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NEXT DAY THREAD Monday 6th July.

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    NEXT DAY THREAD Monday 6th July.

    Morning All,
    I have begun my day in righteous form.
    'The boy' has spent the entire weekend, and indeed his life, giving me a great deal of 'lip'.
    So this morning, sans hangover, I exacted my revenge and attended his parent/teacher interview at the school, dressed in NO way unlike Cyndi Lauper (80's version).
    A VISION in red was I............
    They will never learn, the children, that their mothers are evil, cunning bitches not to be messed with.
    I do hope that every one else's morning has been at least as satisfactory.
    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
    Rejoined life 20/5/19

    NEXT DAY THREAD Monday 6th July.

    Good Morning our Opal,
    Re: Scarring......At least his abdominal cavity is intact......but for him I could say the same........
    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
    Rejoined life 20/5/19


      NEXT DAY THREAD Monday 6th July.

      Morning all.

      Love ya work Bridge. My daughter is 6 going on 16. We are already getting "whatever" and "talk to the hand". Needless to say life gets very difficult for her with that sort of attitude. I've just got to get my mobile phone and and her behavior changes instantly. (I have a lovely video of her having a massive tanty) which I threaten to text to her prep teacher. God I'm evil!!!!!

      Hope you are all well.


      Alcohol Free Since July 1 2009.

      My Sobriety Blog
      (From Then Till Now).


        NEXT DAY THREAD Monday 6th July.

        Hi Time, Opal & Bridge
        Nice one Bridge, I bet your son's face was the same colour as your dress

        Time - my god your 6 year olf has a mobile phone what a lucky girl she is.
        My boys are banned from Wii game at the moment, but it does'nt really help cause now they just run around the house like head less chickens and my house is'nt that big.
        I think I might sneek them thier psp's while hubby is at work, at least I might get some sort of peace!!!!!

        Well I had a fantastic day yesturday, the kids, dog & me went for a 2 mile hike along the coastal foot/bike path near us and the weather was great and we all really enjoyed it, then stopped off at a park on the way home, none of us really wanted to go home but we all had a brill day.
        Its raining here today - my god what a difference a day makes!!!! but hey I am still in top form
        Day 6 for me and I am feeling very proud of myself
        Bridge my darling I hope you are feeling proud of yourself as well
        Lets give each other a pat on the back....
        OUCH!!! my god Brigde .... not that hard!!!!!

        Hope everyone has a great day (just like me)
        Love ronnie xx
        :dancin: enguin:
        starting over


          NEXT DAY THREAD Monday 6th July.

          Hi Ronnie.

          No way does my daughter have a mobile. I have the mobile with the video of her on it. :H

          She'll get one the day hell freezes over. :H


          Alcohol Free Since July 1 2009.

          My Sobriety Blog
          (From Then Till Now).


            NEXT DAY THREAD Monday 6th July.

            Hi Time,
            "She'll get one the day hell freezes over":H:H:H
            I love that.
            I have the same attitude, I hate mobile phones, although I do have one but I never really use it.
            :dancin: enguin:
            starting over


              NEXT DAY THREAD Monday 6th July.

              Well its nearly mid day here and all I have achieved is a shower, god I love school hols.
              I think my voice has nearly disapeared already with the shouting:H
              My youngest wont get dressed
              My boys wont tidy thier rooms
              I am shouting at whats seem myself
              Its raining so I cant shove them outside
              And its only the first day...............
              Oney at least I only have 2 weeks of this unlike you !!!!!

              Well its time for BIG MAMA to make an appearance I think.....
              Here I go....
              :dancin: enguin:
              starting over


                NEXT DAY THREAD Monday 6th July.

                Afternoon all,

                Happy to report I've had a top day! For a while now I've noticed whenever the washing machine empties in the laundry, water gurgles up from the shower plug hole threatening to flood the bathroom floor. My heightened powers of observation led me to believe that I my have pipe blockage so off to the hardware for some Drano. Made no difference. Hmmm. Find end of outlet pipe, stick stick up there and meet resistance. Poke stick up as far as I can and realise I need ROTO-ROOTER™!!!! Back to the hardware to purchase my first ever ROTO-ROOTER™. Wangle ROTO-ROOTER™ up the poly pipe. Made no difference, it just wouldn't dislodge whatever was stuck up there. Maybe it was rooted. So I brought out the big guns: a 6m length of 1/2" steel rod. Poke-poke-pokey. A sudden gush and a glurp and a spewing forth of 15+ years worth of soap residue, dead skin cells and bunches of hair all congealed into one solid lump.

                Happiness is a clear and fast flowing drain.

                I just love sharing.


                  NEXT DAY THREAD Monday 6th July.

                  Hello Everybody,

                  Good one Bridget I hope that keeps him in line for you for while.

                  Don't give in to the little sh1ts as if you do by the time they are 16 they will be ruling the world!

                  Sorry must be hormones just don't feel like taking cr@p from anybody today.

                  Look out husband...LOL (not!)

                  Ronnie...get the biggest stick you can find and act like you are going to use it.

                  A little bit of fear never hurt anybody.

                  And therapy is way too expensive

                  Have a great day!
                  Just keep on swmming, just keep on swimming!


                    NEXT DAY THREAD Monday 6th July.

                    seriously need a life little darlin!
                    Just keep on swmming, just keep on swimming!


                      NEXT DAY THREAD Monday 6th July.

                      Oh Tawny, that would be my idea of bliss too....along with picking scabs....

                      Morning/afternoon all
                      I am loving the parenting tips!!!
                      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                        NEXT DAY THREAD Monday 6th July.

                        Well my BIG MAMA theary (sp) worked
                        They have all tidied thier rooms and cleaned them AND hovered them
                        God that was good !!!!
                        When the rain stopped we all went for another walk, but only down to the local shops, but that was long enough as my legs are now hurting but I dont mind, my kids have had another enjoyable day
                        They are outside now playing kick around with a ball
                        Tawny i agree with shas im afraid, there would be no way you would get me poking around my pipes:H
                        starts - picking spots..... now thats hevan, especially exploding ones

                        Oh shas why have I only got to act as if I was going to wak them with the stick, there's nothing like the REAL thing....
                        :dancin: enguin:
                        starting over


                          NEXT DAY THREAD Monday 6th July.

                          Whatja do to them Ronnie .....frontal lobotomy?
                          We're on to picking scabs now are we ? ....hope THAT catches on...
                          Listen girls, there's NOTHING wrong with having a poke around your own pipes........Hi Tawny.
                          Going Strong.......I COMPLETELY get that mood.....COMPLETELY.......
                          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                          Rejoined life 20/5/19

