullshit tabloids and gossiping. Who is to know?
                  vegan zombies want your grains


                    Blasted to the point of not breathing (MJ)

                    Liza Minelli was a friend of his and said that when the toxicology reports come in all hell will break loose.
                    Enlightened by MWO


                      Blasted to the point of not breathing (MJ)

                      SKendall;647614 wrote: Liza Minelli was a friend of his and said that when the toxicology reports come in all hell will break loose.
                      If she told you that you better not tell her any of your secrets because with so-called friends like that who needs enemies. She was no true friend to him obviously.
                      ?We are one another's angels?
                      Sober since 29/04/2007


                        Blasted to the point of not breathing (MJ)

                        I dont think there is any question that there was drugs in the picture. Why all the hostility about this it is what it is. He was only 50. Just think of what we are doing to our bodies when we are drinking heavily or engaging in drug use.

