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NEXT DAY THREAD Friday 3rd July

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    NEXT DAY THREAD Friday 3rd July

    Morning Punters,
    Well I don't mean to start on another negative Nelly note this morning, but .....
    I just approached my scales with a great deal of trepidation this morning, and feck did they bite back....
    I knew there was a bit of hail damage back there......but love of God I had no idea MY ENTIRE arse end had turned to memory foam.
    You DO realise what this means ? In addition to giving up my best pseudofriend, I will now need to EXERCISE (don't swear to ME), and eat fruit and vegetables and shit like that..... without any daily (OK hourly) treats...
    You'll have to excuse me folks I'm going off to sob and throw myself about on the bed a bit (but not in the good way)
    Hope you're all going well and all that....bla bla fecking bla....
    *shreiking sounds fading out to distance..................*
    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
    Rejoined life 20/5/19

    NEXT DAY THREAD Friday 3rd July

    Bridge - But how's your visage this morning? Still a bit puffy or flakey - or short 'n crusty? Nah, never mind - with all that fruit and stuff you'll be a sweety pie in no time. Mark my words.

    Wavey - mine's white too. White is good.

    Mr. G - how was the gig? Hope you have a good door bitch.

    Ronnie - keep racking up those AF days.

    Chilly good morning to all to come.


      NEXT DAY THREAD Friday 3rd July

      Well that's the thing Ms least my face and bum now match each I DO love symmetry.........
      Chilly is correct love.....I'm gonna take my puppy down the beach and blow the cobwebs.....
      Come on you lazy buggers....out of bed.....
      If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
      Rejoined life 20/5/19


        NEXT DAY THREAD Friday 3rd July

        Mornin everyone . . .

        Hi Bridge . . . your thread is too cute . . .

        Yippee I get to be one of the 1st few for a change. I somehow seem to miss the Next Day Threads, don't know how I manage that but . . . I always seem to pop in after 50 or 60 others have already arrived. Anyhow it is 7:30pm in my lil neck of the woods. What kinda puppy do you have Bridge? I thru away my scale ions ago . . . it was making me sick but that's another story.

        Hope everyone has a Great Day!

        Tawny I luv your Av . . .


          NEXT DAY THREAD Friday 3rd July

          Hi Bridget, Tawny & Polar
          My my we are in good form this morning!!, you have all made me laugh and at this time in the morning its usally unheard of for me!!!!!
          Polar we seem to be on the same time zone, where are you from???
          Twney - chilly it is this morning but I think it is going to turrn out nice here today, well I hope so anyway
          Bridget - you just crack me up girl
          Well just a quickie before the school run and then its my turn to go to woolies today bridget and I have to do a great big shop as it is school hols next week for 2 weeks and food shopping and 3 young boys dont really go together so I am buying double bubble this week!!!!
          Well its Day 3 for me and Bridget it must be day 3 for you as well is'nt it?
          This is normally the bad day for me but I have made sure that I have got tons & tons to do today so that should keep me out of trouble. But knowing me I will proberbly spend the day on here but I am hopping to get some or even just a little bit of work done!!!
          So wish me luck guys, as its all of you lovely people that keep me going when the going gets tuff. Oh I think there might be a song in there somewhere???
          Mr G I hope your gig went OK yesterday
          KTAB, Tip & Oney - thanks so much for making me laugh last night
          Love ronnie xx
          :dancin: enguin:
          starting over


            NEXT DAY THREAD Friday 3rd July

            Hi polar
            I have a psycho Golden Retreiver 10 months much like her mother....yeah you seem to be round about the same time zone ? Where are 'ya ? And actually I LOVE your idea about chucking out the scales.....especially today !
            Hi Ron...I'm with 'ya honey it's early days, but I've got to tell you my productivity levels are WAY up already....remind me of this if I get 'bored' and tempted.
            OH YE GODS........ I forgot about the school hols......we've only got one week of school left....better start getting the food bribes in. Hey Ron, try to get witching hour over early tonight and we'll go spy on the Brits again and maybe entice the Leprechauns and Tip over again....wanna ???
            If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
            Rejoined life 20/5/19


              NEXT DAY THREAD Friday 3rd July

              Bridget, If I can get on the computer then I am definately in, I had such a laugh last night.
              :dancin: enguin:
              starting over


                NEXT DAY THREAD Friday 3rd July

                Hello, All

                Good morning from a wet (overnight rain) but sunny Cape Town. I intend being irritatingly positive today :-)

                Bridget: you're a scream. I say we have a collective Scale Tossing Contest today. Prizes for the one throwing his/her scales the furthest, and for the person ending up with the greatest number of unidentifiable parts!
                I'll do whatever it takes
                AF 21/08/2009


                  NEXT DAY THREAD Friday 3rd July

                  Arvo all!
                  Great going Ronnie and Bridget. I won't wish you luck, because i reckon we create our own, from within. Our choice.
                  Gigging is alway's great thanks, whether there are one, or 100,000. However, last nights ticket sales erred closer to 1. The door bitch, i.e. the publican actually hates the public. Loves the band, but couldn't give a toss whether ppl. come in or not, it seems. He's my kinda guy.
                  How are you going tonight Ronnie? C'mon! Are you pumped?!!!! Speaking of Pump...Bridget?? your class awaits.
                  A safe, happy, sober evening to all................

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                    NEXT DAY THREAD Friday 3rd July

                    How're you going there Cinder's? Beauty Newc! And get a dog up ya!..........x

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      NEXT DAY THREAD Friday 3rd July

                      Hi all
                      Mr G - I am fine today, I have got to take my youngest son soccer practise tonight at 5.30 then im off to the chippy for my lovely cheeseburger & chips (all home made, not maccas) Oney I hope you are hearing this girl!!!!!!
                      Glad you enjoyed your gig Mr G
                      Hope everyone has a great evening
                      :dancin: enguin:
                      starting over


                        NEXT DAY THREAD Friday 3rd July

                        Hi Tip
                        Its been a lovely day over here, how are you going????
                        :dancin: enguin:
                        starting over


                          NEXT DAY THREAD Friday 3rd July

                          Hey, Ronnie

                          I'm in such a good mood, I'm sure to irritate the cr@p out of Starty when she pops in again :-)

                          I really feel I've made huge progress these last two weeks. I've mentioned elsewhere that I'm yet to have an AF day, but I'm in a better space that I've been in years!

                          Looking forward to another weekend of beating AL shitless!!!
                          I'll do whatever it takes
                          AF 21/08/2009


                            NEXT DAY THREAD Friday 3rd July

                            Hey Tip
                            Thats great, you are doing really well, its really good when you yourself can see that you have made progess is;nt it?
                            You should give yourself a well deserved pat on the back - great work
                            :dancin: enguin:
                            starting over


                              NEXT DAY THREAD Friday 3rd July

                              Nothing wrong with a chunky homemade cheeseburger and good, fresh chips now and then, Ronnie! (now and then, Ronnie)
                              Greeting's Tip! Good for you that you are in a good headspace. For me, that's one of the benifit's of this site. The info/education/stories we see, can really transpire us, and gradually get us thinking positively. Bravo!

                              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

