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Army Thread 7th July

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    Army Thread 7th July

    Good morning guys

    Up nice and early again and think I might go for a swim today.

    Evie, I really hope you are feeling brighter today? It wont be long before you are back in action.

    Oney, keep strong, remember why you are doing this and know that any cravings will pass.

    Have a fabby spoony day all!
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

    Army Thread 7th July

    Morning Starts!!

    Evie and Oney were on my mind last night. Evie, I was thinking that there must be a reason this is happening to you... the universe must be sending some sort of message.... I don't know what. Hope you have a spring in your step today:-)

    And Oney, I know how damn hard these first couple of days are, but trust me, once you have two days down the rest becomes easier.... promise.

    Right, I am off to listen to one of the guided meditations you gave us the link to and then I think I'll go for a run .... catch you later.
    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


      Army Thread 7th July

      Hi/bye Deebers!
      Yep I thought maybe the universe was telling Evie to slow down?
      Have a great run!
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        Army Thread 7th July

        Morning, Starts & Deebs & all to come.

        Evie: hope you're already feeling a bit better!

        Oney: hang in there - go and post on the Message to Al thread so that he can know that you're showing his best friend the middle finger!

        I'll do whatever it takes
        AF 21/08/2009


          Army Thread 7th July

          Morning you lot.....
          Honestly Tips if this is you moderating, how much energy are you going to have stone cold motherless ????
          Oney ....... how are you going with it all dear ???..... have you smacked Ktab out yet ?
          Hi are you feeling love ?
          Hi Dee Bee.
          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
          Rejoined life 20/5/19


            Army Thread 7th July

            byebyebridgetjones;656997 wrote: Morning you lot.....
            Honestly Tips if this is you moderating, how much energy are you going to have stone cold motherless ????
            I'm scaring myself too, Bridge LOL
            I'll do whatever it takes
            AF 21/08/2009


              Army Thread 7th July

              China gives new meaning to dyslexia:

              I'll do whatever it takes
              AF 21/08/2009


                Army Thread 7th July

                DeeBee;656976 wrote: Morning Starts!!

                Evie and Oney were on my mind last night. Evie, I was thinking that there must be a reason this is happening to you... the universe must be sending some sort of message.... I don't know what. Hope you have a spring in your step today:-)

                And Oney, I know how damn hard these first couple of days are, but trust me, once you have two days down the rest becomes easier.... promise.

                Right, I am off to listen to one of the guided meditations you gave us the link to and then I think I'll go for a run .... catch you later.
                Thanks Guys.......YOU ARE THE BEST !!!
                I have been up most of the night asking that question .........what is it I am to learn from this ???
                It's a tuff one to figure !!! ......and even tougher to think we traveled and could have made others sick (not knowing) !!!
                All of you know we are croppies.....did you know that there was a crop circle in the shape of a swine flu virus just about the time we got it ???
                That's tooooo big for me to wrap me small little brain around ???
                Physically we have body aches but the emotional part is the toughest.
                It's made alot easier to bare with the help of good friends...........that could be the message, right there ???
                sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                  Army Thread 7th July

                  Morning all, Evie sometimes we can search too hard for an answer to things when it is facing us all along and sometimes there is just no answer and we have to accept things as they are. Either way I hope you find inner peace with this.
                  Tip I think you are going to have to start training for a marathon or something
                  Bridge, I have been very nice to Oney I will have you know (hard for you to swallow for sure)
                  Hi DeeBee nice to see you here.
                  Starts swimming is the best, what does the rest of today hold for you?
                  Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                    Army Thread 7th July

                    Good morning,
                    I hope you get better soon Evie.
                    I had a great sleep and it's really set me up for the day.
                    I'm reading a book about how to feel good (not that I really need to feel better) and there's a section in it about diet. I've been eating some typical West-of Scotland fare recently; heart attack inducing garbage, and I'm in need of a clean out. There's a 10-day spring clean detox diet that looks really good. Mostly fruit and raw foods with some legumes and steamed vegetables. The first couple of days are quite intense apprently, possible headaches and other detox reactions, so it advises starting on a Friday so you're fit for work again on the Monday.
                    I've just talked myself into it.


                      Army Thread 7th July

                      Popeye;657013 wrote: Good morning,

                      I'm reading a book about how to feel good (not that I really need to feel better) and there's a section in it about diet. I've been eating some typical West-of Scotland fare recently; heart attack inducing garbage, and I'm in need of a clean out. There's a 10-day spring clean detox diet that looks really good. Mostly fruit and raw foods with some legumes and steamed vegetables. The first couple of days are quite intense apprently, possible headaches and other detox reactions, so it advises starting on a Friday so you're fit for work again on the Monday.
                      I've just talked myself into it.
                      Can I offer to talk you of it? Tiggers just don't do legumes and raw food. Pfffft. Yuck

                      I'll do whatever it takes
                      AF 21/08/2009


                        Army Thread 7th July

                        Good for you Pops, thats a great idea. Healthy eating is all part of the recovery program imo. A lot of the processed crap we eat is full of fat, salt and sugar and our bodies become used to them. When we get that stuff out of our systems we feel much healthier. It is only force of habit and doesnt take that much longer to prepare heatlhy home cooked meals. And at least we know what goes in them.
                        A little bit of what you fancy now and again does no harm but it is scary when you look in some peoples shopping trollies.
                        Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                          Army Thread 7th July

                          tiptronic_ct;657014 wrote: Can I offer to talk you of it? Tiggers just don't do legumes and raw food. Pfffft. Yuck

                          I'm feeling that since I'm at a stage where I'm about as clean as I've ever been, I could try and get things into tip-top, A-1 condition. I'm getting a bicycle tomorrow. It'll get me to work and I can have some fun on it at the weekends and get a little fitter.


                            Army Thread 7th July

                            And now a little something for our American friends:

                            Citizens across Mexico hope that the new Asshole Wall will stem the tide of assholes that visit from the US each year to aggressively drink, vomit.

                            Mexico Builds Border Wall To Keep Out US Assholes | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
                            I'll do whatever it takes
                            AF 21/08/2009


                              Army Thread 7th July

                              KTAB;657015 wrote: Good for you Pops, thats a great idea. Healthy eating is all part of the recovery program imo. A lot of the processed crap we eat is full of fat, salt and sugar and our bodies become used to them. When we get that stuff out of our systems we feel much healthier. It is only force of habit and doesnt take that much longer to prepare heatlhy home cooked meals. And at least we know what goes in them.
                              A little bit of what you fancy now and again does no harm but it is scary when you look in some peoples shopping trollies.
                              I'm of the same opinion. Since I started work, I've been coming in at between nine and eleven at night and my diet has suffered a lot. I'm tired and can't be bothered basically, but when I make the effort it's always worth it.

