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The Good, the Bad and the Bouncy

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    The Good, the Bad and the Bouncy

    Hi, All to stop by... I just need to get some stuff off my chest, so don't expect any intellectual insights - this will probably be a rather selfish post.


    1. I live in one of the most beautiful places in the world! Driving into the CT city centre this morning, a big, yellow full moon was hanging in the early morning sky. Do Tiggers growl or howl at the moon?
    2. Coming over the hill that leads to the city bowl, Table Mountain was basking in the orange glow of the morning sun. WOW!
    3. Enjoying a latte and choc brownie for breakfast :-)
    4. DW and I are in a good space. We've been bantering and generally having a good time lately - it feels fantastic! Ditto with the kids being on holiday - everyone less stressed.
    5. I had three small glasses of wine last night, ditched the rest!


    1. Mother Dearest drove me bonkers last night, worrying herself sick about my pathetic excuse of a father drinking himself into a stupor. Her description: "He's not, well, you know" Feck, feck, feck (thanks for teaching me that eloquent word, Oney). She even phoned the maid who was there during the day. Apparently he didn't once emerge from the bedroom during the day. When he didn't call her last night, she phoned him but he couldn't speak coherently at all. She then called the guy who rents the cottage on their property (they finally realised the kids and grandkids wouldn't be making use of that particular facility - ever again). The poor man couldn't get into the house, so ended up calling through the window, but just heard grunts in response. Net result: she sat on the edge of her bed, head down... I asked what was wrong, heard the "not well" response, gave her a long look, and proceeded down the passage to the master bedroom. Lo and behold - she appeared in the doorway, all teary-eyed. She obviously needed some comfort, but I bloody well refuse to support her life decisions. She ended up crying on my shoulder, hugging me, telling me how much she loves me, and that she knows she made those choices... Lucky for her, she proceeded to pop a sleeping pill and left me with bloody confused emotions, eating L-glut like it's candy and drinking rivers of lemon tea. Grrrrrrr.....
    2. Slept terribly - awake at 3.00, never went back to sleep again.


    1. I refuse to give in to AL
    2. I refuse to carry family baggage
    3. I refuse to allow external influences to derail my plan.
    4. I will accept help when I need it

    So there - I feel better already

    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009

    The Good, the Bad and the Bouncy

    Tip, all through this journey, things will jump up at you and either hug you or bite you on the bum.
    Finding a way to deal with them this early on in the game is crucial.
    Focusing on the good things first is brill. I need to do that more.
    Talking about them is brill too. I need to do that more
    Accepting help is hard but again crucial. I need to do that more (can you see a pattern emerging ? :-))
    Nice post!
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      The Good, the Bad and the Bouncy

      Hi Tip ditto to what Starty said. It helps to write these feelings down on the page and see them in print. Keep strong my friend, The bouncy section says it all.
      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


        The Good, the Bad and the Bouncy

        I am so very proud of how you are looking at the world and with that GREAT attitude .....ALCOHOL doesn't stand a chance here.
        You Will WIN !!!
        You Will beat the BASTARD !!!
        I KNOW YOU WILL !!!!!!!
        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


          The Good, the Bad and the Bouncy

          Thanks guys - I don't think you realise the extent to which you've helped me so far!

          Starts: the nice thing is that most us of here are becoming more self-aware - so the patterns start becoming recognisable, and you can act on it!

          KTAB: I feel "lighter" when I post - I used to bottle up my feelings and emotions, which is not a good thing.

          Evie: thanks for rooting for me, even when you're in a bad space (healthwise) yourself!
          I'll do whatever it takes
          AF 21/08/2009


            The Good, the Bad and the Bouncy

            D@mn, Tip ... nice job! Way to go on keeping your plan solid, despite what's happening around you. Nice .. very nice!
            AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


              The Good, the Bad and the Bouncy

              Oney - thanks for that post. I love the suitcase analogy!

              Cat - thanks for the support. I'm hanging in there!

              I had a phone call from my brother about 15mins ago. He went round my father's place and found a complete mess. Apparently he had felt "dizzy" on Sunday evening. Ended up with sprained elbow and gash in head. When bro pitched up about two hours ago, he was still walking around with blood all over him, his clothes, the floor and the bed. Needless to say, unshaved and unshowered as usual. No wonder he avoided the maid yesterday.

              The nice / strange / weird thing: I feel unmoved by it. Thanks, but not my problem.
              I'll do whatever it takes
              AF 21/08/2009


                The Good, the Bad and the Bouncy

                Tip, hope your dad is OK.

                And nice job on how you're handling everything in your world lately ... The way you're dealing with things seems to be really settling into something nicely grounded ... smart and solid. It's so easy for us to get caught up in "stuff" and grab that drink, but you're really getting a handle on dealing with life's situations .... and that's totally inspiring me to be strong, to keep my act together, to not relapse. I'm so glad I met you.

                (And, I do admit, the desire to grab a drink is really strong lately ... Yesterday morning, I actually craved a rum and coke .. right out of the blue. I haven't had a morning drink in 5 weeks. Where did THAT come from? AL is a sneaky b@stard.)
                AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                  The Good, the Bad and the Bouncy

                  Odd trippers. My Mother is a "respectable" alkie. Ie keeps it hidden from everyone who knows. Which is everyone. Like the point by point breakdown so here follows:
                  1. Welcome from the Southern Hem
                  2. CT IS beautiful
                  3. There are no tigers in Africa (Maybe Tiggers)
                  4. The last thing your Dad needs is a maid(Or any of us)
                  5. If he's still alive U must B young. I'm 38. Young enough to learn, not old enough to give up.
                  6. Tell your Dad's maid to clean up his own mess and grow up
                  7. Keep coming back here. All support but no BS

                  All Luv and support from OZ
                  Long Road
                  Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission--
                  Eleanor Roosevelt


                    The Good, the Bad and the Bouncy

                    Hey, cat - I'm on a fairly selfish trip at the moment, but if I say / do things in the process that can help others - YAY!!!! Do you think yesterady's craving could have had something to do with your anniversary (23rd if I recall correctly)?

                    LR, you have no idea how respectable my parents appear to the outside world. The feck used to be a politician, so go figure :-)

                    No Tigers...??? No Tigers.... ****bubble burst**** Am I really the only one??? :-)

                    W.r.t. to the maid thing - it's very South African to still have them (I'm guilty, too - a maid AND a gardener). She didn't have to clean up after him, though - he locked himself into the bedroom).

                    I'm young-ish (39). I mentioned in my very first thread, that one of the big drivers mor me is not to become like him, and I've repeated it a couple of times!

                    Thanks for the welcome. Just be careful not to encourage me to post (especially on the Army Thread) - I go overboard sometimes :-)

                    I'll do whatever it takes
                    AF 21/08/2009


                      The Good, the Bad and the Bouncy

                      Aw, Tip ... 39? ... You're just a baby.

                      *hoisting myself out of my rocking chair ... grabbing my walker ... and putting on a Depend* ... I'm 5 years your senior, sonny.

                      (No offense to anyone of any age.. in a chair, using a walker, or wearing a Depend.)
                      AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                        The Good, the Bad and the Bouncy

                        42cat;657282 wrote:
                        (No offense to anyone of any age.. in a chair, using a walker, or wearing a Depend.)

                        Now you're in for it, Cat.
                        I'll do whatever it takes
                        AF 21/08/2009


                          The Good, the Bad and the Bouncy

                          I love U. I'm 38 and was feeling old!
                          BTW. most old style polies are alkies. I used 2 go fishing with Julian McMahon (Some US show, used 2 B on Charmed) His dad was Aussie PM in the early '70's and a complete alkie. Just like George W, Nixon etc
                          Long Road
                          Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission--
                          Eleanor Roosevelt


                            The Good, the Bad and the Bouncy

                            AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                              The Good, the Bad and the Bouncy

                              Hopefully you can be an example to your dad. I'm sure he is, inside, frustrated at his inability to control it. I'm not sure I believe many alcoholics are in denial that they have a problem, except to the outside world.

