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    Ive just been reading about withdrawal symptoms and itsgot me a lil freaked out..the longest ive gone without drink is 4/5days and ive never had any drawels..
    am worred as ive never had them but ive been a heavy drinker for 5 years
    Does everyone have them or am i one of the lucky ones??
    ~I hope I didn't brain my damage~:crazymonkey:


    Hi, Browneyez

    The symptoms (fits, halluciantions etc) that you're referring to occurs in a small number of cases. It depends on how you define "heavy drinker" - I drank 750ml vodka + 750ml red wine each day, all consumed after 6.00 p.m. daily until I blacked out...

    In my case, I didn't (couldn't!!!) just stop, so I tapered my drinking over a period of about two weeks.

    It doesn't sound as if you're going to go through serious withdrawal if you've been OK before. I suspect it's going to be more of a mental battle...

    Good luck, and hang in there!

    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009



      Hiya tip
      How are you??
      Yeh there the ones that freaked me out.. I was like oh my god this going to be a nightmare..
      Idrank a bolttle of vodka through out the day.. saying that i never really got drunk as i spread it out thro the day..Ive red about this tapering thing..How did u do it??? drink wise
      ~I hope I didn't brain my damage~:crazymonkey:



        You can do it in two ways:

        1. PM Cat42 (she was also drinking that much, just maintaining a "buzz" throughout the day) and ask her to bump her tapering thread for you. She used beer to shake off the worst of the withdrawals and shakes. Each time it got too bad, she had a little beer, and managed to cut down that way.
        2. I set a specific target for daily consumption, and decreased the vodka by abot 50ml a day. I threw out the last of it on Friday night (yee-haw) and will now stick to red wine (2 glasses) every night, until my baclofen prescription arrives).

        Hope that helps...

        I'll do whatever it takes
        AF 21/08/2009



          Hey there, Tip ... thanks for mentioning my thread ... it always makes me smile, knowing that a post of mine helped in some way.

          Browneyez .. here's a link to how I began tapering and how it felt, etc.:

          AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.



            Hiya.. was just about to private message you..Thanks for that..Your doing great babe.. So do you think beer would be better than vodka..How about alco pops.. there pretty weak lol!
            ~I hope I didn't brain my damage~:crazymonkey:



              What's an alco pop ?!

              Re. the beer .... I know they say "a drink is a drink" alcohol-wise, no matter what form you prefer .... However, I felt (and still feel) that beer is much less "toxic" than vodka or rum. Maybe it's just all in my head; maybe not.

              Much strength to you as you find your way .. ((hugs))
              AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.



                ALCO POP's is like a fruity fizzy drinks but have about5% alcohol not very strong!!
                with the tapering shall i try straight way or shall i wait untill/or if i get withdrawel sympotons
                ~I hope I didn't brain my damage~:crazymonkey:



                  Hey Browneyez .. if you can get away without withdrawals, Yey! I wouldn't bother with tapering if you've quit in the past for 4-5 days and haven't had any ill effects. But if you've been drinking more lately (eg., morning to night, bottle of hard liquor), you should be careful with quitting, whether it's cold turkey or tapering, as detoxing can actually be deadly ... Everyone's different and you know your body best ... keep a close watch on yourself .... and stick close by here!

                  Power to you!!
                  AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.



                    Thats the one's ive been scared of lol but its quite rare and most days i dont drink until
                    2pm/3pm trying to go later and later.. when i was ill this year i didnt drink for almost a week and was fine.. i actually felt healther rather than ill when i quite for 4 days.. maybe my liver ect isnt addicted
                    maybe its all in my mind
                    ~I hope I didn't brain my damage~:crazymonkey:

