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July 1 group. How is everyone?

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    July 1 group. How is everyone?

    Hi guys.

    It's been over 36 hours for me so far and feel great.

    I actually had a good sleep last night (apart from my 8 month old waking us up!):H

    I actually took an over the counter pain med that has muscle relaxant in it. It certainly did the job. I already feel less bloated and a bit less foggy. It all seems too good so far. I'm waiting for the crash. I was a bit nervous last night as my brother in law was going to come over. Thank God my wife talked them out of it. I was a bit toey and didn't fancy being around al quite yet. (he is quite a big drinker too)

    Overall though I feel pretty good so far. I've started taking heaps of green tea, vit c, water, b complex, and milk thistle to help in my detox.

    I hope everyone is feeling a good as I do.

    Please feel free to pm me.

    How's everyone else going? I see Ronnie is on day 2. Great work.

    Gotta get back to work.

    Alcohol Free Since July 1 2009.

    My Sobriety Blog
    (From Then Till Now).

    July 1 group. How is everyone?

    Hi Brett
    Thats such a good idea to stay away from anything to do with AL for now, and I am so glad you are also feeling great too.
    :dancin: enguin:
    starting over


      July 1 group. How is everyone? I in the right place???

      Good Morning to my fellow July jamboree Oh sooo tired this morning, weather pants here in SE Ireland.....the day looks to be a grey one.

      My doctor referred me to a alcohol awareness/abuse programme some 6 weeks ago. I did find it useful but it finished yesterday and I was kinda panicking about going back into the big bad world without the accountabilty factor I had with attending the meetings. So, yesterday I decided to try out an AA meeting and see what it is all about.

      I Headed for one a bit outa town. Left early and arrived at the venue about 15mins early. Watched the cars pulling up and thought wow - what alot of people attending tonight...and so many woman! like ALOT of woman.

      Anyway, 5 mins before its due to start I psych up, gloss up and lock the car. Stroll in, trying not look like I'm bricking myself and give a small smile to the people smoking at the door. In my haste to get in and settled I walk straight into the only room with the door open and sit at a table with some other woman, who are casually chatting between themselves.

      Awkwardness prevails - everyone knows each other. Am I being paranoid or am I getting the once over, probably paranoia I decide. So, I'm sitting fumbling in by bag for nothing inparticular, making myself look busy When I do look up after a good root and pretending to find the lost article I've been searching for. I notice something on the tables in front of the woman at the table.........

      ..........BINGO books..........

      Yes my friends I am not at the AA meeting as intended I have landed myself in the community centre bingo night. Not only that.....I have had the cheek to take a regulars seat....who is now lingering next to me in a menacing way.

      Mortification central:egad:

      Any hoo I made my excuses and left the room sharply. On exit I scanned the foyer for signs of the meeting I was so pysched to attend. I must have looked like a lost sheep - was I even in the right place?? Then a grey headed old fella made eye contact and approached me.... "Are you looking for Dr Bob?" he whispered. Well, with my flustered frame of mind it took a minute, but eventually the penny dropped and I realised what he was asking. He proceeded to tell me the meeting had moved down the road, due to renovations. He also said he was sobar himself for 19 years and directed me to the temp location a few mins down the road.

      At this stage I was a good 20mins late - so I bottled out. I'll try again tomorrow eve. At least I know where I'm going now! Funny on hindsight but not at the time! :blush:

      Right off to get a coffee and attempt some paperwork. Have a great day peeps x

      Nics :l
      5th February 2013......... To sobriety and beyond! :angel:

      Dealing with the Beast since May 26th 2009

      I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past.
      Patrick Henry


        July 1 group. How is everyone?

        Hi Nics
        Sorry but I did have a little giggle at your post, it sounds like something I would do.
        Just for info for you, my mum goes to AA meetting and has done for over 20 years and loves it, and as far as I am aware there are meeting for just women only
        Good Luck Nics
        :dancin: enguin:
        starting over


          July 1 group. How is everyone?

          Oh NICS !!!!
          That is EXACTLY the kind of thing that would happen to me. Could it be that we were seperated at birth, and you were shipped off to Ireland ? Or was I 'transported' here ?????
          A bit disappointed you didn't hold your ground for the seat and stay for bingo....
          Evening Brett, fearless leader.....
          I am Day 2, enjoying the hangover free zone. Felt the witching hour come upon me at 5pm, and gobbed some L-glut and a HUGE dinner. As far as I know everyone else is holding hard (Christ it's like a cold war).
          Keep checking in troups.
          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
          Rejoined life 20/5/19


            July 1 group. How is everyone?

            lol :H Morning all....

            Opal - did you attend many meetings?? I'm not sure on the modal of the whole thing yet. Not religeous at all, sure we'll see what the set up is. No harm in trying it eh

            Ronnie - I know I was laughing to myself about it when I got home, gave the other half a giggle too.

            Bridge - Ha, ha me thinks there would have been a good chance of bingo rage if I'd have stayed. Those regular bingo veterans can be volatile creatures!! lol
            5th February 2013......... To sobriety and beyond! :angel:

            Dealing with the Beast since May 26th 2009

            I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past.
            Patrick Henry


              July 1 group. How is everyone?


              I nearly choked on my chipolota. That was bloody hilarious.

              I would have loved to have seen your face. Better luck next time hey.
              Alcohol Free Since July 1 2009.

              My Sobriety Blog
              (From Then Till Now).


                July 1 group. How is everyone?

                I hear you Bridge.

                Been a bit toey this arvo. Felt a bit sorry for myself. Could have easily murdered a bottle of red, white or anything for that matter. I wouldn't as I know this will pass.

                The house already seems a great deal calmer. My wife hasn't had a drink either. She's not giving up entirely, but she will have the odd social one. Already getting heaps more done. I can't believe how slowly time goes when sober. That's a good thing right?

                Hope your cravings haven't been as full on as mine.

                Cheers all.
                Alcohol Free Since July 1 2009.

                My Sobriety Blog
                (From Then Till Now).


                  July 1 group. How is everyone?

                  My 12 year old could talk under water at the best of times.....but Jesus !....tonight he's accelerated to warp speed...... I could REALLY do with some peace tonight.
                  Traditionally this is the worst time/night.....the old 48hr mark.....never mind press on great will it be to wake up tomorrow and not feel like shit ?
                  If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                  Rejoined life 20/5/19


                    July 1 group. How is everyone?

                    Hi guys
                    Just remember we are all in this together and together we will support each other, you are not alone in your cravings or thoughts, and like you said they all pass, the key thing is, is to keep very busy then by the time the evening comes all you want to do is sleep and remember how good and happy you feel when you wake up in the morning as well as very proud of yourself, because you never had that first drink.
                    Keep going guys, we can do this and we WILL do this
                    Love ronnie xx
                    :dancin: enguin:
                    starting over


                      July 1 group. How is everyone?

                      Be thinking of me tonight. Going to my stepdaughter's to celebrate her birthday with a great steak dinner (my husband is the master steak chef!). She ONLY buys like $100 bottles of wine! And how can you NOT have a great steak without a great glass of red wine! Yesterday I was telling myself, oh, it's a special occasion and what would two glasses hurt...I can stop there, right? But, no, this morning I am telling myself I am in the July 1 group and I WILL NOT HAVE A GLASS OF WINE!!!! Will want to have a good report for them! Will let you know how it goes.


                        July 1 group. How is everyone?

                        P.S. Thanks, Brett, for starting this for us!


                          July 1 group. How is everyone?

                          hi all, everything going well here, im taking the kids to ice age today as its raining . Just checking in.


                            July 1 group. How is everyone?

                            New Creation;651776 wrote: Be thinking of me tonight. Going to my stepdaughter's to celebrate her birthday with a great steak dinner (my husband is the master steak chef!). She ONLY buys like $100 bottles of wine! And how can you NOT have a great steak without a great glass of red wine! Yesterday I was telling myself, oh, it's a special occasion and what would two glasses hurt...I can stop there, right? But, no, this morning I am telling myself I am in the July 1 group and I WILL NOT HAVE A GLASS OF WINE!!!! Will want to have a good report for them! Will let you know how it goes.
                            2 glasses wouldnt hurt (but lets face it, if your like most of us you wont stop at 2 , right???) but no glasses would make you feel so very great about yourself tomorrow, so you can do it girlie, stay sober , be proud! Good luck!


                              July 1 group. How is everyone?

                              Just enjoy the steak, you dont need the wine and you will feel great in the morning
                              :dancin: enguin:
                              starting over

