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Youtube approach to Anxiety

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    Youtube approach to Anxiety

    Nancy mentioned meditation as a resource. I've been working on that. In my own journey, I found a curious resource: Youtube.

    Just go there and look for key words:

    "Guided Meditation"
    "Anxiety Hypnosis"
    ... think of your own.

    Once you find a video that looks good, check out the related videos on the side.

    Some I like, some I don't. I've marked a few that I return to each day. Sometimes I go try a new one to see what it's like. Some are commercial messages advising a longer CD or paid MP3 for deeper results. Look for ones with high numbers of page views. This is a good indicator of a good video.

    Here's an example:[/video]]YouTube - RELAX meditation video with ocean waves

    Youtube approach to Anxiety

    Thanks Boss, I hadn't thought of that.

    I use the Audio Dharma website for guided meditation but i've heard them all now and was looking for something new.

    guided meditation talks
    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


      Youtube approach to Anxiety

      Thanks Boss and Deebee.
      This is another tool I want to add to my aresenal

      Not sure if this would be useful to anyone?

      Learning Meditation Home Page
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

