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Pain Management

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    Pain Management

    I started drinking ease my arthritis pain and now its gotten way out of hand. The arthritis is very painfull and doctors wont give me any pain killers. I need both knees and hips replaced. Theres no cartilage left and its basically bone on bone. It really bothers me at night when trying to sleep.

    Because of my history of drinking doctors wont prescribe anything to help my pain. Is there anything I can do? I lost my job from too many absences. I feel that my biggest trigger for drinking is my arthritis pain. Its frustrating when unable to sleep due to the pain.

    Pain Management

    So Sorry

    Hi Dug,

    I have only ONE bad knee and I can still walk. I can't even imagine what kind of pain you are in right now. Perhaps if you gave some more info regarding your current circumstances, someone on the board could be helpful. For instance, do you have insurance? or if you are not working, are you on disability? If so, do you get Medicaid or some sort of insurance?

    I do know that there are doctors out there who specialize in pain management. Of course, if you have insurance nightmares, it might be hard to see one. I am hoping that you are eligible to get the replacements - perhaps that will alleviate some pain.

    Please let us know your full story, Dug. Sorry for you troubles.



      Pain Management


      Hi Dug,

      I also have severe arthritis affecting both knees, neck and tons of bursitis in my lower back and thighs. I do go to a pain management doctor. He has given me shots which eased the pain for a while. The idea is to do it a couple of times so that the inflammation calms down. I may also get an epidural which numbs the pain.

      and yes, I used wine to distance from the pain. Tonight I managed not to drink by taking a muscle relaxant

      There is one called Baclofen I used for two years before my neck surgery. Lo and Behold, it has now been shown to be an anti-craving drug against alcohol. I recalll that I didn't drink much when I was on it, but didn't make that connection then. There is a thread on this site under Topomax and other meds which talks about Baclofren.

      Also, there is a wonderful website called Kneegeeks which has been a great source for me regarding my bad knee.

      Good luck!



        Pain Management

        not working, on unemployment. No insurance right now. Disability only pays $600 a month, so thats not gonna help.

        When in college, I used to go into mexico and buy vials of morphine for the pain. Id give myself 4shots a day. One at each meal and one before bed. It worked great. Allowed me to forget about the pain and gave me motivation to get things done. I function very well on opiates. No real impairment. Booze is just too chaotic.

        Ive been to a couple of pain management clinics. They refuse to prescribe any pain killers. I cant afford any joint replacement right now. Even if I could they dont like to do them for people under 50y/o. I am only 34. Ive been branded difficult and drug seeking by doctors.

        I always get in a big fight with them when then refuse to write me a script. I just want to ring their necks for wasting the time Id take off work and bill they charge me for nothing. At most theyll give me a script for an ssri or anti-inflammatory.

        What really upsets me is a lot of the strong arthritis meds are toxic and require monthly blood tests to monitor the organs. Opiates are non-toxic to organs. Their main side effect is respiratory suppression, which is counteracted by pain. Pain causes increased resperation.


          Pain Management

          I dont like muscle relaxers. It make me so uncoodinated that I cant even play my guitar.

          My arthritis is caused by a connective tissue disease. It makes all my muscles and ligaments stiff and sore. The sypmtoms similar to Fibromylagia. You wake up feeling stiff and sore. The more active you are the more stiff and sore you get.

          Taking shots of morphine sounds extreme but it really raises the quality of my life. I am much more active and productive. I can hold my job and do well at it. Rather than sitting around on disability or working a lame part time job. I have the right to lead a sucessfull life. The doctors can go fuck themselves.


            Pain Management

            Dug, have you ever looked into MSM? It's natural sulphur, non-toxic and is great for getting rid of pain, etc. People with severe pain usually notice relief within a week of beginning it, but get up to 6 tbsps daily when the pain is gone. If you need more research basics, let me know and I can send you some.

            My knees were going bad and used to creak when bending etc, but I started taking the msm and within a month the creaking was gone and hasn't come back, although I don't stay on the MSM all of the time.


              Pain Management

              Not sure if this would help with your problem but I had significant success with my fibromyalgia and Xango.
              Prayers for sopme relief to you.


                Pain Management


                Hi All,

                I am not familiar with MSM and Xango. Can you fill me in?

                Dug, At 34, you have a tough row to hoe. Isn't Morphine very addictive? I know, I know, you need relief. My friend's husband was on it for a year and it finally reachedd the point where it didn't work anymore and if he upped the dose any more he would have died. He ended up in the E.R.

                jMuscle relaxants can make you feel somewhat rubbery but certainly not as out of it as booze. Maybe a combo of muscle relaxant and anti-inflammatory?

                My niece had a bad case of fibromyalgia and it was cured by trigger point injections over a six month period. Your big need is to get accesss to health care. It burns me up that this rich country can't/won't provide. I don't know what state you live in. My friend in Pittsburgh is getting all free care because of low income.

                I hope you have family and friends to help you. You are in my thoughts and prayers.



                  Pain Management

                  About MSM

                  Ivy, here's some information on MSM. I don't know about the other.

                  What is MSM?

                  MSM is the abbreviation for methyl-sulfonyl-methane, a naturally occuring sulfur compound. This compound is found in tissues and fluids of plants, of animals, and of people. MSM and its related compounds make up 85% of the sulfur in living organisms. Our bodies are composed primarily of five basic elements: oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon, and sulfur.

                  Why do we need sulfur?
                  • Sulfur is needed to form blood proteins and amino acids
                  • Sulfur provides the chemical links needed to form collagen, the protein found in connective tissue
                  • Sulfur is essential for healthy hair, skin, and nails
                  • Sulfur activates and helps the body utilize Vitamin C, B1, B5 (pantothenic acid) and biotinSulfur is used by the liver to manufacture bile, a necessary element for proper digestionSulfur is essential in maintain body pH, the acid-alkaline balanceSulfur is an important component in insulin production, and aids in carbohydrate metabolism
                  Where does MSM come from?

                  Dietary MSM comes from fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, meats, seafood, and milk. Processing of these products, however, destroys or greatly reduces actual MSM content.

                  Pioneer MSM researcher Robert Hershcler says: ?MSM is shy, evasive and escape-prone. While present naturally when food is very fresh, it can be driven out of any food by even moderate processing. People, generally speaking, wil lbe sulfur-deficient unless they eat their fish and meat raw and their vegetables unwashed and uncooked.? MSM levels in humans decline with age, resulting in symptoms of fatigue, tissue and organ malfunction, and increased susceptibility to disease.


                    Pain Management

                    Yeah morphine is addictive. My disease is progressive and will continue to get worse over time. If I have to take morphine for the rest of my life so be it. Im skeptical about it not working after awhile. Eventually the dose reach a plateu. It is a very high dose that would kill a first time user, but for someone who has tolerance its not a big deal. Its just that doctors have the DEA breathig down their necks and it makes them paranoid about prescribing them.

                    The other non opiod painkillers just suck. First of all they dont help the pain that much. I want the pain stomped out, not just a lil relief. Plus theyre toxic to the body. THey mess with your digestive tract, cause strokes and heart-attacks, kill your liver and kidneys. They have a lot of deadly side effects with little pain relief. I almost think its a conspiracy by the drug companies.

                    Opiates like morphine have been around over 100 yrs. Theres no patents on them. THeyre so cheap that for $2 a day youd have more than enough. THe other stuff costs at least $10 a day cuz of the patents. I think thats why doctors push the other stuff. No money being made off opiates.

                    Ive tried the supplements, fish oil, omega 3, msm, glucosamine, dlpa, st join wort, htp, vitamins. I didnt notice much if any improvement. Ive tried them for several months. I quit taking them cuz their expensive.

                    Sorry about the rant. Its frustrating when theres something out there that helps you but are denied it.


                      Pain Management

                      To Dug

                      Hi Dug,

                      I have just been reading on the boards today & happened on to yours. I must not have been around late August, think I took a break. Your post really got to me because I know about severe, chronic pain personally and just last week my 29 yr old son had some reconstructive surgery done on his hip. God I feel so bad for both of you. And well me...I look forward all day long to some relief of my lower back & hip pain by drinking ...damn..

                      Anyway, it is pretty upsetting what you are going through. I wonder where you get your medicine, not that I want any. Just wondering and hope you are safe. You can reply to me by private msg if you feel like it.

                      I was on a barbiturate derivative blend with acetaminophen for years for severe migraines. It enabled me to raise my children and work an intense full time job. So I understand how it can be effective. The only problem was severe rebound migraines when I reduced or stopped taking it. Eventually my MD was out of town one time & I could not get an Rx and had to do the withdrawal. Still had migraines for awhile but with my age & change of life & hormones leaving me and getting fired, and being forced to relax, I finally got over them. But arthritis is a different thing, entirely.

                      But sometimes I wonder why pain runs in families, as though it is genetic, just like bad chemistry causes alcohol cravings.

                      Did your arthritis begin from injury, or chronic from genetics, etc.? I am so worried about my son.

                      Do you live in the US? It would seem to me you could get on medicaid.

                      I have heard such WONDERFUL things about the hip & knee replacements. I know several people (older) who have had them & they are almost pain free. There must be a Doc somehwere who would do surgery on you even at your age, considering the degree of sufferring.

                      Anyway, how are you doing now? I hope you are OK. I also understand how supps just do not help real pain. Wish they did.

                      Hope you are OK! Would love to hear from you. I'm sure others on the board would also.



                        Pain Management

                        i am posting this because of your extreme situation
                        please try this link

                        The page cannot be found

                        i would not normally post this but you seem to be in a large amount of trouble at the present time.

                        please use with caution

                        i checked the link and it works altho it says otherwise just click it.


                          Pain Management

                          Hi surfer,
                          Why do you say that. Have you heard form Dug recently? Is he around? Is he OK?

