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So I almost punched the bagger at the grocery store..

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    So I almost punched the bagger at the grocery store..

    Went to get groceries today, am on day 22 of my starter 30 days AF, and picked up some O'Douls Amber. Back before I started using AL to deal with problems, I really enjoyed having one or two good beers, microbrews and the like. now, O'douls is no microbrew, but the Amber is a reasonable beer. As the bagger is loading it into my cart he says "oooooh, O'douls, watch out sir. Don't get too crazy, be careful driving". I almost smacked him on principle. he's some punk 17 year old with no idea of the world at all, giving me grief? If I hadn't had my antsy 2 year old with me I would have talked to the manager and told the kid to keep his editorials to himself. I am doing fine in AL free time so far, but if I were on the edge, that certainly might have been enough to push me over.

    BTW - Have been lurking for a couple months now, started Al free 22 days ago, this board has made it much easier. Thansk to all for sharing your stories.

    So I almost punched the bagger at the grocery store..

    It is your choice as to whether you allow this to get to you or not. Try to have understanding that as you say, he is only about 17? What does he know. Next time, just pat him on the back and say... "call me when your 40 and that case of Bud Light is not working for you."

    Life has so much bigger issues... try not to let the kids rock your boat!

    You are doing fantastic.
    If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


      So I almost punched the bagger at the grocery store..

      What would a pimply faced checkout kid know about the finer points of micro brewed beer, the difference between NZ, Australian, Sth American and Californian sauvignons etc. Probably bugger all.
      Cheeky young kid trying to be sage. Don't let it annoy you. Go with Prest.


        So I almost punched the bagger at the grocery store..

        stay strong and keep thinking positive
        :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
        best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


          So I almost punched the bagger at the grocery store..

          I suppose when I was 17 I might've thought the same thing. Of course that was before I was drinking 2 bottles of wine a day and wondering if I could ever stop drinking. I don't think the child meant to be disrespectful and if you were not an alcoholic, I doubt you would have been offended. I kinda think the same thing about people buying decaf coffee...what is the point? BUT, some people HAVE to drink decaf coffee for health reasons. When I was newly AF, I was very on edge ......don't sweat the little stuff. You are doing great!!!!!
          Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


            So I almost punched the bagger at the grocery store..

            Congratulations on your 22 days! He was probably trying to be funny. Hope things continue to go well for you.


              So I almost punched the bagger at the grocery store..

              (I'm sure he was Trying to be funny!)

              But, honestly, I never "got" the point of drinking AF beer, etc. I think it would just make me want the real thing!!

              That said, if it works for you - Good Deal!
              Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                So I almost punched the bagger at the grocery store..

                A few weeks ago, I was attending a benefit for a local charity that our company is involved with. The benefit was at a restaurant with an open bar. Anyhow, my father-in-law (who is unaware of my drinking problem) introduced me to the bar tender and basically told her to take good care of me. The bar tender asked what I wanted to drink and I requested a water. She looked at me funny and said "just a water??! You're no fun!" It really pissed me off and made me feel bad. But then I thought about it and realized that she doesn't know me from Adam, and has no idea of my struggle or my goal to stay sober. There is no way she could possibly know those very personal things about me. She's just doing her job. I laughed it off and enjoyed my water. It was awkward as Hell, but I got through it. I can understand you're getting upset though, as that was my initial reaction. I guess you just have to consider the source and try not to let it get to you. I'm sure the kid at the grocery store had no clue of the possible impact his comments could have.


                  So I almost punched the bagger at the grocery store..

                  I went to a function last week and I ordered a coke. The bartender said "I was no fun". I told him I was on parole. He asked "For what?" I said- murder. Problem solved.

                  Sidenote: No, I don't think murder is funny . Just my smartass AF humor coming out...


                    So I almost punched the bagger at the grocery store..

                    blondechick;652186 wrote: I went to a function last week and I ordered a coke. The bartender said "I was no fun". I told him I was on parole. He asked "For what?" I said- murder. Problem solved.

                    Sidenote: No, I don't think murder is funny . Just my smartass AF humor coming out...


                      So I almost punched the bagger at the grocery store..

                      Bet he didn't ask you anything else Blonde.....LOL
                      Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                        So I almost punched the bagger at the grocery store..

                        Toooooooooo funny, Blonde!! :H

                        I know all about the wanting to punch the lights out of people that say the 'wrong' thing at the 'wrong' time in early sobriety.

                        It's perfectly normal! (I hope!)


                          So I almost punched the bagger at the grocery store..

                          Classic Blondechick......
                          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                          Rejoined life 20/5/19


                            So I almost punched the bagger at the grocery store..

                            I went to pay my rent last week at a paypoint in the local convenience store where I used o but my booze.
                            "Howmuch would you like to pay?"
                            "?60 please."
                            "?60? Just drink it. It'll be a lot more fun."
                            There was a time when I would have been influenced by a crack like that, but I laughed it off. His weekly take has shrunk by a few quid since I got a grip of myself.

