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8 days (woo hoo:) and some ?'s

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    8 days (woo hoo:) and some ?'s

    I was wondering if anyone felt exhausted and hungry from days 5 and on? I slept ALOT to get through the holiday sober I am feeling extremely happy and proud tired. Any suggestions or input is appreciated!! I couldn't have made it this far without all of you :thanks2:

    8 days (woo hoo and some ?'s

    Big congrats and pats on the back and/or butt! Nice job on 5 days - especially through a holiday. Wow. Nicely done.

    I'm not sure about being tired ... I'm definitely not an expert on being sober (I'm a newbie in that regard) ... but maybe it might have to do with your diet? ... Are you eating enough? Proper foods? Iron? Protein? Taking vitamins? .... how about exercise?

    As for the hungries ... I definitely have those ... too much. Which is not good, as I've been trying to lose weight as it is .... Being sober is not helping, but I wouldn't trade it..... Just gotta figure it out.

    ((hugs)) and NICE JOB on the progress ... very very good!
    AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


      8 days (woo hoo and some ?'s

      Hey congrats on the 8 days! I am tired a lot too, and not sleeping well at the moment but heck if you body wants sleep enjoy that blissful reward! I am hungry too, but keep telling myself that a few bites of pie are a lot less than a bottle of wine. I think over time I will lose, but I'm concentrating on fighting AL at the moment.
      Keep up the good work, Bluesy.
      Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
      AF since May 6, 2010


        8 days (woo hoo and some ?'s

        Hi Blue
        Have you tried a little excercise to try and get over the tiredness, it seems to help me and as for being hungry, well I am always snaking and always have done, but I would rather put food in my mouth than AL, so I would'nt worry about that to much.
        :dancin: enguin:
        starting over


          8 days (woo hoo and some ?'s

          Hi Bluesy,
          I am day 8 too. I am very proud of us !
          Yes I get tired especially mid afternoon and feel like a Nana nap, which I will be having when holidays begin here.
          As for the lethargy/ tiredness. I know when cells are repairing, in a general sense, sleeping is the single best thing you can do to help,so bring it on.
          If you think WE'RE tired.....imagine how our poor bloody livers feel ?
          As for food , yep I get hungry all the time. May just be oral gratification at work, but I'm just keeping it to good fresh food, outside isles of the supermarket and fruit and veg market, walk with the dog every day. Good food for cellular repair. I need to lose some weight too, but first priority is staying straight for me.
          Hope this helps.
          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
          Rejoined life 20/5/19


            8 days (woo hoo and some ?'s

            Thanks for the advice but I'm having real bad cravings!! HELP

            For some reason, that little demon is whispering in my ear again. I went to a meeting to shut it up! And am working late on purpose. I will have to hop back on here (mwo) when i get home. Nail biter of a day...but I can do it with your help. :thanks:


              8 days (woo hoo and some ?'s

              Hello everyone! I'm just joining! I've been reading messages on this site for a few days and decided I needed to join. Having a really bad day of too much drinking yesterday, and the day before, and so on and so on. I'm shaking, have nausea, can't calm down, etc. Will this go away soon? It's really horrible and all I want to do is just say no to wine and yes to feeling human again!!


                8 days (woo hoo and some ?'s

                Hi Beauty Queen,

                Welcome! You've come to a good place, lots of support & encouragement here.
                If you haven't already, download & read the MWO Book. It's full of useful information to help you make your plan.
                Take it one day at a time, be kind to yourself, drinks lots of water, eat good food, get a little exercise - you will be OK. Stay close, keep reading & posting.

                Wishing you the best.
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  8 days (woo hoo and some ?'s

                  Welcome Beauty Queen!!

                  Hi! You are in the right place if you are looking for support and understanding. You have to hang in there and lean on us...that's what we are here for! I am a newbie too but feel a world of difference after just a few (9 actually days without alcohol. Please drink lots of water and gatorade- something to rehydrate and rebalance your electolytes...try to get a little food in your system if you can. We have all been in your shoes and really want to help you- trust me, you couldn't meet a more anxious, depressed, freaked out hungover person just a short while ago. Things will get better, I promise. It will be ok!!!:welcome:


                    8 days (woo hoo and some ?'s

                    Hi Bluesy
                    Welcome Beauty Queen
                    Bluesy how are you feeling now? did you manage to get rid of that little voice in your head darling?
                    :dancin: enguin:
                    starting over


                      8 days (woo hoo and some ?'s

                      Beauty Queen, I hope by the time you read this, you are feeling a lot better. Oh, dear, yes that feeling is too familiar and horrible. Welcome to you and keep it up.

                      Bluesy, I have been through a few day fives I'm afraid. I always find that my appetite gets quite out of hand for a while. I start to eat a lot more sweet things, but it does go. (I do not usually have a sweet tooth) Depite the increased appetite, I don't gain weight, in fact I start to loose.


                        8 days (woo hoo and some ?'s

                        Made it through sober!!

                        I was having some SERIOUS cravings yesterday but i made it- whew. I am going to pick up some L-Glut tonight. Any recommendations on dosage to start at? The food cravings are becoming more didn't help i was at my mothers for the holiday and she loves to feed I agree with everyone...whatever i eat is NOTHING compared to the cals I was drinking so i think it is ok!!! Thanks everyone:l

