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Army Thread 4th July

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    Army Thread 4th July

    I must dash now, going to a mind body and spirit fayre hope its good.
    Catch ya later luvvies!!
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      Army Thread 4th July

      Hi Folks!
      Lovely day here.
      I was up and away early this morning. I'm getting the place some homely touches today. Houseplants and some shelves , that sort of thing. It's still a bit bare looking. I'd like to get a nice rug for the living room too. don't want to spend too much at once though.
      I hope everyone is fit and healthy.


        Army Thread 4th July

        Morning/evening all of the 'other side'
        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
        Rejoined life 20/5/19


          Army Thread 4th July

          Hi there oney.
          We haven't got a Primark locally but I'm looking around.
          I got a couple of nice plants. It's just been a house since I moved in. I'm trying to make myself feel that it's my home.
          I'm not on a hurry to get anything really. I'm just sort of pottering along in a doddery old grandfather sort of way. It's great.


            Army Thread 4th July

            Hi there bridget.


              Army Thread 4th July

              Pottering is my dead favourite thing to do.
              If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
              Rejoined life 20/5/19


                Army Thread 4th July

                Pops, You sound so up beat ......It warms my heart !!!
                I am sure your place is a great comfy retreat that shows your personality ..."warm and fuzzy" !!!

                I would love to meet up with you next time we are in Scotland. Hubby is so very homesick cause it's been a year and a half since we were there last.
                We did a Buddhist retreat up at Findhorn bay and then came down to Roslyn Chapel.
                didn't get to far out of the Edinburgh area on that trip but next time we are gonna return to work at the spiritualist church in Sterling and Glasgow......
                Maybe we can talk you into going to church with us and watch me do my platform work ???
                The number of spiritualist churches in Scotland is amazing and we plan our trips around a different one everyday.
                Some of em even ask me to return next trip........go figure ???........LOL

                Do you have charity shops near you ? We always love to visit those and they have get bargains to decorate your home with........I'm a thrift store JUNKIE....BORN and BRED !!!
                sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                  Army Thread 4th July

                  It is isn't it?
                  Just drifting.
                  No pressures.

                  My cat's taken to climbing up me and sitting on my shoulder. It's cute except when he does it when I'm standing in my boxers like I was this morning.


                    Army Thread 4th July

                    Evie.Lou;654119 wrote: Pops, You sound so up beat ......It warms my heart !!!
                    I am sure your place is a great comfy retreat that shows your personality ..."warm and fuzzy" !!!

                    I would love to meet up with you next time we are in Scotland. Hubby is so very homesick cause it's been a year and a half since we were there last.
                    We did a Buddhist retreat up at Findhorn bay and then came down to Roslyn Chapel.
                    didn't get to far out of the Edinburgh area on that trip but next time we are gonna return to work at the spiritualist church in Sterling and Glasgow......
                    Maybe we can talk you into going to church with us and watch me do my platform work ???
                    The number of spiritualist churches in Scotland is amazing and we plan our trips around a different one everyday.
                    Some of em even ask me to return next trip........go figure ???........LOL

                    Do you have charity shops near you ? We always love to visit those and they have get bargains to decorate your home with........I'm a thrift store JUNKIE....BORN and BRED !!!
                    I am feeling good Evie. Glad you noticed
                    I'm getting my stuff in order and trying hard to get the hang of this celabacy lark.....
                    I'd love to meet up Evie, I'm very handy for Glasgow and Stirling's just a bus ride away and I wouldn't need much talking into anything. Sounds great.
                    I too have the thrift shop bug. There's some good stuff to be had there. Some rubbish too, but I leave that alone.


                      Army Thread 4th July

                      one2many;654122 wrote: LMAO...least you had boxers on, cat could have gone the stepping stone route.
                      And I've go the stones to step on.


                        Army Thread 4th July

                        I'd better make tracks before all the good stuff's gone.


                          Army Thread 4th July

                          Pops, The celibacy thing is just a temporary INCONVENIENCE that you will SooooN over come.
                          Mark my words. LOVE is just around the corner ...........and what a lucky lady she will be !!!
                          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                            Army Thread 4th July

                            one2many;654132 wrote: Evie,How is Good Will Hunting this morn?
                            Worried he may have pneumonia ???
                            His lung are bad and the antibiotics aren't doing much. I may have to insist he goes to hospital if it gets any worse.

                            Thanks for caring.I'll tell him you ask (our Irish family)
                            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                              Army Thread 4th July

                              Why can't I see your little green lights, people of the other side ????????
                              If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                              Rejoined life 20/5/19


                                Army Thread 4th July

                                Will do Oney. I am insisting he get a shower/bath and change his PJs cause I know he is TOO embarassed to go to the Dr.s ..........much less hospital til he's cleaned up.
                                Men.....maybe he's not wanting others to see how sick he is ???
                                Opposite of me. If I was that sick I wouldn't care what I lookedor smelled like.......Just help me BREATH !!
                                I think getting up and cleaned up will help me(and him) know how bad it really is ??? Other wise he just says.......I'll be OK ???
                                sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!

