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A question for all you guys out there...

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    A question for all you guys out there...

    I have to reply a definite yes.

    I work in a male oriented position. There are very few women who do what I do.

    Don't get me wrong, there are women, just not many.

    Over 11 years time of doing this, I have worked mostly with men.

    We have developed some very close friendships.

    I guess they don't want to pork me. :H:H

    It would never occur to me that they would. But we have outstanding conversations and are there for each other at a moment's notice. Not just about work but about life.

    So, a definite yes.

    AF April 9, 2016


      A question for all you guys out there...

      Unreservedly, YES, you can be "just friends" with a member of the opposite sex..

      I have more girl friends than bloke friends..

      David x
      What you perceive is what you believe, so make sure you look at things the right way....


        A question for all you guys out there...

        And more than that, I can spill my guts to my female friends more than my mates...

        They aren't scared of emotions...
        What you perceive is what you believe, so make sure you look at things the right way....


          A question for all you guys out there...

          I think it depends on the people involved. Me (female), I've never had any guy friends without thinking of them sexually (not "acting" on it; just thinking about it.. even if I wasn't attracted to them). My daughter (20), on the other hand, has several guy friends and says they're simply friends - no other thoughts about them at all.

          My work-friend and I have also had this discussions. She's the same as I am.. can't imagine having a man as a friend without considering / thinking about the sexual aspect. (Btw, she and I are both happily married, over 20 years, and would never cheat.)

          But you asked about men .... Of the few men I've chatted with on the subject, they have all said that they have thought about every female friend or aquaintence they've ever had in a sexual way. (Again, not "acted", just thought about.) But maybe that's just human nature. And if you can let the thoughts somehow fizzle away, there can be a friendship underneath.

          I personally wouldn't want my husband hanging out with a female "friend" on a regular basis... but maybe that's simply because of the way I think, because I do trust him.

          Interesting thread!
          AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


            A question for all you guys out there...

            Trust is everything..I'd feel uncomfortable with a female friend, its not what you think its what eveyone else thinks.. And even if my wife was comfortable with it.. I still wouldnt want to put that doubt in her mind..
            I think they can be but its complicated is'nt it
            I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
            One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


              A question for all you guys out there...

              It's like raising a tiger from a cub. You can keep it around and marvel at how domesticated it is, but there's always the chance it will revert to its jungle ways.
              "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                A question for all you guys out there...

                Are you saying something about my avatar, LilBit LOL
                I'll do whatever it takes
                AF 21/08/2009


                  A question for all you guys out there...

                  A male answer...

                  I think it is possible. I have a couple very good female friends whom I have never had sex with. I can't say the thoughts weren't there, but I would never act on them. In one case, I would be afraid of destroying the friendship. In the second case, she has a lot of issues and I think having sex would definitely not be beneficial to her well being. Not to mention I am married now, so that kind of puts a damper on things. :H


                    A question for all you guys out there...

                    tiptronic_ct;650888 wrote: Are you saying something about my avatar, LilBit LOL
                    :H:H:H:H If the stripes fit, Tips....
                    "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                      A question for all you guys out there...

                      hi lil M,ive been married to the same lady,for 33 years , this year,if my relationship was based on sex alone ? we both would of departed years ago,no one would put up with wht i put her thro,,i want to be honest wth all, im not a bible thumper ,but not for my christian faith,the relationship would be gone,i hope that helps, gyco


                        A question for all you guys out there...

                        by the way sweetee i am a man hahaahha


                          A question for all you guys out there...

                          My ex-husband had a couple of very close female friends. I was VERY SECURE in our relationship so I never worried. I take the this stance....if he was going to cheat...he is going to cheat whether I sit around worrying my damn head off about it or not. SO...I do not chose to be in a relationship where there is not trust. These women were friends , just like his male friends. He didnt hang all over them...he doesnt hang all over his male friends...FRIENDS. I became their friends. I am still friends with them and so is he even though we are now divorced. He and I are friends. Although several of his girlfriends can not seem to grasp that. If we had wanted to be together...THE GIRLFRIEND WOULD NOT EXIST...we are done. But, no need to hate. SO, yes men and women can be friends. Good adult. We dont walk around naked, panting do we???? I for one am not 16 and that undersexed...
                          Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                            A question for all you guys out there...

                            tawnyfrog;650578 wrote: I get the best back rubs, hugs, massages and conversation from my gay friend who doesn't want to pork me. Works for me.
                            My BF is gay and I have to agree with you Tawny, we have the best conversations .... and he gives awesome pedicures.
                            "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                              A question for all you guys out there...

                              It's possible for me to be friends with men, but heaven help any woman who tries to be friends with my man!
                              Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
                              AF since May 6, 2010


                                A question for all you guys out there...

                                Of course.........we can be civil....Men and women can converse as human beings....interact, as friends.....( then have mad passionate sex at a sleazzey "Hotel" expected a reasonable answer from me !?! Ha! Sorry ladies....IAD )
                                ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                                those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                                Dr. Seuss

